Consolidated Statistical Overview (Financial Year) 1 July 2005– 30 June 2006

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Consolidated Statistical Overview (Financial Year) 1 July 2005– 30 June 2006

Matters Current as at 1 January Matters Referred (including estimates and annual reports) Reports tabled that discharged a reference Current Inquiries as at 30 June 2006
Legislation 10 92+(1**) 92+(4*) 10
References 14 11+(1##) 14+(2#, 2*, 1^^) 11
Select/Joint 7 4 6+(2*, 1^) 6
Total 31 107 112 26

Number and Hours of Meeting
Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Meetings Total Hours
Legislation 73 304:00 67 687:33 151 45:12 0 0:00 291 1036:45
References 75 334:31 0 0:00 101 38:00 16 92:25 192 464:56
Select/Joint 45 222:38 0 0:00 60 30:57 8 25:36 113 279:11
Total 193 861:09 67 687:33 312 114:09 24 118:01 596 1780:52

Meetings by State
Legislation 262 20 7 0 0 1 0 3
References 123 12 7 1 12 16 10 9
Select/Joint 75 8 12 1 3 7 1 6
Total 460 40 26 2 15 24 11 18

Witnesses Hansard Pages
Televised hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No. of submissions No. of Pages Government Responses
Legislation 97 4414 939 154 8350 3600 688 8319 25515 2
References 25 0 26 776 0 162 5111 1117 11878 14
Select/Joint 9 0 0 595 0 0 3414 346 3944 9
Total 131 4414 965 1525 8350 3762 9213 9782 41337 25


*Reports that did not discharge a reference
**Withdrawn Bill
^Supplementary report for a completed reference
^^Report to discharge Response to petitions
#Plus two additional reports tabled to discharge one reference
##Response to petitions

Out of the 92 Legislation reports tabled 16 were Estimates reports and 15 were Annual Report reports


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