Consolidated Statistical Overview (Half Year) 1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

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Consolidated Statistical Overview (Half Year) 1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Matters Current as at 1 January Matters Refered during period (Including estimates and annual reports) Reports tabled that discharge a reference Current Inquiries as at 30 June
Legislation 9 61+(1**) 60+(4*) 10
References 11+(1##) 5 5+(1^^) 11
Select/Joint 7 2 4+(1*) 5
Total 27 68 69 26

Number and Hours of Meeting
Public Hrs Public Estimates Hrs Private Hrs Insp/Other Hrs Total Meetings Total Hours
Legislation 35 137:25 51 517:26 89 33:10 0 0:00 175 688:01
References 39 176:04 0 0:00 34 17:29 13 77:25 86 270:58
Select/Joint 18 79:11 0 0:00 28 15:16 0 0:00 46 94:27
Total 92 392:40 51 517:26 151 65:55 13 77:25 307 1053:26

Meetings by State
Legislation 159 11 5 0 0 0 0 0
References 41 5 4 1 9 7 10 9
Select/Joint 33 3 3 1 1 3 0 2
Total 233 19 12 2 10 10 10 11

Witnesses Hansard Pages
Televised hearings Estimates Other (Bills) General Estimates Other (Bills) General No. of submissions No. of Pages Government Responses
Legislation 62 3195 405 32 6477 1843 174 1988 8041 1
References 9 0 17 405 0 68 2671 625 5750 5
Select/Joint 4 0 0 239 0 0 1329 89 1237 3
Total 75 3195 422 676 6477 1911 4174 2702 15028 9

*Reports that did not discharge a reference
**Withdrawn Bill
##Response to petitions
^^Report to discharge Response to petitions
Out of the 60 Legislation reports tabled 16 were Estimates reports and 8 were Annual Report reports

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