Regulations and Ordinances (Legislative Scrutiny Standing)

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Regulations and Ordinances
(Legislative Scrutiny Standing)

1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006


Pursuant to Senate Standing Order 23.

Current members

Senator Watson (Chair), Senators Bartlett, Brown, Fierravanti-Wells, Mason and Wortley.

Former members

Senator Santoro.


Mr James Warmenhoven
Phone (02) 6277 3066
Fax (02) 6277 5838

Principles of the committee

The committee scrutinises delegated legislation to ensure:

Reports presented

1 January 2006– 30 June 2006


1 January 2006– 30 June 2006

Private: 7
Briefings: 0
Total: 7


No. of instruments scrutinised 1213
Notices of Motion to Disallow 24
Notices withdrawn 10
Notices pending 14


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