Committee-related activity in the Chamber

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Committee-related activity in the Chamber

Details of Reports tabled in the Senate and other related matters

Matters referred to Legislation Committees

Bills referred through Selection of Bills Committee:

8 February 2006

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Aged Care (Bond Security) Bill 2005, the Aged Care (Bond Security) Levy Bill 2005 and the Aged Care Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Bill 2005 (report by 27 March 2006)

Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005 (report by 27 March 2006)

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (report by 27 March 2006)

1 March 2006

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Family Assistance, Social Security and Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (2005 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (report by 24 March 2006)

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee

Provisions of the OHS and SRC Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 (report by 9 May 2006)

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 27 March 2006)

30 March 2006

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Provisions of the National Health and Medical Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Health and Other Services (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 9 May 2006)

Economics Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 9 May 2006)

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Australian Trade Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Export Market Development Grants Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Federal Magistrates Amendment (Disability and Death Benefits) Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Customs Legislation Amendment (Border Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (report by 2 May 2006)

Provisions of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006, the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 and the Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006 (report by 11 May 2006)

11 May 2006

Economics Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Fuel Tax Bill 2006 and Fuel Tax (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006 (report by 7 June 2006)

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia’s Skills Needs) Amendment Bill 2006; (report by 6 June 2006)

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006, (report by 13 June 2006)

Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Security Plans and Other Measures) Bill 2006; (report by 15 June 2006)

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

The Transparent Advertising and Notification of Pregnancy Counselling Services Bill 2005 (report by 17 August 2006)

14 June 2006

Economics Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2006 and Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (Instalment Transfer Interest Charge Imposition) Bill 2006 (report by 21 June 2006)

Provisions of the Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 3) Bill 2006 (report by 21 June 2006)

22 June 2006

Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Aboriginal Land Rights ( Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 1 August 2006)

Economics Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 9 August 2006)

Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Independent Contractors Bill 2006 and Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment (Independent Contractors) Bill 2006 (report by 25 August 2006)

Provisions of the Indigenous Education (Targeted Assistance) Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 1 August 2006) - WITHDRAWN

Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee

Crimes Act Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Bill (No. 1) 2006 (report by 1 August 2006)

Customs Legislation Amendment (Modernising Import Controls and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (report by 1 August 2006)

Financial Transaction Reports Amendment Bill 2006 (report by 1 August 2006)

Bills referred by Senate resolution:

11 May 2006

Economics Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Customs Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006; Customs Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006; Excise Laws Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 and Excise Tariff Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (report by 9 June 2006)

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee

Provisions of the Do Not Call Register Bill 2006 and Do Not Call Register (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 (report by 19 June 2006)

References referred:

22 June 2006

Economics Legislation Committee

Price of petrol in Australia (report by 9 October 2006)

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee

Review of reforms to Australia's military justice system (resolved by the Committee)

Matters referred to References Committees

29 March 2006

Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee

Women in sport and recreation (report by first sitting day in September 2006)

11 May 2006

Community Affairs References Committee

Gynaecological cancer in Australia (report by 19 October 2006)

An examination of the funding and operation of the Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement (report by last sitting week in 2006)

13 June 2006

Legal & Constitutional References Committee

Indigenous Stolen Wages (report by last sitting day in 2006)

20 June 2006

Finance and Public Administration References Committee

The transparency and accountability of Commonwealth public funding and expenditure (report by 19 October 2006)

Matters adopted by Joint Statutory Committee

30 June 2006

Corporations and Financial Services

Superannuation industry

Shareholder engagement


Reports tabled

Legislation Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 60 reports (plus 4 reports that did not discharge a reference). The details are as follows:


Legislation Committees tabled 35 reports (plus 4 reports that did not discharge a reference) on bills. Bills can be referred either by the Senate's adoption of a report by the Selection of Bills Committee or by Senate resolution. The following bills were the subject of reports (unless otherwise indicated these bills have been referred through the Selection of Bills Committee process):

Committee Bills Tabled
ECITA Provisions of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Bill 2005 and the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2005 7.2.06
LC Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) Bill 2005 7.2.06
CA Therapeutic Goods Amendment (Repeal of Ministerial responsibility for approval of RU486) Bill 2005 (by resolution of Senate) 8.2.06
ECITA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Bill 2005 8.2.06
ECO Provisions of the Future Fund Bill 2005 27.2.06
LC Provisions of the Australian Citizenship Bill 2005 and Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Bill 2005 27.2.06
CA Provisions of the Family Assistance, Social Security and Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (2005 Budget and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 24.3.06) 27.3.06
LC Provisions of the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Bill 2005 (presented out of session on 24.3.06 27.3.06
CA Provisions of the Aged Care (Bond Security) Bill 2005; Aged Care ( Bond Security) Levy Bill 2005 and Aged Care Amendment (2005 Measures No.1) Bill 2005 27.3.06
LC Provisions of the Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 24.3.06) 27.3.06
FPA Provisions of the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005 28.3.06
LC Exposure Draft of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Bill 2005 (presented out of session on 13 April 2006) (by resolution of Senate) 9.5.06
CA National Health and Medical Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
ECO *Interim Report – Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
ECITA Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
FADT Provisions of the Australian Trade Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
FADT Provisions of the Export Market Development Grants Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
LC *Interim Report – Customs Legislation Amendment (Border Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006) 9.5.06
LC Provisions of the Federal Magistrates Amendment (Disability and Death Benefits) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
LC Customs Legislation Amendment (Border Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 4 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
LC Migration Amendment (Employer Sanctions) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06
CA Provisions of the Health and Other Services (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2006 9.5.06
ECITA Provisions of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill 2006 9.5.06
EWRE Provisions of the OHS and SRC Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 9.5.06
EWRE Provisions of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Amendment Bill 2006 10.5.06
ECO Provisions of the Petroleum Retail Legislation Repeal Bill 2006 11.5.06
LC Provisions of the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Bill 2006; the Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 and the Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Bill 2006 11.5.06
EWRE Provisions of the Australian Research Council Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 2 June 2006 ) 13.6.06
EWRE Provisions of the Australian Technical Colleges (Flexibility in Achieving Australia's Skills Needs) Amendment Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 6 June 2006 ) 13.6.06
ECO *Interim report - Provisions of the Fuel Tax Bill 2006 and the Fuel Tax (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 7 June 2006 ) 13.6.06
ECO *Interim report - Provisions of the Customs Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 and three related bills (presented out of session on 7 June 2006) (by resolution of Senate) 13.6.06
LC Provisions of the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 13.6.06
ECO Provisions of the Fuel Tax Bill 2006 and the Fuel Tax (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006 (presented out of session on 14 June 2006 ) 15.6.06
ECO Provisions of the Customs Amendment (Fuel Tax Reform and Other Measures) Bill 2006 and three related bills (presented out of session on 14 June 2006) (by resolution of Senate) 15.6.06
RRAT Provisions of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Amendment (Security Plans and Other Measures) Bill 2006 15.6.06
ECITA Provisions of the Do Not Call Register Bill 2006 and the Do Not Call Register (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2006 (by resolution of Senate) 19.6.06
ECO Provisions of the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Assessment Amendment Bill 2006 And the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (Instalment Transfer Interest Charge Imposition) Bill 2006 22.6.06
ECO Provisions of the Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 3) Bill 2006 22.6.06
RRAT National Animal Welfare Bill 2005 22.6.06
*Interim Reports that did not discharge a reference



Legislation Committees tabled 1 report on the following matters:

Committee Report Tabled
RRAT The administration by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of the citrus canker outbreak 20.6.06


Estimates reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 16 reports.

Annual Report reports:

During the reporting period, Senate Legislation Committees tabled 8 reports.

References Committees:

During the reporting period, Senate References Committees tabled 5 reports (plus 1 report to discharge Response to petitions). The details are as follows:

Committee Report Tabled
LC Administration and operation of theMigration Act 1958 2.3.06
ECITA Living with salinity – a report on progress: The extent and economicimpact of salinity in Australia


CA ^Response to the petition on gynaecological health issues 30.3.06
FADT China 's emergence: Implications for Australia 30.3.06
CA Workplace exposure to toxic dust (presented out of session on 31 May 2006 )


CA Beyond petrol sniffing: Renewing hope for Indigenous communities


^Report to discharge Response to petitions


Joint Statutory/Select Committees:

During the reporting period, 4 reports (plus 1 report that did not discharge a reference) were tabled by the Joint Statutory/Select Committees.

Committee Report Tabled
NT Examination of annual reports 2004-05(presented out of session on 21 March 2006 )


NT Operation of native title representative bodies(presented out of session on 21 March 2006 )


MH *A national approach to mental health: From Crisis to community - First report 30.3.06
MH A national approach to mental health: From Crisis to community -Final report(presented out of session on 28 April 2006 )


CFS Corporate Responsibility: Managing riskand creating value


^Reports that did not discharge a reference


Government Responses to Committee Reports

The following table shows 9 Government responses to Senate Committee Reports:

Government response Date Committee
Legal aid and access to justice


LC (Ref)

Cybercrime 9.2.06

ACC (Joint)

Poverty and financial hardship – A handup not a hand out: Renewing the fightAgainst poverty (presented out ofsession on 7 March 2006 )


CA (Ref)

Unfair dismissal and small businessemployment 30.3.06 EWRE (Ref)
Final report (presented out ofsession on 2 May 2006 ) 9.5.06

FTA (Select)^

Family Law Amendment (SharedParental Responsibility) Bill 2005 11.5.06

LC (Leg)

Early access to superannuationbenefits (and discussion paper)(presented out of session on16 June 2006 ) 19.6.06

SUPER (Select)^

Services and treatment optionsfor persons with cancer 22.6.06

CA (Ref)

Operation of the wine-makingIndustry 22.6.06

RRAT (Ref)

^Select Committees in-operative

A complete list of Government responses is produced in the Business of the Senate published half yearly by the Senate Table Office.

Dissenting Reports; Additional Comments; Supplementary Remarks; Comments; Supplementary Report with Additional Comments; Minority Reports; Report; Additional Remarks; Reservation; Supplementary Report; Addendum; Additional Comments and Points of Dissent; and Additional Comment/Dissent

Legislation: LP ALP AD AG NAT FFP
Additional Comments 3 28 6 1 2 2
Dissenting Reports   8 4 4   1
Minority Reports   1 13 7    
Supplementary Remarks   2   3    
Additional Remarks   2        
Comments           1
Report   2        
Reservation   1        
Supplementary Report     1      
Addendum       1    
Supplementary Report with Additional Comments     1      
Additional Comments and Points of Dissent     1      
Additional Comment/ Dissent     1      


References: LP ALP AD AG
Additional Comments     1 1
Dissenting Reports 1      


Select/Joint: ALP AD AG MP
Supplementary Reports 3     1
Additional Comments   1 1  
Dissenting Reports 2     2
Minority Reports       1


Extension of Time to present Reports

During the reporting period, 5 extensions of time (under a week), 2 extensions of time (under a month) and 12 extensions of time (over a month) were granted to Committees administered by the Senate Committee Office to present reports.

Leave to Meet while the Senate is in session

During the reporting period, Senate Committees were granted to meet while the Senate was in session on 16 occasions.

Change of Membership of Committees

During the reporting period, there were 67 membership changes of Committees.


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