Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Scrutiny of Commonwealth expenditure

The below table shows instruments registered between 21 November 2019 and 27 May 2020 specifying Commonwealth expenditure within the portfolio of Industry.

Please note that instruments will only appear on this page once they have been considered and reported on by the committee.

Instrument Grant/Program Amount Description Portfolio committee
Industry Research and Development (Manufacturing Modernisation Fund Program) Instrument 2019 [F2019L01538]
Manufacturing Modernisation Fund Program $50 million in 2019-20. The instrument establishes legislative authority for government spending on the Manufacturing Modernisation Fund Program. An estimated $20 million will be allocated to small grants to support investment in technologies, and an estimated $30 million will be allocated to larger grants to support transformative investment opportunities. n/a
Industry Research and Development (Space Infrastructure Fund Program) Instrument 2019 [F2019L01504] Space Infrastructure Fund Program $19.5 million over three years from 2019-20. The instrument establishes legislative authority for government spending on the Space Infrastructure Fund Program. Funds will be delivered through grant opportunities in relation to:
  • mission control facilities in South Australia;
  • supporting world class space manufacturing in New South Wales;
  • robotics and artificial intelligence command and control facilities in Western Australia;
  • space data analysis facilities in Western Australia;University of Tasmania tracking facilities upgrade;
  • and space payload qualification facilities.
Industry Research and Development (International Space Investment Initiative Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00089]
International Space Investment Initiative Program $15 million (initial funding). The program will provide Australian organisations and businesses with opportunities to be involved with international space projects and to collaborate with relevant overseas organisations (such as international space agencies). The program will be delivered through streams including:
  • the Open Doors stream, which targets international space agency projects which provide opportunities for the Australian space sector; and
  • the Expand Capability stream, which provides grants to build the capacity and capability of the Australian space sector.
Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (Northern Endeavour Temporary Operations Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00125]
Northern Endeavour Temporary Operations Program $10 million (initial funding) The program provides funding to support safe operations at the Northern Endeavour floating production storage and offtake facility over the Laminaria-Corallina Oil and Gas Project in Commonwealth waters in the Timor Sea, following the liquidation of the title holder for this project. Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (Access to Bushfire Construction Standards Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00476]
Access to Bushfire Construction Standards Program Up to $132,000 in 2019-20 Funding will be provided to Standards Australia to ensure that Australian Standard AS 3959:2018, Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas, is made available to the public online and free of charge. Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (Hinkler Regional Deal Agricultural Technology Facility Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00472] Hinkler Regional Deal Agricultural Technology Facility Program Up to $5 million in 2019-20 Funding will be provided to Central Queensland University to establish an agricultural technology facility in the Bundaberg local government area, and for such a facility to undertake activities including conducting academic research, gathering data, supporting commercial innovation, and applying technological and other methods to improve agricultural productivity for farms in the area. Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (Maker Projects—Community STEM Engagement Grants Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00554] Community STEM Engagement Grants Program Up to $1 million per year from 2019-20 Funding will be provided to make grants to organisations to deliver initiatives to improve the skills of people under 18 years of age in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, including through hands‑on learning. Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (National Communications Campaign to Support Small Business Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00607] National Communications Campaign to Support Small Business Program $5 million in 2019-20 and 2020-21 Funding will be provided to an appropriate industry association to develop and implement a national communication campaign to support small businesses through the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis by encouraging Australians to buy and spend locally. Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee
Industry Research and Development (Strengthening Business—Business Advice for Recovery and Resilience Program) Instrument 2020 [F2020L00573] Business Advice for Recovery and Resilience Program $12.8 million Funding will be provided for the engagement of 21 new business advisers to work with community recovery hubs and mobile services, to provide business advice to businesses affected by the bushfire emergency. Senate Economics Legislation Committee