Appendix 1 - Documents tabled

Appendix 1Documents tabled

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (excluding Communications and the Arts) portfolio:

Tabled on 28 May 2024

Documents requested by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan, tabled by Mr Jim Betts, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts;

List of answers to questions on notice from RRAT additional budget estimates 2023–24 which relied on the PM&C drafting advice, tabled by Ms Maree Bridger, Chief Operating Officer, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts; and

Infrastructure Investment Program Budget 2024–25 - South Australia Infrastructure Investment Pipeline, tabled by Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie.

Tabled on 29 May 2024

Operations in Australian Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft (TIBA) Airspace, tabled by Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie;

Freedom of information Request FOI 23-48 - Information Commissioner Review 24/00011, tabled by Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie;

Response to Additional Estimates question taken on notice - Committee question number 254, tabled by Ms Pip Spence, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Aviation Safety, Civil Aviation Safety Authority; and

Opening statement, tabled by Mr Craig Doyle, chief executive officer, The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry portfolio:

Tabled on 30 May 2024

Opening statement, tabled by Mr Adam Fennessy PSM, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry;

Grants funded under the Accelerate Adoption of Wood Processing Innovation Program, tabled by Mr Guy Bursle, Acting Assistant Secretary, Agricultural Policy Division, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry;

Steven Bolt tweet, tabled by Senator the Hon. Bridget McKenzie;

LiveCorp, 'State of the Industry' May 2024, tabled by Senator Gerard Rennick;

Episode 3 Pty Ltd, ‘Phasing Out Live Sheep Exports from Australia’, pp. 62-63, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan;

Episode 3 Pty Ltd, ‘Phasing Out Live Sheep Exports from Australia’, pp. 66-67, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan;

Episode 3 Pty Ltd, ‘Phasing Out Live Sheep Exports from Australia’, pp. 64-65, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan;

Sustainable Biosecurity Funding Advisory Panel, tabled by Ms Justine Saunders APM, Deputy Secretary, Biosecurity Compliance Group, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry;

Episode 3 Pty Ltd, 'Phasing Out Live Sheep Exports from Australia', executive summary, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan; and

Episode 3 Pty Ltd, 'Phasing Out Live Sheep Exports from Australia', pp. 76–77, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan.

Tabled on 30 May 2024

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, data on percentage of applications completed in timeframe, tabled by Senator the Hon. Matthew Canavan; and

Opening statement, tabled by Mr Troy Setter, Chair, Australian live Exports Corporation (LiveCorp).