Appendix 2 - Public Hearings

Appendix 2Public Hearings

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Cooma Ex-Services Club

106 Vale St


Snowy Monaro Regional Council

Mr Chris Hanna, Mayor

Lake Eucumbene Community Association

Mr Robert Lawton, Secretary

Mrs Susan Lawton, Member

National Rural Health Alliance

Ms Susanne Tegen, Chief Executive

Ms Gigi O'Sullivan, Strategic Projects Manager

Mr James Parker, Private capacity

National Farmers Federation

Ms Charlotte Wundersitz, General Manager, Rural Affairs

Mr Charles Thomas, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

NSW Farmers

Ms Kathy Rankin, Head of Policy and Advocacy

Ms Debra Charlton, Executive Councillor and Chair

Mrs Sarah Thompson, Executive Councillor and Deputy Chair

Surveyors Australia

Mrs Michelle Blicavs, Chief Executive Officer

Ms Melanie Gibbons, Head of Advocacy and Stakeholder Engagement

Jack Atkinson Surveying

Mr Jack Atkinson, Director

NSW Telco Authority

Mr James Pickens, Acting Managing Director

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Committee Room 2S3

Parliament House



Mr John Hewitt, Manager, Government Relations

Ms Justine Rowe, Executive, Sustainability Policy Engagement

Mr Gerard Tracey, Principal Engineer, Network Connectivity Service, Global Networks and Technology


Mr Andrew Sheridan, Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs

Mr Harvey Wright, Head, New Products

Mr Michael Reynolds, Head, Network Products, Programs and Services

TPG Telecom

Mr Ross Mitchell, Head, Government Relations

Mr Gary Chant, Head, Wireless Engineering

Mr Paul Tierney, General Manager, Customer Lifecycle Management and Felix

Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia

Mr Ryan Klose, Executive General Manager

Ms Lauren Gale, Director, Policy, Advocacy and Strategy

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Dr Jodie Trembath, Director, Skills, Employment and Small Business

Ms Samantha McKenna, Policy Adviser

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Mr Michael Brealey, General Manager, Communications Infrastructure Division

Ms Cathy Rainsford, General Manager, Consumer Division

Mr Paul Nicholas, Manager, National Interests Section

Mr Allan Major, Executive Manager, Licensing and Infrastructure Safeguards Branch

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman

The Hon. Bruce Billson, Ombudsman

Ms Donna Boulton, Director, Policy & Advocacy

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

Ms Sarah Proudfoot, Executive General Manager, Infrastructure Division

Ms Tara Morice, General Manager, Mobiles, Transmission and Consumer Branch

Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman

Ms Cynthia Gebert, Ombudsman

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Mr James Chisholm, Deputy Secretary, Communications and Media Group

Ms Lisa La Rance, First Assistant Secretary, Communications Infrastructure Division

Dr Jason Ashurst, Assistant Secretary, Digital Inclusion and Deployment Branch

Ms Shanyn Sparreboom, Assistant Secretary, Competition and Spectrum Branch

Ms Kathleen Silleri, Assistant Secretary, Consumer Safeguards Branch, Communications Services and Consumer Division

First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group

Ms Dot West OAM, Co-Chair

Associate Professor Lyndon Ormond-Parker, Co-Chair