Proposal to replace the parliamentary prayer with an invitation to prayer or reflection

On 27 June 2018, the Senate referred the following matter related to the Committee on procedure for inquiry and report by 22 August 2018.

The proposal to replace the parliamentary prayer with an invitation to prayer or reflection with particular reference to:

(a) the following proposed amendments to standing order 50:

(i) omit the heading, substitute, “50 Prayer or reflection and acknowledgement of country”, and

(ii) in the first paragraph, omit all words after “following”, substitute: “invitation to prayer or reflection: Senators, let us, in silence, pray or reflect upon our responsibilities to all people of Australia, and to future generations”, and

(b) in undertaking the inquiry, the committee:

(i) consult with all senators,

(ii) have the power to send for persons and documents, to move from place to place, and to meet and transact business in public or private sessions, and

(iii) invite submissions and take evidence in public session.

The closing date for submissions is 3 August 2018.

On 20 August 2018, the Senate granted an extension to report by 7 September 2018.

On 10 September 2018, the Senate granted a further extension to report by 13 September 2018.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Mr Richard Pye
Clerk of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773350

About this inquiry

The proposal to replace the parliamentary prayer with an invitation to prayer or reflection

Inquiry Status

Submissions closed


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