First report of 2021

Remote participation in Senate proceedings

On 24 August 2020, the Senate adopted for the first time the rules for remote participation in Senate proceedings contained in the committee’s first report of 2020.

The rules were developed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and provided a means for senators to participate in Senate proceedings while they are prevented from physically attending the Senate because of travel restrictions, quarantine requirements or personal health advice. They were subsequently re-adopted for sitting periods commencing on 6 October, 9 November and 30 November 2020 and 15 February 2021.

On 17 February 2021, at the request of the Manager of Opposition Business (Senator Gallagher), the President referred to the committee a request to review the use of remote participation, including the process for approving its use.

The committee reviewed the process and agreed that the use of remote participation should be strictly limited to enabling senators to participate in Senate proceedings while they are prevented from physically attending the Senate because of COVID-19 related travel restrictions, quarantine requirements or personal health advice.

The committee also agreed that a different process should apply for adoption of the rules. It proposes that the use of remote participation should have effect on any sitting day on which the President and Deputy President, acting jointly and in consultation with senators, determine that the use of the system is warranted for one or more of the above reasons.

The committee therefore recommends that the Senate adopt the revised rules for remote participation in Senate proceedings in Appendix A as a temporary order with effect until 2 September 2021.

Remote participation in estimates

The committee also discussed remote participation for estimates hearings, and agreed that the following principles should apply:

  • witnesses should expect to attend in person, unless otherwise explicitly approved by the relevant committee (replacing the presumption in last year’s Budget estimates that most interstate witnesses would appear remotely); and
  • senators should attend in person rather than seeking to participate remotely, unless the President and Deputy President determine that the requirement should be waived due to COVID-related restrictions.

The committee recommends that legislation committees considering estimates adopt these principles.

Senator Sue Lines