Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Matter referred by the Senate – Parliamentary Code of Conduct

4330                                       No. 133—29 November 2018

20 Proposed Parliamentary Code of Conduct

Motion determined as not formal: The Leader of the Australian Greens (Senator Di Natale) requested that general business notice of motion no. 1262 standing in his name for today, relating to a proposed Parliamentary Code of Conduct, be taken as formal. An objection was raised and the motion was not proceeded with as a formal motion.

Suspension of standing orders: Senator Di Natale moved—That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the motion being moved immediately and determined without amendment or debate.

Question put and passed.

Senator Di Natale moved—

(1) That the Senate adopt the following Code of Conduct, for inclusion in the Senate standing orders:



The (House of Representatives and the) Senate have reached agreement on a Code of Conduct which is to apply to all members of Parliament.

Members of Parliament recognise that they are in a unique position of responsibility in influencing the nature of civic conduct in Australia.

Members of Parliament recognise that their words and actions in the Senate (and the House of Representatives) influence issues in the public debate, and these include issues relating to multicultural affairs, migration and citizenship, gender equality and professional conduct in the workplace.

Members of Parliament acknowledge that parliamentary privilege protects the right of members to participate freely in debate in the Parliament without fear of prosecution.

Members of Parliament recognise the need to exercise their valuable right of freedom of speech in a responsible manner, and a failure to do so may have serious implications for individuals and groups of the Australian community and may diminish the social cohesion that is essential to our national character.


  1. Uphold the honour of Public Office
    1. Members of Parliament will take all reasonable steps to represent public office in a manner that is consistent with the values of respect and inclusion; and
    2. This includes behaviour and language during parliamentary proceedings, including interactions with parliamentary and electorate office staff.
  2. First Peoples of Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    1. Members of Parliament recognise the value and contribution of the First Peoples of Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    2. Members of Parliament recognise that with the exception of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Australia is a nation of migrants.
  3. Respect Australians’ diversity
    1. Members of Parliament recognise that Australia has been enriched by the diversity of colour, ethnic origin, culture and religious belief that exists within our nation.
    2. Members of Parliament recognise that principles, including respect for religious and cultural diversity, tolerance and justice should be upheld in parliamentary debate in a respectful manner.
  4. Respect gender equality and diversity
    1. Members of Parliament recognise that women and LGBTIQ+ individuals are more likely to experience gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace;
    2. Members of Parliament recognise that the Australian Parliament, including the Senate and House of Representatives Chamber, is the primary workplace for elected representatives; and
    3. Female and elected representatives from LGBTIQ+ communities should be free from gender and sexuality-based bullying, harassment or abuse of any kind in their workplace.
  5. Reject discriminatory or exclusionary statements
    1. Members of Parliament will not knowingly humiliate or degrade an individual or community based on their colour, national or ethnic origin, culture, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation.
    2. This includes acts which are intended to incite hatred or create fear of a community.

(2) That this resolution be communicated to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Reference to committee: The Assistant Minister for International Development and the Pacific (Senator Ruston) moved the following amendments together by leave:

Paragraph (1), omit “That the Senate adopts the following Code of Conduct, for inclusion in the Senate standing orders”, substitute “That the Senate acknowledges the proposal for the following Code of Conduct”.

Omit paragraph (2), substitute:

(2) That this matter be referred to the Procedure Committee for consideration and report by 14 February 2019.

Statements by leave: Senator Chisholm, the Leader of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (Senator Hanson) and Senators Di Natale and Anning, by leave, made statements relating to the motion.

Question—That the amendments be agreed to—put and passed.

Main question, as amended, put and passed.

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