Attachment 5

Attachment 5

Changes to the printed Notice Paper

Document/report tabled by...

When tabled

Is there a right to speak?

Time limits

If debate is adjourned, when will it come on again?


(a)   on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, as government documents

immediately after Prayers

yes—when documents are called on at 6.50pm that day, a motion to take note may be moved; any documents not reached on Tuesdays may be debated on Wednesdays if any time remains

5 minutes per speaker on each motion; total of 30 minutes

not later than 6pm on the following Thursday for up to an hour—depending on when General Business began; 5 minutes per speaker on each adjourned motion

(b)   at other times, as government documents

immediately after Prayers

these documents may be debated on Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 6.50 pm if any time remains after documents tabled on those days are called on; otherwise, a motion may be moved by leave to take note

on Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 6.50 pm – 5 minutes per speaker on each motion; total of 30 minutes; otherwise 10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

on Thursdays, as above

(c)   government responses to committee reports

each afternoon but in practice usually on Thursdays

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to be moved

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

not later than 7pm on Thursdays for up to an hour; 10 minutes per speaker on each adjourned motion

(d)   ministerial statements

each afternoon

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to be moved

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

unless special arrangements are made, such items will return for debate only when (and if) they are reached on the list of Government Business

(e)   ad hoc

at any time

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to be moved

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

in practice, only by special arrangement


(a)   pursuant to order

whenever the relevant order of the day is reached on the program

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to take note

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each report and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

not later than 7pm on the following Thursday, for up to an hour; 10 minutes per speaker on each adjourned motion

(b)   Wednesdays and Thursdays

Wednesday afternoon; Thursday morning

yes, a motion to take note may be moved without leave

10 minutes per speaker on each motion; total of 60 minutes

not later than 7pm on the following Thursday, for up to an hour; 10 minutes per speaker on each adjourned motion

(c)   at “tabling of documents”

each afternoon

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to be moved

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each report and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

not later than 7pm on the following Thursday, for up to an hour; 10 minutes per speaker on each adjourned motion

The President

each afternoon

no—unless leave is granted for a motion to be moved

10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

in practice, only by special arrangement except for Auditor-General’s reports which are listed at the end of orders of the day relating to committee reports etc for debate on the following Thursday from not later than 7pm for up to an hour. 10 minutes per speaker per motion.

The Clerk

each afternoon

only on a motion on notice to disallow, otherwise by leave

on disallowance motions, 20 minutes per speaker, no total limit; on motions by leave, 10 minutes per speaker; total of 30 minutes for each document and 60 minutes for all consecutive motions on documents

if a disallowance motion is adjourned, debate will resume on the next sitting day in the normal course of business; a motion moved by leave to take note of the document resumes, in practice, only by special arrangement

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