Terms of Reference

  1. The development of a foreign influence transparency scheme to apply to parliamentarians, with particular reference to:
    1. the imposition of transparency obligations similar to those imposed by the scheme established in accordance with the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018,
    2. the timetable for the implementation of the executive’s scheme;
    3. the recommendations of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security relating to the introduction of a parallel scheme adapted to the parliamentary environment; and
    4. any other matter.
  2. The committee consult with the equivalent committee in the House of Representatives with the aim of agreeing a single parliamentary foreign influence transparency scheme to apply uniformly, together with uniform processes for its implementation for members and senators.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committee of Privileges
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773360