
Chapter 1: Privilege 1901-1987

The meaning of privilege

Scope of the report

Privilege 1901-1965

House of Representatives Committee of Privileges

The establishment of the Senate Committee of Privileges

Reports 1971-1987

Unauthorised disclosure of committee report

Claims of executive privilege

Security measures at Parliament House

Unparliamentary language used in debate

Detention and harassment of senators

Improper disclosure of in camera evidence and of proposed amendment to bill

Chapter 2: Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987 and Senate privilege resolutions

Passage of the Parliamentary Privileges Act and Senate privilege resolutions

Summary and discussion of privilege resolutions

Raising matters of privilege

Criteria for determining contempt

Committee of Privileges proceedings

Matters constituting contempts

Findings of and punishments for contempt

Right of reply

Other resolutions

Chapter 3: Privilege 1988-1996: right-of-reply matters


Method of operation

Reports 1988-1996



Chapter 4: Privilege 1988-1996: an analysis of contempt matters


Scope of privilege

Improper obstruction of senators or committees

Possible false or misleading evidence before committees

Unauthorised disclosure of proceedings or documents of committees

Possible improper interference with witnesses

Chapter 5: Conclusion


Appendix A: Parliamentary Privileges Act 1986

Explanatory Memorandum

Appendix B: Senate privilege resolutions

Explanatory notes

Notes on amendments moved by Senator Durack

Responses to questions raised in debate on 25 February 1988

Appendix C: Membership of the Committee of Privileges 1967-1996

Appendix D: Privileges Committee chairs and deputy chairs 1971-1996

Appendix E: Work of the Privileges Committee: some facts and figures

Appendix F: Resume of Privileges Committee reports

Appendix G: Index to Privileges Committee reports