

Executive Summary

[1]        Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 38.

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Journals Of The Senate, No. 3 (Thursday, 14 November 2013), p. 133.

[2]        Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Media Release, “New Broadband Network,” (7 April 2009).

[3]        Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network, Rollout of the National Broadband Network – First Report (31 August 2011), pp. 2-3.

[4]        Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Media Release, “Government announces Panel of Experts to assess National Broadband Network proposals,” (11 March 2008).

[5]        ‘Extract From The Evaluation Report For The Request For Proposals To Roll-Out And Operate A National Broadband Network For Australia’ (20 January 2009), at:

[6]        ‘Extract From The Evaluation Report For The Request For Proposals To Roll-Out And Operate A National Broadband Network For Australia’ (20 January 2009), at:

[7]        ‘Extract From The Evaluation Report For The Request For Proposals To Roll-Out And Operate A National Broadband Network For Australia’ (20 January 2009), at:

[8]        Kathryn Edwards, “Expert panel member defends NBN tender process,” Computerworld (4 February 2010), at:

[9]        ‘Extract From The Evaluation Report For The Request For Proposals To Roll-Out And Operate A National Broadband Network For Australia’ (20 January 2009).

[10]      The process by which the Minister met with and briefed the Prime Minister was detailed by Senator Conroy at Budget Estimates in May 2009 (Senate Budget Estimates Hansard, 26 May 2009, p. 93). The expert panel report was received in a week the Prime Minister had decided to deliver a major speech in every mainland capital as part of maintaining public confidence in the face of the Global Financial Crisis (see James Button, Speechless: A Year in My Father’s Business (Melbourne University Press, 2012).

[11]      Answer to Questions on Notice, Budget Estimates 2009, No.5.

[12]      Estimates Hansard, May 2009, pp. 97-98.

[13]      Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Media Release, “New Broadband Network,” (7 April 2009).

[14]      Hon Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Media Release, “New Broadband Network,” (7 April 2009).

[15]      The Hon Lindsay Tanner MP, Minister for Finance and Deregulation and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Joint Media Release ‘Landmark Study confirms NBN vision is achievable and affordable’ (6 May 2010).

[16]      Available at:

[17]      The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister; The Hon Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer; Senator The Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and  Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Media Release, ‘Government releases NBN Co Corporate plan,’ (20 December 2010).

[18]      The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister; The Hon Wayne Swan MP, Treasurer; Senator The Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and  Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy  ‘NBN Rollout: Statement of Expectations’ Media Release 20 December 2010.

[19]      Joint Committee on the National Broadband Network, 'Rollout of the National Broadband Network – First Report,’ (31 August 2011), p. 5.

[20]      NBN Co Corporate Plan 2012-15, 8 August 2012, available at:

[21]      Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Finance and Deregulation and Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Media Release, “NBN Co Corporate Plan 2012-2015 released” (8 August 2012).

[22]      NBN Co, Media Release, “NBN Co updates short-term fibre rollout timeline” (21 March 2013).

[23]      Telstra, Media Release, “New initiatives to strengthen asbestos management” (30 May 2013).

[24]      Telstra, Media Release, “Retrained field force to begin Telstra pit remediation works” (5 August 2013).

[25]      Mike Quigley ‘Reflections on starting-up a Public Infrastructure Project,’ Address to TelSoc (2 December 2013).

[26]      Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, ACS Telecoms Address (11 October 2013). Video available at:

[27]      Strategic Review, p. 119.

[28]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 32.

[29]      The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications and  Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance, Media Release, “Implementing the Coalition's Broadband Policy” (24 September 2013).

[30]      Interim Statement of Expectations, pp. 1-2, available at:

[31]      Interim Statement of Expectations, p. 2, available at:

[32]      Reports available here:

[33]      Report available here:

[34]      Reports available here:

[35]      Strategic Review, p. 9.

[36]      NBN Co, Transcript of Half Yearly Results Briefing, (21 February 2014), at:

[37]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 48.

Chapter 2 - Strategic Review of the NBN

[1]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, “At the Risk of Repetition - Delimiter’s Questions,” (30 November 2012), at:

[2]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, “Why the Coalition’s NBN plan is superior - and why it will be better for the bush too,” (23 July 2012), at:

[3]        Lateline, “Interview with Malcolm Turnbull,” (14 February 2013), at:

[4]        Joint Press Conference, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP and The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP (9 April 2013), at:

[5]        Liberal Party, ‘The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN,’ (April 2013).

[6]        Liberal Party, ‘The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN - Background Papers’ (April 2013), pp. 21-29.

[7]        JCNBN Hansard , 19 April 2013. Presentation available at:

[8]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications, Doorstop Interview (3 October 2013), at:

[9]        Department of Communications, “National Broadband Network,” at:

[10]      NBN Co, Strategic Review (December 2013), available here:

[11]      Strategic Review, p. 35.

[12]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 62.

[13]      The Hon Malcolm Turnbull, Minister for Communications ‘Dr Ziggy Switkowski Appointed Executive Chair of NBN Co Strategic Review of NBN Project to Commence’ Media Release (3 October 2013); Strategic Review, p. 9.

[14]      Strategic Review, p. 10.

[15]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 59.

[16]      Strategic Review, p. 10.

[17]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, pp. 7-8.

[18]      Committee Hansard, Supplementary Estimates, November 2013, p. 123.

[19]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, page 4.

[20]      The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications, Doorstop Interview (3 October 2013).

[21]      Strategic Review, pp. 44-66.

[22]      Available here:

[23]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p.3.

[24]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 23.

[25]      Strategic Review, page 35.

[26]      NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2013-16, p. 13.

[27]      Available at:

[28]      Estimates Hansard, 19 November 2013, page 146.

[29]      Estimates Hansard, 19 November 2013, page 146.

[30]      Estimates Hansard, 19 November 2013, pp. 97-98.

[31]      Estimates Hansard, 19 November 2013, p. 109.

[32]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 20.

[33]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 65.

[34]      Malcolm Turnbull, Rebooting the NBN Project - Speech to CommsDay Conference (18 November 2013), at:

[35]      Available here:

[36]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 4.

[37]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 4.

[38]      Philip Coorey & James Hutchison, “Vodafone’s Bill Morrow to head NBN,” Australian Financial Review (11 December 2013), at:

[39]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, pp. 21-30.

[40]      Strategic Review, p. 63.

[41]      Strategic Review, p. 85.

[42]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 35.

[43]      Strategic Review, p. 14.

[44]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 32.

[45]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, Nos. 36 and 37.

[46]      Strategic Review, p. 44.

[47]      NBN Co, 2013-16 Corporate Plan, p. 105.

[48]      NBN Co, Program Summary Report (24 August 2013).

[49]      Strategic Review, p. 48.

[50]      Strategic Review, p. 48.

[51]      Available at:

[52]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 57.

[53]      Video is available here:

[54]      Josh Taylor, “We will pass more by NBN fibre than Labor did: Turnbull,” ZDNet (8 November 2013), at:

[55]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, pp. 7-12; Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates, 25 February 2014, pp. 36-38.

[56]      Note: the “build instructions issued” gradient on the following graph was plotted assuming 512,000 premises would be reached by 30 June 2014 rather than mid-March 2014.

[57]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates, 25 February 2014, p. 37.

[58]      Strategic Review, p. 47.

[59]      Answer to Question on Notice, 17 December 2013, No. 15.

[60]      Strategic Review, page 48; NBN Co, 2012-15 Corporate Plan, p. 37.

[61]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 36.

[62]      JCNBN Hansard, 19 April 2013, p. 15.

[63]      Strategic Review, Exhibit 2-21, p. 56.

[64]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates, 25 February 2014, p. 37.

[65]      There are two key cost measures in the Local Network and Distribution Network (LNDN) in the FTTP build. These are cost per premises passed (CPPP) and cost per premises connected (CPPC). The cost per premises passed refers to the LNDN between the Fibre Access Node (FAN) to the multiport in the pit or pole in the street outside a premises. The cost per premises connected refers to the connection from the multiport to the customer premises equipment (Network Termination Device, or NTD) inside the premises. A description of these network elements is provided in Appendix 3.

[66]      Available here:

[67]      Committee Hansard, 29 November 2013, p. 46.

[68]      Strategic Review, p. 60.

[69]      Strategic Review, pp. 62-64.

[70]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 33.

[71]      Strategic Review, p. 63.

[72]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013,, pp. 33-34.

[73]      See:

[74]      JCNBN Hansard, 19 April 2013, page 7.

[75]      Strategic Review, p. 65.

[76]      Strategic Review, p. 65.

[77]      Strategic Review, p. 61.

[78]      Strategic Review, p. 61.

[79]      The Strategic Review takes the novel approach of defining the premises passed by a satellite service as the number of customers that can actually be connected.

[80]      NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2013-16, p. 16.

[81]      Strategic Review, p. 49.

[82]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 53.

[83]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 53.

[84]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 53.

[85]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 16.

[86]      Answers to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 47.

[87]      Answers to Questions on Notice, 17 December 2013 Hearing, No. 47.

[88]      NBN Co, 2012-15 Corporate Plan, p. 72 (Exhibit 9-2).

[89]      Strategic Review, p. 58.

[90]      Strategic Review, pp. 58-59.

[91]      Strategic Review, p. 59.


[93]      Strategic Review, p. 58.

[94]      Strategic Review, p. 59; NBN Co Caretaker Advice, p. 118. The Caretaker Advice is discussed at length below.

[95]      NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, Section 8.2.6.

[96]      ACCC ‘Final decision on the SAU lodged by NBN Co on 19 November 2013’ (13 December 2013).

[97]      NBN Co, Corporate Plan 2012-15, Exhibits 7-8, 7-9 and 7-10.

[98]      See:

[99]      See:

[100]    NBN Co, Half Yearly Results Briefing, p. 13, at:

[101]    Committee Hansard, Budget Estimates 2013, p. 152.

[102]    iinet submission (Sub. 11), available at:

[103]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 7.

[104]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 12.

[105]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 12.

[106]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 5.

[107]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 40.

[108]    Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, pp. 65-66.

[109]    Questions in writing are available on the Committee website at:

[110]    Committee Hansard, 28 November 2013, pp. 2-4.

[111]    Answer to Questions on Notice, 17 December Hearing, No. 28.

[112]    Strategic Review, pp. 68-69.

[113]    Strategic Review, p. 58.

[114]    House of Representatives Hansard, 12 December 2013.

[115]    Joint Press Conference, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP and The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP (9 April 2013), at:

[116]    Strategic Review, p. 9.

[117]    Strategic Review, p. 15.

[118]    Strategic Review, p. 15.

[119]    Strategic Review, p. 18.

[120]    Strategic Review, p. 19.

[121]    Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 23.

[122]    Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 3.

[123]    Answer to Questions on Notice, 11 December 2013, No 1.

[124]    Answer to Questions on Notice, 29 November 2013, No 14.

[125]    David Braue, “Confidential briefing: NBN unlikely to meet Coalition's deadline,” Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 2013), at:

[126]    Available here:

[127]    Video available here:

[128]    Renai LeMay, “NBN Co internal FTTN analysis: Turnbull refuses to retract inaccurate claim,” Delimiter (4 December 2013), at:

[129]    Renai Lemay ‘Turnbull Blue Book application fails’ Delimiter (10 February 2014), at:; The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications, House of Representatives Hansard, 18 November 2013.

[130]    Strategic Review pp. 13-14.

[131]    Iinet submission (Sub. 11), p. 3.

[132]    Strategic Review, p. 97.

[133]    Strategic Review, p. 97.

[134]    Committee Hansard, 12 March 2014, p. 23.

[135]    Central Coast Broadband Alliance Submission (Sub. 6).

[136]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 14.

[137]    Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 66.

[138]    NBN Co, Caretaker Advice, p. 101.

[139]    NBN Co, Caretaker Advice, p. 43.

[140]    Committee Hansard, 28 November 2013, p. 44.

[141]    See:

[142]    Committee Hansard, 28 November 2013, p. 48.

[143]    Committee Hansard, 11 March 2014, p. 62.

[144]    Committee Hansard, Supplementary Estimates 2013, pp. 103-04.

[145]    Committee Hansard, 29 November, pp. 23-24

[146]    Committee Hansard, Supplementary Estimates 2013, p. 102.

[147]    Strategic Review, pp. 86-87.

[148]    Strategic Review, pp. 86.

[149]    Strategic Review, pp. 86.

[150]    Answer to Question on Notice, 17 December 2013, No. 39.

[151]    Answer to Questions on Notice, 28 November 2013, No.7).

[152]    Answer to Question on Notice, Supplementary Estimates 2013, No. 182.

[153]    Committee Hansard, Supplementary Estimates 2013, p. 104.

[154]    Submission 12, p. 4.

[155]    Submission 12, p. 4.

[156]    Committee Hansard, 28 November 2013, p. 48.

[157]    Strategic Review, p. 102.

[158]    NBN Co Caretaker Advice, p. 118.

[159]    NBN Co Caretaker Advice, p. 119.

[160]    Josh Taylor, “No guarantees on NBN download speeds: Switkowski,” (17 December 2013), at:

[161]    Department of Communications, “National Broadband Network,” at:

[162]    Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 7.

[163]    NBN Co Caretaker Advice, p. 61.

[164]    Strategic Review, Exhibit 4-6, p. 102.

[165]    Submission 11, p. 4.

[166]    NBN Co Caretaker Advice, p. 143.

[167]      Ibid, p. 84.

[168]      Ibid, p. 145.

[169]      Ibid, pp. 127-130.

[170]      Ibid, p. 79.

[171]      Ibid, p. 145.  

[172]      Strategic Review, p. 90.

[173]      See section 2.1.2.

[174]      Strategic Review, p. 83.

[175]      Strategic Review, p. 99.

[176]      Ibid.

[177]      Ibid, p. 101.

[178]      Once FTTP is deployed, future upgrades can be achieved relatively cheaply by upgrading active network equipment. The fibre architecture of the NBN allows for further upgrades (e.g. 10 gigabits, or 10,000mbps) to be offered in the future. See Answers to Questions on Notice, Additional Estimates 2013), No 306, at:

[179]      NBN Co 2012-15 Corporate Plan, p. 72.

Chapter 3 - Review Processes and NBN Co Governance and Culture

[1]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications and Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance, Media Release, 'Dr Ziggy Switkowski Appointed Executive Chair of NBN Co Strategic Review of NBN Project to Commence' (3 October 2013).

[2]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications, Media Release, 'Panel of Experts to conduct cost-benefit analysis of broadband & review NBN regulation' (12 December 2013).

[3]        Joint Press Conference, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP and The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP (9 April 2013), at:

[4]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications and Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance, Media Release, 'Dr Ziggy Switkowski Appointed Executive Chair of NBN Co Strategic Review of NBN Project to Commence', (3 October 2013).

[5]        Emma Griffiths, 'Malcolm Turnbull moves to put Coalition's stamp on NBN Co', ABC News (24 September 2013), at:

[6]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Minister for Communications and Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance, Media Release, 'NBN Co Board Appointments', (12 November 2013).

[7]        Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 20.

[8]        Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 66.

[9]        Answer to Questions on Notice, 11 December 2013, No. 37.

[10]      Ben Butler, Lucy Battersby, 'NBN Co blocks FOI request: reputations at stake', Sydney Morning Herald, (17 February 2014), at:

[11]      Cited in ibid.

[12]      Committee Hansard, 12 March 2014, p. 41.

[13]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 57.

[14]      Ibid, p. 59.

[15]      Answer to Questions on Notice, 11 December 2013, No. 35.

[16]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 57.

[17]      Ibid, p. 58.

[18]      NBN Co, Media Release, 'JB Rousselot appointed Head of Strategy and Transformation', (23 October 2013).

[19]      NBN Co, Media Release, 'Greg Adcock named NBN Co Chief Operating Officer', (17 October 2013).

[20]      NBN Co, Media Release, 'Bill Morrow appointed NBN Co CEO', (12 December 2013).

[21]      Josh Taylor, 'Joining NBN Co is about leaving a legacy: Morrow', ZDNet, (12 December 2013).

[22]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 64.

[23]      Ibid.

[24]      Committee Hansard, 29 November 2013, p. 3.

[25]      On 12 June 2013, Crikey reported that Mr Milne and Mr Rousselot would be appointed at NBN Co if the Coalition won the election. At the time, Mr Turnbull rang Crikey and said this was “untrue” (“Tips and Rumours,” Crikey (12 June 2013), at: See also David Ramli and Nabila Ahmed, “Coalition wants ex-Telstra players for NBN Co board,” Australian Financial Review (13 May 2013), at:

[26]      Ibid.

[27]      Ibid.

[28]      Answer to Question on Notice, Supplementary Estimates 2013, No. 193,  available at:

[29]      Strategic Review, p.72

[30]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 70.

[31]      Ibid, p. 16.

[32]      Strategic Review, p. 72.

[33]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 70.

[34]      Strategic Review, p. 73.

[35]      Ibid.

[36]      Strategic Review, p. 122.

[37]      Ibid, p. 119.

[38]      Ibid, p. 120.

[39]      Ibid.

[40]      Ibid, p. 72.

[41]      See, for example, JCNBN Hansard (May 2011), at:;query=Id%3A%22committees%2Fcommjnt%2F2011-05-16%2F0001%22. See also Renai LeMay, 'The Earl of Wentworth is debasing himself', ITNews (29 April 2011), at:

[42]      See, for example, James Hutchison, 'Turnbull attacks Quigley over NBN management', ITNews (24 September 2012), at:,turnbull-attacks-quigley-over-nbn-management.aspx

[43]      For example, Lateline, “Turnbull Critical of NBN Co Board (18 July 2013), at: . See also

[44]      Cited in Renai LeMay, “Poison words: Turnbull + NBN board go to war,” Delimiter (18 July 2013), at:

[45]      For example, Emma Rogers, “Abbott orders Turnbull to demolish NBN,” ABC News (14 September 2010), at: 

[46]      The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Doorstop Interview (8 February 2012), at:

[47]      JCNBN Hansard, 16 April 2012, from p. 53. See also:

[48]      The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Doorstop Interview (5 May 2013), at:

[49]      Paul Fletcher, “National Broadband Network rollout proving to be a costly failure,” The Australian  (4 December 2013), at:

[50]      Strategic Review, p. 73.

[51]      Annabel Hepworth and Mitchell Bingemann, 'Wage bill soars as 400 NBN staff top $200k', The Australian (18 December 2013), at:

[52]      Committee Hansard, 12 March 2014, pp. 2-3.

[53]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 40.

[54]      Annabel Hepworth, 'NBN’s $7bn bill for 3pc of network', The Australian (26 February 2014), at:

[55]      Cited in: 'National Broadband Network to face audit after revelations of $30 million branding spend',, at:

[56]      NBN Co, Half Yearly Results Presentation (21 February 2014), at:

Chapter 4 - Transparency and Accountability

[1]        Liberal Party, 'The Coalition’s Plan for Fast Broadband and an Affordable NBN' (April 2013), p.12.

[2]        The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, Press Conference: Interim NBN Co Statement of Expectations (24 September 2013), at:

[3]        SkyNews Australian Agenda, 'Interview with Malcolm Turnbull' (15 December 2013).

[4]        House of Representatives Hansard, 11 February 2014, pp. 13-14.

[5]        Interim Statement of Expectations, p. 2.

[6]        Committee Hansard, Budget Estimates 2013, pp. 161-62.

[7]        Committee Hansard, Supplementary Estimates 2013, p. 94.

[8]        Letter from Siobhan McKenna, Chairman, NBN Co to Malcolm Turnbull, Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband (24 May 2013).

[9]        Committee Hansard, 29 November 2013, p. 39.

[10]      Submission 12, p. 13.

[11]      Submission 37, pp. 1-3.

[12]      Committee Hansard, 4 February 2014, p. 25.

[13]      Submission 14, p. 2.

[14]      Submission 50, p. 2.

[15]      This matter is chronicled on the Whirlpool forum at the following URL:

[16]      Submission 53, p. 4.

[17]      Committee Hansard, 29 January 2014, p. 28.

[18]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 58.

[19]      Submission 12, p. 13.

[20]      Committee Hansard, Budget Estimates 2013, p. 152. 

[21]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 7.

[22]      Committee Hansard, 11 December 2013, p. 43.

[23]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 3.

[24]      Correspondence is available here:

[25]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 56–57.

[26]      Answer to Question on Notice, Supplementary Estimates 2013, No. 205. Full list of FSAMs available in Question on Notice 205, available here:

[27]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, pp. 58–59.

[28]      Answer to Question on Notice, Supplementary Estimates 2013, No. 205.

[29]      Committee Hansard, Additional Estimates 2014, p. 63.

[30]      Parliament of Australia, Journals of the Senate, 5 December 2013, p. 254.

[31]      Letter from Senator the Hon Fifield, 5 December 2013.

[32]      Committee Hansard, 17 December 2013, p. 23.

[33]      Strategic Review, p. 120.

[1] page 13, Hansard transcript for Select Committee on the NBN public hearing on 17 December 2014

[2] page 35, Hansard transcript for Select Committee on the NBN public hearing on 17 December 2014

[3] Hansard transcript for Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Estimates, 25 February 2014, page 56.


[5] Quoted in Ramli, D., (2013), “Labor’s NBN Plans Too Ambitious”, available online here.

[6] Quoted in Iggulden, T., (2012), “Conroy Slams Opposition, Media, Over NBN Fears”, available online here.

[7] Minister for Communications & Minister for Finance – ‘NBN Co Initiates Strategic Review’ – Joint release, 3 Oct 2013.

[8] Strategic Review report:

[9] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, pp.40-41 (rollout, users) and p.67 (total investment).

[10] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, p.40.  In August 2012, NBN Co’s June 2013 target for brownfield and greenfield premises passed with fibre was reduced from 1.3 million to 341,000 (other quarterly targets were adjusted accordingly).  The figure achieved by June 2013 was 207,000 premises.  NBN Co – ‘NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan’ – Dec 2010, p.77 (original target). NBN Co – ‘NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan’ – Aug 2012, p.12 (revision) and p.36 (revised target).

[11] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, p.55.  Note the Review’s ‘revised outlook’ cost estimate of $73 billion for Labor’s FTTP NBN assumes a 10 per cent capex ‘contingency reserve’ in line with the NBN Co Corporate Plan.  The cost expressed in directly comparable terms to cost estimates for other scenarios is $78 billion if the same 20 per cent capex contingency assumed in costing all other variants of the NBN is used in the modelling of Labor’s FTTP NBN).

[12] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, p.11.

[13] Prime Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Finance & Minister for Communications – ‘New National Broadband Network’ – Joint release, 7 April 2009: “...the Government and the private sector will invest up to $43 billion over 8 years to build the national broadband network” with rollout commencing “in early 2010”.

[14] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, p.106.  This is only a ‘first round’ price hike – since higher prices reduce demand, to generate revenues sufficient for the 7.1 per cent return on capital specified by Labor would require further increases.

[15] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, p.102 (timetable, cost) and p.106 (pricing).




[19] At 4.4


[21] At 4.9

[23] NBN Co (2012), (Corporate Plan, 2012-15), p.46

[24] Committee Hansard, March 12,

[25] McDuling, J., (2013), “McKenna in Push to Replace NBN Chief Quigley”, available online here:

[26] Kitney, D., (2013), “Siobhan McKenna Rolling Out a Revolution at the NBN”, available online here:

[27] Strategic Review, Page 114 -

[28] Minister Turnbull’s speech at the NBN Rebooted Conference 18 November 2013.

[29] Strategic Review, Page 115 -

[30] Strategic Review, Page 114 -

[31] Strategic Review, Page 72 -

[32] Jabour, B.,  (2013), available online here:

[33] Hutchinson, J.,  (2014), Ex-NBN Deputy Chair Smith-Gander Has ‘No Regrets’’, available online her:

[34] Hansard, 25 February 2014, pages 68-69

[35] Kenny, C., (2013), “Labor Knew of NBN Rollout Risk”, available online here.

[36] ABC, (2013), “NBN Debate”, available online here.

[37] Kenny, C., (2013), “Labor Told of $31 Billion NBN Risk”, available online here.

[38] For instance, Ramli, D., & Hutchinson, J., (2013), “NBN Statistics Reveal Many Can’t Connect”, available online here.

[39] Cai, P., (2013), “NBN Admits to Three Month Delay”, available online here.

[40] At 3.22

[41] ABC, (2010), “Cracks in the Government’s Cone of NBN Silence”, available online here:

[42] ABC, (2013), “NBN Debate”, available online here:

[43] NBN Co website.

[44] NBN Co, (2013), March 21


[46] Ellis, K., (2011), available online here:


[48] NBN Co, (2014), “Transcript of Half Yearly Results”, available online here.

[49] At 4.34

[50] Hansard, 11 December, p.35

[51] ABC, (2013), “Stephen Conroy Discusses NBN and Working with the Construction Industry”, available online here:

[52] Grahame Lynch – ‘Comment: Here Cometh the Reality Check’ – CommsDay, 28 May 2008.

[53] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, pp.51-52:  “Approximately 90 per cent of total direct operating expenditure” in 2011-2021 is paid to Telstra and Optus.  Exhibit 2-17 shows direct opex is $19 billion in those years. 

[54] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, exhibit 2-25, p.61. Revised non-FTTP capex is $12.8 billion excluding the contingency, up from $9.2 billion.  Most satellite, transit, IT BSS/OSS and wireless capex is committed.

[55] NBN Co – ‘Strategic Review Report’ – Dec 2013, exhibit 2-18, p.53.

[56] In 2010 ‘other’ (non-direct) opex was forecast at $3.7 billion for 2011-2021.  In 2012 this increased to $7.9 billion.  NBN Co – ‘NBN Co 2011-2013 Corporate Plan’ – Dec 2010, p.135; ‘NBN Co 2012-2015 Corporate Plan’ – Aug 2012, p.77.