ACMA | Australian Communications and Media Authority |
ADHD | attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder |
ADL | Anti-Defamation League |
ADS Research Group | Threats to Australian Domestic Security Research Group, Charles Sturt University |
AFP | Australian Federal Police |
AGD | Attorney-General’s Department |
AHRC | Australian Human Rights Commission |
AI | artificial intelligence |
AIC | Australian Institute of Criminology |
AIJAC | Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council |
AJDS | Australian Jewish Democratic Society |
AMWCHR | Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights |
ANU LRSJRH | Australian National University Law Reform and Social Justice Research Hub |
ANZCTC | Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee |
ARVE | anarchist and revolutionary violent extremism |
ASD | autism spectrum disorder |
ASIO | Australian Security Intelligence Organisation |
ASPI | Australian Strategic Policy Institute |
AVERT Research Network | Addressing Violent Extremism and Radicalisation to Terrorism Research Network |
CAPE project | Community Action for Preventing Extremism project |
Castan Centre | Castan Centre for Human Rights Law |
CCAT | Centre for Culture and Technology |
CEP | Counter Extremism Project |
Christchurch Call | The Christchurch Call to Action to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online |
COMPACT | Community Partnership Action program |
Criminal Code | Criminal Code Act 1995 |
CREST | Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats |
CRIS | Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies |
CVE | countering violent extremism |
DCA | Diversity Council Australia |
DJCS | Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety |
ECAJ | Executive Council of Australian Jewry |
Edelman Trust Barometer | 2023 Edelman Australia Trust Barometer |
eSafety | Office of the eSafety Commissioner |
FVEY | Five Eyes |
Go8 | Group of Eight |
GRN | Gender Research Network |
Home Affairs | Department of Home Affairs |
HRRR program | High Risk Rehabilitation and Reintegration program |
IMVE | ideologically motivated violent extremism |
ISD | Institute for Strategic Dialogue |
ISIS | Islamic State of Iraq and Syria |
JCA | Jewish Council of Australia |
JCTT | Joint Counter Terrorism Teams |
LGBTIQA+ | lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning, asexual plus |
LSTGP | Living Safe Together Grants Program |
MYAN | Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network |
NITE | Network for Intervention and Tailored Engagement program |
NRVE | nationalist and racist violent extremism |
NSWCCL | New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties |
OCE | Online Crisis Event |
OCIA | Online Content Incident Arrangement |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation |
OSA | Online Safety Act 2021 |
PERN | Perth Extremism Research Network |
PJCIS | Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security |
PMV | politically motivated violence |
Prohibited Hate Symbols Act | Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Act 2023 |
Prohibited Hate Symbols Bill | Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023 |
PVE | preventing violent extremism |
RAN | Radicalisation Awareness Network |
RMVE | religiously motivated violent extremism |
Royal Commission | Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019 |
RWE/s | right wing extremist/s |
SCC | State Crisis Centre |
SCTE | Social Cohesion Through Education |
SIVE | Specific Issue Violent Extremism |
SJM | Sydney Jewish Museum |
STCGP | Safe and Together Community Grants Program |
TCC | Territory Crisis Centre |
TCVE | trauma and countering violent extremism |
the committee | Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee |
ToC | theory of change |
TVE/s | terrorist and violent extremist/s |
TVEC | terrorist and violent extremist content |
UA | Universities Australia |
VPNs | virtual private networks |