Inquiry into the Migration Legislation Amendment (Further Border Protection Measures) Bill 2002

Inquiry into the Migration Legislation Amendment (Further Border Protection Measures) Bill 2002

Submissions published by the Committee as at 11/10/02

Sub No Name/Organisation


Miss Emilia Della Torre - The University of New England, School of Law  (PDF format)
2 Mr Brian Bond (Txt format)
3 Ms Joan Kinnane (PDF format)
4 Ms Kim Rubenstein - The University of Melbourne (PDF format)
5 Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (PDF format)
6 Australian Presentation Society (PDF format)
7 Citizens Electoral Council of Australia (Word format)
8 Ms Alison Murdoch (Txt format)
9 Ms Charlotte Brewer (PDF format)
10 Mr Robert Lindsay (PDF format)
11 Australian Political Ministry Network Ltd (Word format)
12 Social Action Office - CLRIQ (PDF format)
13 Dominican Sisters of North Adelaide (PDF format)
14 Boolaroo/Warners Bay Social Justice Action Group (PDF format)
15 Ms Judith Roberts (Word format)
16 Torres Strait Regional Authority (Word format)
17 New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties Inc. (PDF format)
18 Mr John Young (PDF format)
19 St Vincent de Paul Society (Word format)
20 Ms Rebecca La Forgia and Mr Martin Flynn (Word format)
20A Ms Rebecca La Forgia and Mr Martin Flynn (Word format)
21 New South Wales Combined Community Legal Centres Group (Word format)
22 Sisters of the Good Samaritan Social Justice Catalyst Committee (Word format)
23 Dr Susan Kneebone - Monash University Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (Word format)
24 Network for International Protection of Refugees (PDF format)
24A Network for International Protection of Refugees (PDF format)
25 Human Rights Council of Australia Inc. (Word format)
25A Human Rights Council of Australia Inc. (PDF format)
26 Mr Angus Francis - School of Law, University of Canberra (Word format)
26A Mr Angus Francis - School of Law, University of Canberra (Word format)
27 Ms Maureen Keady - Brigidine Convent (PDF format)
28 Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace - Melbourne (Word format)
29 Amnesty International Australia (Word format)
30 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Word format)
30A United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Word format)
31 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (Word format)
32 Australian Federal Police (Word format)
32A Australian Federal Police (PDF format)
33 Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office and the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (Word format)
34 Dr Penelope Mathew - The Australian National University, Faculty of Law (Word format)
34A Dr Penelope Mathew - The Australian National University, Faculty of Law (Word format)
35 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (Word format)
36 International Commission of Jurists Australian Section (Rtf format)
37 Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre (PDF format)
38 Refugee Council of Australia (PDF format)
39 The Rockhampton Social Justice Action Group (PDF format)
40 The Social Responsibilities Commission (PDF format)
41 Missionary Franciscan Sisters (PDF format)
42 Australian Seafood Industry Council (Word format)
43 Attorney-General's Department (PDF format)
43A Attorney-General's Department (PDF format)
44 Tiwi Land Council (PDF format)
45 Department of Premier and Cabinet, WA (PDF format)