Terms of Reference

The impact of health research funding models on the availability of funding for research into cancers with low survival rates, with particular reference to:

  1. the current National Health and Medical Research Council funding model, which favours funding for types of cancer that attract more non-government funding, and the need to ensure the funding model enables the provision of funding research into brain cancers and other low survival rate cancers;
  2. the obstacles to running clinical trials for brain cancers and other cancers with relatively lower rates of incidence, with regard to:
    1. funding models that could better support much-needed clinical trials, and
    2. funding support for campaigns designed to raise awareness of the need for further research, including clinical trials;
  3. the low survival rate for brain cancers, lack of significant improvement in survival rates, and strategies that could be implemented to improve survival rates and;
  4. other relevant matters. 

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PO Box 6100
Canberra ACT 2600

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