
1.1 On Budget night, 20 August 1996, the Treasurer, the Hon. Peter Costello MP, announced that the Government would introduce Retirement Savings Accounts (RSAs) to "enhance competition and choice in superannuation". Mr Costello indicated that these would be a "simple, low cost product". [1] The Government considered that RSAs will give employees "greater scope to control the management of their superannuation savings". [2]

1.2 Giving effect to this decision, on 4 December 1996, the Government introduced the Retirement Savings Accounts Bill 1996, the Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1996 and the Retirement Savings Accounts Supervisory Levy Bill 1996 into the House of Representatives. The provisions of these Bills are to take effect on 1 July 1997.


Conduct of the Inquiry

1.3 On 12 December 1996 the Senate referred the provisions of the Bills to the Senate Select Committee on Superannuation for examination and report by 27 February 1997.

1.4 The Committee wrote to selected organisations inviting submissions. It also advertised this reference in The Australian Financial Review on Tuesday 11 February 1997 and received a number of inquiries from other persons who were provided with information about the inquiry. As a result the Committee received 20 submissions from those persons listed in Appendix 1, and held three public hearings, two in Canberra on 11 and 25 of February and one in Melbourne on 21 February 1997.

1.5 A list of witnesses who appeared at those hearings is at Appendix 2.


Retirement Savings Accounts Bill

1.6 Provisions of the Retirement Savings Accounts Bill (RSA Bill) allow banks, building societies, credit unions, life insurance companies and prescribed financial institutions to provide superannuation accounts that do not require the trustee structure presently required for superannuation providers to receive concessional taxation treatment. Subsequent to foreshadowed Government amendments to this Bill, certain friendly societies will be included as approved financial institutions, where the Australian Financial Institutions Codes (AFIC codes) apply to them. Details of the new structure will be contained in the regulations.

1.7 The RSA Bill provides for the functional supervision of RSAs by the Insurance and Superannuation Commission (ISC). The Bill is based on the regulatory regime currently in place for superannuation entities under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. 'This will ensure that the treatment for RSAs is as consistent as possible with that which applies to existing superannuation products.' [3]

1.8 Provision is made for:

1.9 It is important to note that by establishing the role of the ISC as functional regulator of RSA providers, the legislation effectively imposes a dual regulation regime, as prudential regulation of providers remains with "home" regulators. For example, prudential supervision of banks marketing RSAs will remain with the Reserve Bank of Australia, while functional supervision will fall to the ISC.


Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Bill

1.10 The Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Bill (CA Bill) contains provisions amending a number of Acts to create a similar environment to that currently applying to existing superannuation products such as superannuation funds and approved deposit funds by:


Retirement Savings Accounts Supervisory Levy Bill

1.11 Provisions of the Retirement Savings Accounts Supervisory Levy Bill (Levy Bill) create a levy to be paid by entities providing RSAs. The purpose of this levy is to recover the costs of supervision by the Insurance and Superannuation Commission (ISC) in monitoring the compliance with retirement income and other superannuation standards. [6]

1.12 The Levy Bill proposes to effect full recovery of the ISC's supervision of RSAs. It does this by imposing a levy on RSA providers (banks, building societies, credit unions and life insurance companies) that offer RSAs and who lodge an annual return with the ISC.

1.13 This Bill makes provision for the application of:


The current trustee system

1.14 At present superannuation products are issued under a trust structure. This requires trustees to be responsible for the actions of the trust according to trust law, and to observe various prudential and other regulations mainly contained in the Superannuation (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS) and the regulations made under that Act.

1.15 The incentive to comply with SIS is the 15 per cent concessional rate of tax which applies to complying superannuation funds. Non-complying funds are subject to the normal taxation regime for companies and trusts which would normally mean the company tax rate.

1.16 The trustee structure reflects that superannuation monies are held by the funds on behalf of their members. Any net earnings on investments are credited to members' accounts, rather than to the investment entity. Financial institutions such as life offices, banks, credit unions and building societies are not prohibited now from the provision of superannuation services, as they can establish subsidiaries with a trustee structure so as to construct complying funds. A number of such subsidiaries now exist.


What RSAs will do

1.17 The proposed RSAs are seen to address three problems arising from superannuation arrangements, namely lack of choice, small balances and proliferation of accounts. In the words of the Treasurer's press release of 20 August 1996:

1.18 There has been general agreement that the returns on RSAs will be less than other superannuation accounts. This reflects in part the capital guaranteed structure of RSAs where the amount invested cannot be reduced by negative investment returns. The proposal for a maximum limit for RSAs was rejected by the Government. Instead it was decided to require RSA providers to inform holders of their investment options when the limit is reached. This will allow RSA holders to remain with their RSA if they wish.


[Return to Table of Contents]


[1] 1996/97 Budget Speech, House of Representatives Hansard, p. 3269.

[2] Second Reading Speech on the RSA Bill

[3] Retirement Savings Accounts Bill 1996, Explanatory Memorandum, p 1.

[4] Retirement Savings Accounts Bill 1996, Explanatory Memorandum, pp 1-2.

[5] Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1996, Explanatory Memorandum, p 1.

[6] Second Reading Speech on the Levy Bill

[7] Retirement Savings Accounts Supervisory Levy Bill 1996, Explanatory Memorandum, p 1.