Appendix 3

Appendix 3

Public hearings and witnesses

Thursday, 27 March 2008 – Adelaide

ANDERSON, Mr Geoffrey More, Private capacity

CHAPMAN, Ms Vickie, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Health, Housing, Families and Communities, Population, and the City of Adelaide
South Australian Parliament

GILLAM, Ms Adrienne, Chief Executive Officer
Institute of Public Administration Australia

RUSSELL, Mr Christopher John, Director, Government Relations and Communications, Local Government Association of South Australia


Monday, 19 May 2008 – Melbourne

DAVIDSON, Professor Sinclair, Senior Fellow, Director of States Policy Unit
Institute of Public Affairs

FITZGERALD, Dr Vincent William John, Chairman
Allen Consulting Group Pty Ltd

WELLS, Mr Kimberley Arthur, Shadow Treasurer and Member for Scoresby
Victorian Parliament

WINES, Associate Professor Graeme Leslie, Private capacity


Tuesday, 20 May 2008 – Hobart

BLAKE, Mr Howard Michael, Auditor-General, Tasmanian Audit Office

ECCLESTON, Dr Richard, Senior Lecturer, School of Government
University of Tasmania

HODGMAN, Mr William Felix, Leader, Liberal Party of Australia
Tasmanian Division

WADSLEY, Mr Alexis Gordon Wright, Lecturer and PhD Student
School of Economics, University of Tasmania


Thursday, 12 June 2008 – Perth

BARNES, Mr Michael, Executive Director (Finance)
Department of Treasury and Finance, Western Australia

MARNEY, Mr Timothy, Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance
Western Australia

NICOLAOU, Mr John Andrew, Chief Economist
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia

THOMAS, Dr Steven Caldwell, Member for Capel
Western Austrlaian Parliament


Thursday, 17 July 2008 – Brisbane

BEHRENS, Mr Nicholas David, State Manager, Policy
Commerce Queensland

BIDWELL, Mr Paul, General Manager, Policy and Membership
Commerce Queensland

FLEGG, Dr Bruce Stephen, Shadow Treasurer
Queensland Parliament

TAMBLING, The Hon. Grant, Private capacity

VERWER, Mr Peter John, Chief Executive
Property Council of Australia


Thursday, 24 July 2008 – Sydney

BAIRD, Mr Michael Bruce, Member for Manly
New South Wales Parliament

CARLING, Mr Robert, Private capacity

DEVERELL, Mr Ric, Head of Regional and Industry, Analysis
Reserve Bank of Australia

RICHARDS, Dr Anthony, Head of Economic Analysis
Reserve Bank of Australia


Friday, 25 July 2008 – Canberra

BAZEN, Mr Derek, Analyst, State Finances Unit, Commonwealth State Relations
Department of the Treasury

BERESFORD-WYLIE, Mr Adrian, Chief Executive
Australian Local Government Association

BURN, Dr Peter, Associate Director, Public Policy, Australian Industry Group

ERGAS, Mr Henry, Private capacity

McDONALD, Mr Tony, General Manager, Macroeconomic Policy Division
Department of the Treasury

PURVIS-SMITH, Ms Marisa, Manager, State Finances Unit
Commonwealth State Relations, Department of the Treasury

STEWART, Ms Karen, Acting Assistant Secretary, Territories East Branch
Attorney-General’s Department


Monday, 1 September 2008 – Canberra

CHRISTIAN, MLA, The Hon Neville, Minister for Finance, Government of Norfolk Island

MAYWALD, Mr Peter, Secretary to Government, Government of Norfolk Island

WILSON, Mr Barry, Finance Manager, Administration of Norfolk Island

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