Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Additional information received

1                 Geoff Anderson: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: A framework to Guide the Future Development of Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs)

2                 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: Australian Federalism: Rescue and Reform

3                 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: 2007 SA State Budget-Opportunity Squandered

4                 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 66, Issue 3

5                 SA Opposition: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: Menzies Research Centre State of the States

6                 SA Opposition: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March 2008 public hearing: 2007-08 SA Government Budget Paper 5: Capital Investment Statement

7                 SA Opposition: supplementary information: State Environmental Levies

8                 Institute of Public Affairs: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May 2008 public hearing: Opportunity Squandered: How the states have wasted their reform bonus

9                 Institute of Public Affairs: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May 2008 public hearing: information on state cash operating results

10               Shadow Treasurer of Victoria: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May 2008 public hearing: Victoria's New and Extended Taxes Under Labor

11               Shadow Treasurer of Victoria: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May 2008 public hearing: revised submission

12               Dr Vince FitzGerland, Chairman of The Allen Consulting Group, tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May 2008 public hearing: Victorian Budget Analysis

13               Associate Professor Graeme Wines, Victoria: Supplementary Submission

14               Shadow Treasurer of Victoria: Additional information: 'Victorian projects over budget – 2000 to present day'

15               Shadow Treasurer of Victoria: Additional information: 'Water Authorities Dividend'

16               Shadow Treasurer of Victoria: Additional information: 'Victoria's Net Debt Position'

17               Auditor-General of Tasmania: Additional information: 'Summary of Debt Levels June 2007'

18               Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA: Additional information: 'WA Treasury-State Tax Review Final Report'

19               Auditor-General of Tasmania: Additional information: Information relating to state expenditure and infrastructure investments

20               Commerce Queensland: Additional information: Letter to Queensland Treasury regarding Pulse Survey

21               Dr Bruce Flegg MP: Additional information: Transcript of Queensland Estimated Committee B – Treasury

22               Dr Bruce Flegg MP: tabled document during Brisbane, 17 July 2008 public hearing: Graph – Gearing Ration for GOC Sector, Interstate Comparison

23               Property Council of Australia: Additional information: IPART Review of State Taxation, Report to the Treasurer

24               Australian Local Government Association: Additional information: Overview of the PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) National financial sustainability study of local government Overview report (November 2006)

25               Australian Local Government Association: Additional information: ALGA's 2008-09 pre-Budget submission to the Federal government, National Objectives Need Local Delivery

26               Commonwealth Treasury: Supplementary submission

27               Mr Mike Baird: tabled document during Sydney, 24 July 2008 public hearing: Federalism speech

28               Reserve Bank of Australia: Additional information: Updated Graphs from the Submission: Recent Developments in State Level Economic Activity and Inflation

29               Attorney-General's Department: Additional information: Norfolk Island's cash reserves and access to Medicare arrangements

30               Department of the Treasury: Additional information: Answers to questions on notice from Canberra, 25 July 2008 public hearing

31               Government of Norfolk Island: Tabled document during Canberra, 1 September public hearing: Summary of Selected 2008-2009 Expenditure Budgets Relating to Infrastructure and Capital Purchases

32               Government of Norfolk Island: Tabled document during Canberra, 1 September public hearing: Norfolk Island Government Reserves - Consolidated Balance Sheet

33               WA Department of Treasury and Finance: Additional information: Discussion Paper on Commonwealth-State Relations; Submission to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into Funding Arrangements for Western Australian Infrastructure Projects; Extract from the 2007-08 State Budget Papers

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