

Recommendation 1

8.5       The committee recommends that each state and territory government enact a Charter of Budget Honesty.

Recommendation 2

8.10    The committee recommends that each state and territory government adopt principles to govern financial reporting in its Charter of Budget Honesty, including requirements that financial reporting:

Recommendation 3

8.14    The committee recommends that each state and territory government adopt principles to govern fiscal policy formulation in its Charter of Budget Honesty including requirements that fiscal policies:

Recommendation 4

8.19    The committee recommends that each state and territory government adopt principles governing its relationship with Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) in its Charter of Budget Honesty including requirements that:

Dividend payments:


Recommendation 5

8.24    The committee recommends that each state and territory government adopt principles governing its infrastructure investment policies in its Charter of Budget Honesty, including requirements that infrastructure investment policies:

Recommendation 6

8.28    The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government should require all states to abolish inefficient state taxes covered by the Intergovernmental Agreement on the reform of Commonwealth-State Financial Relations. Furthermore the states should agree to, and abide by, a timetable to abolish stamp duty on conveyances of real non-residential property.

Recommendation 7

8.30    The Committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government appoint a special taskforce, to examine the feasibility of options to reduce Commonwealth income taxation, and introduce state and territory income taxes, so that the states and territories are less reliant upon the Commonwealth Government for funding.

8.31    The Committee recommends that in developing detailed options for a system of state and territory income taxes, the taskforce should be required to have regard to how the following objectives can be maintained, or obtained:

8.32    The Committee recommends that the taskforce be required to provide its report to COAG, for detailed consideration.

Recommendation 8

8.34    The Committee recommends that the Council of Australian Governments carefully consider the costs and benefits of input controls compared to output controls in the development of Specific Purpose Payments.

Recommendation 9

8.36    The Committee recommends that the Australian National Audit Office undertake a performance audit in 2008–09 into the development and implementation of the new federal financial framework.

Recommendation 10

8.38    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government consider mechanisms to enhance and strengthen the powers of the          Australian Loan Council to scrutinise excessive growth in state debt.

Recommendation 11

8.40    The committee recommends that the Australian Government impose more stringent requirements on state governments having regard to the identification of Commonwealth funds flowing through states to local government.

Recommendation 12

8.42    The committee recommends that the Commonwealth Government reform Australia's relationship with Norfolk Island with a view to assisting improved governance, health, aged care, education and other issues reported to exist on the Island, drawing on information from the 2006 Cabinet submission process and the recent work of the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories.

Recommendation 13

8.43    The committee, whilst acknowledging government evidence of some improvements, recommends that the Government of Norfolk Island implement measures to improve the level of financial and management transparency of Government Business Enterprises.

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