List of Abbreviations

List of Abbreviations

AASB          Australian Accounting Standards Board

ABS            Australian Bureau of Statistics

AiG             Australian Industry Group

ALGA          Australian Local Government Association

CB             Cash balance

CF             Cash flow

CSO           Community service obligation

FB             Fiscal balance

FTE           Full-time equivalent employees

GBE           Government Business Enterprise

GDP           Gross Domestic Product

GFS           Government Financial Statistics

GGS           General Government Sector

GSP           Gross State Product

GST           Goods and services tax

IASB          International Accounting Standards Board

IPA            Institute of Public Affairs

LPI            Labour price index

MLA           Member of the Legislative Assembly

MP            Member of Parliament

ND            Net debt

NFW         Net financial worth

NOB          Net operating balance

NW           Net worth

OECD        Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

PFC          Public Financial Corporations

PNFC        Public Non-Financial Corporations

PPPs         Public-private partnerships

SPPs         Specific purpose payments

UCB          Underlying cash balance

UPF          Uniform Presentation Framework

WPI          Wage price index

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