CARMODY, Mr Geoff,
Private capacity
CARTER, Professor Robert Merlin,
Private capacity
COSIER, Mr Peter, Director,
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
DENNISS, Dr Richard, Executive Director,
Australia Institute
FARGHER, Mr Ben, Chief Executive Officer,
National Farmers Federation
FRANKS, Professor Stewart William,
Private capacity
HITCHENS, Mr Michael, Chief Executive Officer,
Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
KAROLY, Professor David,
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
MACINTOSH, Mr Andrew Kerr, Associate Director,
ANU Centre for Climate Law and Policy
MAZOUZ, Mr Salim, Private capacity
McELHONE, Mr Charles, Manager,
Trade Policy and Economics, National Farmers Federation
PEARCE, Mr David, Executive Director,
Centre for International Economics
PEARMAN, Dr Graeme,
Private capacity
RAUPACH, Dr Michael,
Private capacity
STEFFEN, Professor Will,
Private capacity
WAIN, Ms Fiona, Chief Executive Officer,
Environment Business Australia
AHAMMAD, Dr Helal, Branch Manager, Climate Change,
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
AJANI, Dr Judith Ingrouille, Economist,
Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
BRECKENRIDGE, Mr Amar, consultant,
Frontier Economics
BROCKWAY, Dr David John, Chief, Division of Energy Technology,
CLARK, Mr Bryan, Industry Development Manager,
Grain Growers Association
COSIER, Mr Peter, Director,
Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
GARNAUT, Prof. Ross Gregory,
Private capacity
GIBBS, Mr Mark, General Manager, Climate Change,
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GLYDE, Mr Phillip, Executive Director,
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
GRANT, Mr Andrew, Chief Executive Officer,
C02 Group Ltd
HARRIS, Mr Matt, consultant,
Frontier Economics
HEYHOE, Ms Edwina, Section Manager, Climate Change,
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economies
JONES, Dr Christine Ellen, Founder,
Australian Soil Carbon Accreditation Scheme
KEITH, Dr Heather,
Private capacity
McKIBBIN, Prof. Warwick James,
Private capacity
MITCHELL, Dr Christopher David, Executive Director, Corporate
Development, CO2 Group Ltd
PEARCE, Mr David, Executive Director,
Centre for International Economics
PEZZEY, Dr John (Jack),
Private capacity
TAUBENSCHLAG, Ms Tara, Communications Advisor,
Grains Council of Australia Ltd
ALBRECHT, Professor Glenn, Director, Institute for Sustainability
and Technology Policy, Murdoch University
BOYCE, Ms Karen, Chair, Climate Change Committee,
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia
CANION, Mr Andrew, Senior Adviser, Industry Policy,
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia
CREMIN, Mr Shane, General Manager, Policy and Strategy,
Griffin Energy
HANLIN, Mr Timothy John, Managing Director,
Australian Climate Exchange Limited
HILL, Mr Alan, Director of Policy,
Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc
HOFMEESTER, Ms Carolyn Marie, Climate Change Policy Officer,
Conservation Council of Western Australia
Doctors for the Environment Australia
McMILLAN, Mr Andy, Chief Executive Officer,
Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc
NORTON, Mr Mike, President,
Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc
PARK, Mr Dale, Land Management and Climate Change Spokesperson,
Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc
PETTITT, Associate Professor Bradley, Dean, School of
Murdoch University
TRUMBLE, Mr Wayne, Executive General Manager,
Griffin Energy
VERSTEGEN, Mr Piers, Director,
Conservation Council of Western Australia
WILLS, Dr Raymond Thomas, Chief Executive,
Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association Inc
BENNETT, Ms Polly, Manager, Government Affairs,
Caltex Australia Ltd
DeGARIS, Mrs Ros, Chief Executive Officer,
National Lime Association of Australia
DENT, Ms Kelly Eliza, Economic Justice Team Lead,
Oxfam Australia
HAMILL, Dr David John, Chairman of the Board,
Envirogen Pty Ltd
HARRUP, Ms Trish, Senior Climate Campaigner,
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
HEPBURN, Mr John, Climate Change Campaign Coordinator,
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
KEOGH, Mr Michael John, Executive Director,
Australian Farm Institute
NELSON, Mr Tim, Head, Carbon Origination and Government Affairs,
RICE, Mr Jeffrey William, Chief Executive Officer,
Envirogen Pty Ltd
RICHARDS, Ms Julie-Anne, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator,
Oxfam Australia
ROWLEY, Mr Nicholas Hugo, Director,
SIMSHAUSER, Dr Paul, Chief Economist and Group Head,
Corporate Affairs, AGL
TAPER, Mr Bruce Stewart, Director,
TOPHAM, Mr Frank, Manager, Government Affairs and Media,
Caltex Australia Ltd
van ROOYEN, Mr Jonathan, Director,
Envirogen Pty Ltd
WESTMORE, Mr Anthony Ian (Tony), Senior Policy Officer -
Australian Council of Social Service
WINN, Mr Paul, Forest Climate Policy Expert,
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
ALLISON, Dr Ian, Program Leader, Ice, Ocean, Atmosphere and
Climate, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of the
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
CAULEY, Mr Ivan Dudley, Global Manager, Business Improvement,
DICKENSON, Mr Ian, Chairman,
Private Forests Tasmania
DRIELSMA, Dr Johannes (Hans), Executive General Manager,
Forestry Tasmania
FLITTNER, Mr Nick, Drought and Climate Change,
Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association
GUNN, Mr John, Chief Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division,
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
HICKS, Mr David William, Performance Manager,
Norske Skog Paper Mills (Australia) Ltd
HUNTER, Dr John Robert, Sea-Level Oceanographer,
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
JEFFREYS, Mr Kenneth (Ken), General Manager, Corporate Relations
and Tourism, Forestry Tasmania
LAUGHER, Mr John Thomas, Performance Manager,
Norske Skog Paper Mills (Australia) Ltd
LORD, Mr John,
Private capacity
MATEAR, Dr Richard,
Private capacity
PRESS, Dr Tony, Chief Executive Officer,
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
PULLINGER, Dr Phillip, Director,
Environment Tasmania
RIDDLE, Dr Martin, Program Leader, Environment Protection and
Change, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of the Environment, Water,
Heritage and the Arts
RISBEY, Dr James Sydney,
Private capacity
STONE, Mr Martin, Manager, Resources,
Forestry Tasmania
STRIE, Mr Frank, Regional Consultant, Tasmania, BEST Energies
Australia Pty Ltd; and Director, Schwabenforest Pty Ltd
TAYLOR, Mr Peter, Senior Forester,
Private Forests Tasmania
TERWINGHE, Dr Francis, General Manager, Hobart,
WRIGHT, Miss Jessica, Climate Campaigner/Coordinator,
Environment Tasmania
ZOOEFF, Mr Greg, Senior Business Analyst,
COETZER, Mr Ben, General Manager, Domestic Gas,
Woodside Energy Ltd
COLE, Mr Robert, Executive Vice President, Corporate, and General
Woodside Energy Ltd
CONCANNON, Mr Anthony, Chairman,
Energy Supply Association of Australia
CREED, Councillor George Albert, Mayor,
Gladstone Regional Council
DOHERTY, Mr Ronald John, Director, Environment and Regulation,
Gladstone Regional Council
FRENCH, Mr Seamus, Chief Executive, Anglo Coal Australia
GRAZIA, Mr Niegel, Vice President, Government Affairs,
Woodside Energy Ltd
HODGSON, Mr Steve, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bauxite
and Alumina, Rio Tinto Alcan
HOUSE, Mr Jeffrey Craig, National Policy and Public Affairs
Green Building Council of Australia
JOHNSTON, Ms Susan, Special Adviser, Policy,
Anglo Coal Australia
LIU, Dr Xiaoling, President, Primary Metals Pacific,
Rio Tinto Alcan
MADEW, Ms Romilly, Chief Executive,
Green Building Council of Australia
MARSHMAN, Mr Neil, Chief Consultant, Climate Change,
Rio Tinto
MARUSHACK, Mr Joe, President,
ConocoPhillips Australia Pty Ltd
MOLONY, Councillor John, Mayor,
Mount Isa City Council
NICHOLLS, Ms Fiona, General Manager, External Relations,
Rio Tinto Coal Australia
QUIGGIN, Professor John,
Private capacity
SAVAGE, Ms Clare, Chief Executive Officer,
Energy Supply Association of Australia
ST BAKER, Mr Trevor Charles, Executive Chairman,
ERM Power Pty Ltd
STARK, Mr Peter Matthew, Head of Carbon,
ERM Power Pty Ltd
TATE, Mr John,
Private capacity
TEYS, Mr Bradley Allan, Chief Executive Officer,
Teys Bros (Holdings) Pty Ltd
ATKINSON, Ms Maria Louise, Global Head of Sustainability,
Lend Lease Corporation
BAGHAEI, Mr Ali, Chief Executive Officer,
BAIN, Ms Robyn, Chief Executive Officer,
Cement Industry Federation
BEASLEY, Mr Burt, Director, Technology and Innovation,
Australian Coal Association
BLAKERS, Professor Andrew, Director, ARC Centre for Solar Energy
Systems, Australian National University
BLANEY, Mr Conrad Dallas, Technical Manager,
Australian Meat Industry Council
BURGESS, Mr Allan, Chairman,
Australian Dairy Industry Council
BURGESS, Mr Peter,
Rainbow Bee Eater Pty Ltd
CAMERON, Mr Jonathon (James),
Climate Change Capital
CLARK, Mr Bryan, Industry Development Manager,
Grain Growers Association
CONCANNON, Mr Tony, Executive Director, International Power
Australia, National Generators Forum
COSTELLO, Mr Michael, Chief Executive Officer,
EVANS, Mr Greg, Director, Economics and Industry Policy,
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
FARLOW, Mr Andrew, Sustainability Policy Manager,
Cement Industry Federation
GORDON, Mr Bob, Executive Director,
Renewable Fuels Australia
GUNTHER, Mr Brent James, Managing Director,
InterGen (Australia) Pty Ltd
HENDY, Mr Barry, Business Development Manager,
Solar Systems Pty Ltd
HILLMAN, Mr Ralph, Executive Director,
Australian Coal Association
In’tVELD, Ms Shirley, Member,
National Generators Forum
JEANES, Ms Susan, Chief Executive Officer,
Australian Geothermal Energy Group
KING, Mr Grant Alfred, Managing Director,
Origin Energy
LEON, Mr Chris, Chair,
Cement Industry Federation
MAGUIRE, Mr Thomas John, Chair, Industry Climate Change
Committee, Australian Meat Industry Council
MARIES, Ms Claire, Policy Manager,
Pacific Hydro
McCAMISH, Mr Carl, Executive General Manager, Policy and
Sustainability, Origin Energy
McKENZIE, Ms Amanda, National Director,
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
MORRIS, Mr Peter, Economic Policy Director,
Australian Coal Association
O’HARA, Ms Dianne, General Manager, Business Strategy and
Development, ActewAGL
O’SULLIVAN, Mr Michael, President,
Australian Council of Superannuation Investors
POOLE, Mr Robert Arthur, Board Member,
Australian Dairy Industry Council
QUINN, Ms Meghan Elizabeth, Manager, Climate Change Modelling
Unit, Treasury
RICHARDS, Mr Andrew, Executive Manager, Government and Corporate
Affairs, Pacific Hydro
ROSE, Ms Anna, National Director,
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
SHEA, Professor Syd Ronald, Director Science,
Rainbow Bee Eater Pty Ltd
SQUIRES, Ms Meredith, Manager, Environmental and Social
Responsibility, Australian Council of Superannuation Investors
STANLEY, Mr Ian, Operations Manager,
Rainbow Bee Eater Pty Ltd
WALL, Mr Che Shiva, Managing Director,
Lincolne Scott
WARREN, Mr Matthew, Chief Executive Officer,
Clean Energy Council of Australia
BAMSEY, Mr Howard, Deputy Secretary and Special Envoy,
Department of Climate Change
BETZ, Dr Regina Annette, Joint Director (Economics), Centre for
Energy and Environmental Markets, University of New South Wales
BLAKERS, Ms Margaret, Director,
Green Institute
CARRUTHERS, Mr Ian, First Assistant Secretary, Adaptation and
Land Management Division,
Department of Climate Change
COMLEY, Mr Blair, Deputy Secretary,
Department of Climate Change
FRENCH, Mr Steve, General Manager, Industry, Environment and
Defence Division, Department of the Treasury
HATFIELD-DODDS, Dr Steve, Assistant Secretary, Analysis Projects
Branch, Department of Climate Change
ISON, Mr Michael Ronald John, Manager, Policy and Research,
Australian Aluminium Council
JACKSON, Mr Erwin Kenneth, Director, Policy and Research,
The Climate Institute
LAURIE, Ms Kirsty, Senior Adviser, Energy and Greenhouse Policy
Unit, Industry, Environment and Defence Division, Department of the Treasury
LYONS, Ms Elizabeth (Libby), Manager, Government Relations and
Public Policy, Alcoa of Australia
MacGILL, Dr Iain Ferguson, Joint Director (Engineering), Centre
for Energy and Environmental Markets, University of New South Wales
MALLON, Dr Karl, Consultant,
World Wildlife Fund Australia
McAULIFFE, Mr Timothy, Manager, Environment and Sustainable
Development, Alcoa of Australia
OWEN-JONES, Mr Robert Anton, Assistant Secretary, Multilateral
Negotiations Branch, Department of Climate Change
PROSSER, Mr Miles, Executive Director,
Australian Aluminium Council
QUINN, Ms Meghan, Manager, Climate Change Modelling Unit, Industry,
Environment and Defence Division, Department of the Treasury
RICHARDS, Dr Gary Phillip, Senior Principal Research Scientist
and Branch Head, Land Management Branch, Department of Climate Change
TONI, Mr Paul David, Program Leader, Sustainable Development and
Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund Australia
WALLER, Mr Gerard Thomas, Manager, Business Improvement,
Alcoa Australia Rolled Products
AMAIR, Mr Elvis, Technical Services Manager,
Bega Cheese Ltd
AYRES, Mr Timothy, Assistant State Secretary, New South Wales
Branch, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
BURN, Dr Peter, Associate Director, Public Policy,
Australian Industry Group
COETZER, Mr Ben, General Manager, Domestic Gas,
Woodside Energy Ltd
COLE, Mr Robert, Executive Vice President, Corporate Centre and
General Counsel, Woodside Energy Ltd
COMLEY, Mr Blair Robert, Deputy Secretary,
Department of Climate Change
CONNOR, Mr John, Chief Executive Officer,
The Climate Institute
DENNISS, Dr Richard, Executive Director,
The Australia Institute
FABIAN, Mr Nathan, Chief Executive Officer,
Investor Group on Climate Change
FISHER, Dr Brian,
Private capacity
FRENCH, Mr Steve, General Manager, Industry, Environment and
Defence Division, Department of the Treasury
GILMORE, Ms Heather, Senior Manager, Government and Industry
Affairs, Westpac
HANSARD, Mr Allan, Chief Executive Officer,
National Association of Forestry Industries
HEPBURN, Mr John, Coordinator, Climate and Energy Campaign,
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
HERD, Ms Emma, Director, Emissions and Environment,
HILLMAN, Mr Ralph, Executive Director,
Australian Coal Association
HORVAT, Ms Natalie, Manager, Climate Change and Environment Unit,
Department of the Treasury
HOWES, Professor Stephen,
Private capacity
LAWSON, Mr Damien, National Climate Justice Coordinator,
Friends of the Earth Australia
MALLON, Dr Karl Joseph, Director, Corporate Analysis,
Climate Risk Pty Ltd
MARSH, Mr Russell, Policy Manager,
Clean Energy Council
MAZOUZ, Mr Salim, Director,
McCREA, Mr Glen James, Manager, Indirect Tax Unit,
Department of the Treasury
McELHONE, Mr Charles, Manager, Economics and Trade,
National Farmers Federation
McKENZIE, Ms Amanda, Co-Director,
Australian Youth Climate Coalition
PARRIS, Dr Brett, Chief Economist,
World Vision Australia
PASCOE, Mr Owen, Climate Change Campaigner,
Australian Conservation Foundation
PRIOR, Ms Elaine Margaret, Director and Senior Analyst,
Citi Investment Research
QUINN, Ms Meghan Elizabeth, Manager, Climate Change Modelling
Unit, Department of the Treasury
ROBINSON, Ms Belinda,
Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
SAKELLARIS, Mr Tas, Assistant Secretary, Legislation and
Governance Branch, Department of Climate Change
SAVAGE, Ms Clare, Chief Executive Officer,
Energy Supply Association of Australia
St BAKER, Mr Trevor, Executive Chairman,
ERM Power Pty Ltd
SUTTON, Mr Philip David, Assistant Convenor,
Climate Emergency Network
TAGER, Mr Jeremy, Team Leader, Political Unit,
Greenpeace Australia Pacific
TEYS, Mr Bradley Allan, Chief Executive Officer,
Teys Bros (Holdings) Pty Ltd
TOPHAM, Mr Frank, Manager, Government Affairs and Media,
Caltex Australia Ltd
WESTMORE, Mr Anthony (Tony) Ian, Senior Policy Officer (Electricity),
Australian Council of Social Service