New Zealand
Country brief[1]
Political system
New Zealand is a parliamentary democracy in the Westminster tradition. The
executive arm of government is drawn from its legislature. The New Zealand
Parliament is unicameral, having abolished its upper house (the Legislative
Council) in 1951. The Prime Minister (currently John Key, first elected in
November 2008) is the Head of Government and must have the confidence of the
House to govern. HM Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of State, represented by the
Governor-General (Lt Gen Rt Hon Sir Jerry Mateparae, since August 2011).
New Zealand has a Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) electoral system,
based on a German model. The first MMP election was held in 1996. Under MMP,
voters have two votes—one for a local MP (an electorate vote) and one for a
political party (a party list vote). It is compulsory to enrol to vote but voting
itself is not compulsory. Maori may choose to be on either the General or the
Maori electoral roll. There are 121 seats in the current Parliament—70
electorate seats, including seven representing Maori electorates, and 51 party
list seats which are allocated to parties in accordance with their share of the
party list vote. MMP has increased opportunities for minor parties to gain parliamentary
representation. As a result, coalition and minority governments have become
New Zealand's National Party Government was first elected in 2008 and
was re-elected in the last election in November 2011. It won 59 seats and,
with confidence and supply guaranteed by the ACT Party and United Future (which
won one seat each), achieved a majority of 61 seats in the 121-seat Parliament.
The National Party also secured a looser confidence and supply support
arrangement with the Maori Party (three seats). The arrangement has allowed the
National Party to pursue its election platform (such as on partial
privatisation of assets) and gives the Maori Party freedom to vote as it
wishes. The Opposition Labour Party secured 34 seats, the Greens 14 seats, and
New Zealand First won 8 seats.
National elections are to be held on 20 September 2014. Polling shortly
after the election was called in March 2014 had the National Party on 49.9 per
cent with the opposition Labour Party on 31.5 per cent, the Greens on 10.4 per
cent and New Zealand First on 3.7 per cent. The National Party will likely
still need the support of compatible minor parties to secure re-election
Australia's relationship with New
Australia and New Zealand are natural allies with strong trans-Tasman
links. Migration, trade and defence ties, keen competition on the sporting
field, and strong people-to-people links have helped shape a close and
co-operative relationship.
At a government-to-government level, Australia’s relationship with New
Zealand is the closest and most comprehensive of all its bilateral
relationships. Prime Ministers hold annual formal talks, as do Treasurers,
Trade and Defence Ministers. Foreign Ministers meet biannually. Ministers and
government officials from both countries participate in meetings and
conferences on a wide range of issues: health, education, transport, justice,
quarantine and many others. New Zealand Ministers and government officials
participate with their Australian federal and state counterparts in relevant council
meetings that support the twice yearly Council of Australian Governments
Australia and New Zealand cooperate closely in the international arena
and in regional bodies, such as the Pacific Islands Forum, APEC and the ASEAN
Regional Forum. The Australia, New Zealand and ASEAN Free Trade Agreement,
AANZFTA, which entered into force on 1 January 2010, is Australia’s first
multi-country FTA and the first time Australia and New Zealand have been
involved jointly in negotiating an FTA with third countries. Both Australia and
New Zealand cooperate closely in pursuing WTO goals, notably through participation
in the Cairns Group—a coalition of 19 agricultural exporting countries seeking
the liberalisation of trade in agriculture. New Zealand has made valuable
contributions to security in areas of high priority to Australia, notably in
East Timor, Bougainville, Solomon Islands and Afghanistan.
Australia is publicly supporting New Zealand’s bid for a 2015-16 term on
the UN Security Council. New Zealand has been invited to the G20 Summit in
Brisbane in November 2014 as well as G20 Ministerial meetings throughout the
year. Australia and New Zealand have agreed to hold an Australasia Business
Week, immediately prior to the B20 Summit in Sydney in July, to showcase the
Australasian economy to the 400 leading CEOs from G20 economies who will be in
Sydney at that time. Australia and New Zealand are also working closely
together in the lead up to major events in 2015, including the Centenary of the
Gallipoli ANZAC landings (beginning with the commemoration on 1 November 2014
of the first convoy departing Albany WA for Gallipoli), and co-hosting the 2015
Cricket World Cup.
Issues discussed in detail
The committee had the opportunity to speak with New Zealand's peak
tourism bodies, including Tourism New Zealand and the Ministry of Business
Innovation, and with the Employment and the Parliamentary Private Secretary for
Tourism, Ms Jacqui Dean MP. The overriding message conveyed to the committee is
that tourism is one of New Zealand's largest export industries, second only to
the dairy industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings. It directly employs
5.7 per cent of the New Zealand workforce and indirectly employs a further 3.1
per cent. In total, around one in 11 working New Zealanders is employed in the
tourism industry and it has the potential to improve the economies of
communities around the country. The annual international tourism expenditure in
New Zealand in NZ$9.8 billion, and when combined with domestic expenditure the
tourism industry is worth NZ$24 billion to the local economy.
The committee notes the central role that tourism plays in the
Australia-New Zealand relationship. New Zealand is Australia’s largest inbound
market by arrivals and fourth largest by expenditure. In 2012-13 there were 1.2
million New Zealand visitors to Australia, the same number as for the previous
year. Over the last five years, the average annual growth rate in arrivals from
New Zealand was 1.9 per cent. New Zealand visitors to Australia spent $2.3
billion in 2012-13, up 3.7 per cent on the previous year. Tourism Research
Australia forecasts that by 2022-23, arrivals from New Zealand will reach 1.5
million (at an average annual growth rate of 2.4 per cent per year).
Expenditure over the same period is forecast to grow by 1.7 per cent per year,
to $2.7 billion.
The committee notes that Australia continues to be New Zealand's largest
and most important inbound tourism market accounting for almost half of all
visitors. Fuelled by a strong economy, its proximity and an appetite for
international travel, Australia will continue to be essential to New Zealand's
tourism industry. In the 12 months to March 2014, there were 1.2 million short-term
resident departures from Australia to New Zealand, an increase of 3.6 per cent
on the previous year. In the last five years, the average annual growth in
departures from Australia to New Zealand was 4.5 per cent. Holiday arrivals
from Australia to March 2014 were in excess of 27,000 (up 6.2 per cent on the
previous year) and Australia's market value in terms of dollars spent continues
to outstrip other countries by a significant margin.
Tourism New Zealand's (TNZ) role is to promote New Zealand internationally
as a visitor destination. This is done through consumer marketing,
international public relations and trade development. One Hundred per cent Pure
New Zealand is the international promotional campaign used in the majority of
TNZ’s international marketing work, including advertising, international PR
activity and online marketing, event and sponsorship activity. Gaining
compelling, high-profile media coverage to motivate its target market to travel
to New Zealand is the main aim of TNZ's international public relations team.
To achieve maximum yield for the tourism industry from limited
resources, TNZ's marketing activity is carefully focused on a number of key
markets around the world and a select group of consumers within those key
markets. TNZ works offshore to encourage its target market, the 'Active
Considerer', to come now, visit more regions and do more during their time in
New Zealand. TNZ’s advertising, media and events activity is continually
evolving, to stay one step ahead of its competitors.
Queenstown tourism
The committee's New Zealand program commenced in the South Island resort
town of Queenstown, which is also known as the 'adventure capital' of the world
due to opportunities to experience bungy jumping, jet boating, rafting, canyoning,
river-surfing, 4 wheel driving and mountain biking. The region has long been a
magnet for adventurers and entrepreneurs, and it became a thriving winter ski
resort in the mid 1940s with the development of better roads and tourist
facilities. The committee had the opportunity to speak with Southern
Ngai Tahu Tourism, the Queenstown Lakes District Council, Destination
Queenstown and the Queenstown Resort College about the history of the Queenstown
region and the importance of tourism.
The meeting with Mr David Kennedy, Regional General Manager, Southern
Ngai Tahu Tourism, provided the committee with an insight into the
organisational structure and revenue stream for corporate entities of this
kind. The main role of Ngai Tahu Holdings is to grow and develop the economic
base and to generate sufficient profits which can be distributed back to the
shareholder (the iwi) for investment opportunities and to support cultural,
educational and social initiatives. Ngai Tahu entered the tourism industry in
the 1990s when it purchased a controlling stake in Shotover group, which owened
a number of tourist operations in Queenstown. By 2004 the iwi had taken full
ownership and continued to expand its tourist operations, acquiring other
nature-based attractions in the region.
Different perspectives on the challenges and opportunities that
Queenstown provides for the tourism sector were provided in separate briefings by
Queenstown Lakes District Council and Destination Queenstown. The Council
briefing focused on managing the environmental effects of tourism. It
identified three key issues: conflicts over access to resources; conflicts
between different recreational users (fishing, boating, kayaking); and health
and safety issues following several fatalities in recent years. New safety
regulations can into effect in October 2011 to address concerns about safety.
Other issues of interest to the committee were identified during the
briefing including:
the sustainable management of population growth;
tourism activities require a resource consent agreement and
approximately 900 consents are processed each year;
only a small number of appeals are lodged by developers and
environmental groups; and
there is no central Government policy direction or oversight of
the Council's district plan.
Destination Queensland is the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO)
responsible for the marketing of Queenstown as the Southern Hemisphere's
premier four season lake and alpine resort. Mr Graham Budd, CEO, described its
mandate as 'destination marketing' rather than 'destination management'. It is
a not-for-profit incorporated entity governed by a board of directors and
funded by a commercial ratepayers' tourism levy. The organisation works with
local tourism operators, the hospitality industry, accommodation providers,
retailers and service sectors to promote Queenstown as a destination offering
visitors a unique experience.
The committee was provided with a snap-shot of the tourism sector in
Queenstown and issues affecting the trend in visitor numbers over at least the
previous decade. International visitors account for 57 per cent (or 1.1
million) of the tourist market while domestic visitors account for the
remaining 43 per cent (or 869,000). Over the last decade there has been a
steady growth in the number of commercial bed nights and guest nights. The
Queenstown tourism market is definitely seasonal with July-August (Winter) and
December-January (Summer) being the peak seasons.
Queenstown Resort College
The committee was provided with a detailed briefing on the Queenstown
Resort College (QRC) by Chief Executive Office, Mr Charlie Phillips, and
Chairman Sir Eion Edgar KNZM. The QRC is self-described as the premier tourism
and hospitality management college in New Zealand offering students a choice of
two vocational diplomas—hospitality management and adventure tourism
management—both of which are approved by the New Zealand Qualifications
Authority. The diplomas provide students with internationally recognised
qualifications founded on the Swiss standards of service excellence.
The committee was impressed by the professional approach of the college
towards students to enable them to become ambassadors for the industry and be
'work ready' at the completion of their course. The briefing described how
students are provided with a competitive advantage in obtaining management
roles in tourism. The success of the college speaks for itself: some 95 per
cent of students are retained in study; 14 per cent progress to a full degree;
and 83 per cent of graduates end up working in their field of study.
All of the meetings in Queenstown laid the ground work for the
committee's follow-up meetings in Wellington with Tourism New Zealand and the
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment.
Christchurch rebuild
The committee visited Christchurch for a brief tour and inspection of
damage to the central business district caused by the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes
which devastated the city centre and some residential areas. The committee also
took the opportunity to speak with representatives of the Canterbury Employers
Chamber of Commerce, the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and other
stakeholders about the recovery process and the economic and social prospects
for Christchurch in the future.
The total cost of the earthquake recovery is expected to be $40 billion across
the residential housing and commercial building sectors. The committee was
surprised by the extent to which local business has been resilient in the face
of unprecedented economic challenges. The main message from the briefing was
that the Canterbury economy was performing well and experiencing sound levels
of economic growth and low unemployment. Bankruptcy numbers have not increased
significantly since the earthquakes, and over 7000 new businesses have been
created. Existing businesses have been eligible for a government subsidy under
the Recover Canterbury support program.
The committee was impressed by the long term vision for the city centre
as set out in Christchurch Central Recovery Plan which was released in July
2012. The plan focuses on the development of a number of precincts and anchor
projects to develop a 'vibrant, green, connected, innovative centre that serves
as the heart of a 21st century city'. The cost of each anchor
project will be shared by the Crown and Christchurch City Council, with the
total outlay expected to be $4.8 billion.
The briefing provided an overview of the effects of the earthquakes on
the tourism sector and visitor numbers to Christchurch. These include:
Australian visitor numbers dropped by a third and have since
plateaued, including a 20 per cent reduction in trans-Tasman flights. There is
currently an increase in business travel, but a dramatic decline in the
conference market (hence the importance of the new Convention Centre
re-development as a vehicle to drive hotel development);
initially, a 56 per cent decline in hotel rooms; while 19 hotels
in Christchurch closed 20 new hotels have opened.
the main drivers of accommodation in the future include a return
of tour groups and the conference market; the Convention Centre re-development;
a steady rise in the Chinese/Asian markets; diversifying air-service delivery
activities; and strengthening the domestic tourism market.

Senate committee with the Honourable David
Carter, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of New Zealand
New Zealanders living in Australia
The committee was briefed on a number of occasions about an issue which
is the source of domestic criticism in New Zealand and among New Zealand lobby
groups in Australia. The point of contention is the imbalance in how arrivals from
New Zealand are treated with respect to their social security and other
entitlements. It is widely acknowledged that Australians living in new Zealand
have the same social security entitlements as New Zealand citizens
The committee acknowledges that Australians in New Zealand have greater
access to benefits and an easier path to citizenship than New Zealanders in
Australia. This issue was raised and discussed at length in the committee's
briefing with the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee and in
discussions with the Australian High Commission in Wellington.
Under unique trans-Tasman travel arrangements Australians and New
Zealanders can live and work in either country indefinitely and without
restriction. Since the 1960s, more New Zealanders than Australians have chosen
to cross the Tasman to live. In 2011-12 the number of New Zealand permanent
settlers who came to Australia was 44,304, a 28 per cent increase from the
previous year. As at June 2013 there were an estimated 640,770 New Zealand
citizens living in Australia.[2]
Before 2001 New Zealand citizens in Australia on a Special Category Visa
(SCV) could access social security and obtain Australian citizenship without
first becoming permanent residents. However, under changes introduced in 2001,
applying for and being granted permanent residence through the migration
program became a pre-requisite for accessing certain social security payments
and obtaining citizenship. These new arrangements did not apply to New
Zealanders already living in Australia at the time of the amendments (protected
SCV holders). In effect, this meant that New Zealand citizens who arrived in
Australia after 2001 ('non-protected SCV holders') had restricted eligibility
to social security benefits.
The committee was told on several occasions that restrictions on access
to social security placed on post-2001 arrivals by the Australian Government
are unfair because New Zealanders living and working in Australia pay income
tax, but are unable to access many of the benefits paid for through the tax
system. The committee also learnt that New Zealanders in this category will be
required to contribute to the levy for the new National Disability Insurance
Scheme but will not be able to access services under the scheme. The depth of
feeling is indicated by New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, raising the
broader issue in discussions with Prime Minister Tony Abbott as recently as
October 2013.
The latest issue of concern in this context is the Australian Government’s
plan to exclude New Zealanders who arrived in Australia prior to 2001 from a
proposed Job Commitment Bonus for young unemployed
Australians who keep a job for 12 months or more.[3] The New Zealand Government is
concerned that excluding protected SCV holders is not in the spirit of the 2001
bilateral social security agreement between Australia and New Zealand and that
it could be seen as further eroding access to income support benefits for the
affected group. As other nationalities who are Australian permanent residents
would be eligible for the Bonus, New Zealand also considers it is
discriminatory to exclude protected SCV holders.
The committee acknowledges the sensitivity of this issue in New Zealand and
the view held by many that New Zealanders living in Australia are treated like 'second-class
citizens' when it comes to eligibility for social security and other benefits. The
committee is further concerned that legislation currently before the Australian
parliament may further limit the rights of New Zealanders regardless of the
date they settled in Australia.
While the committee accepts it is unlikely there will be changes to the
current arrangements in the near future, it acknowledges the extent to which
this issue is potentially a divisive one in the Australia-New Zealand
relationship. The committee is concerned that an increasing number of New
Zealanders are affected by the current arrangements and the groundswell of
criticism from New Zealanders living in Australia. The committee is of the view
that consideration should be given to finding a practical solution to address
New Zealand's legitimate concerns. One option is for New Zealanders arriving in
Australia to be eligible for residency after a minimum period (for example,
four years), then granted automatic citizenship and access to the same suite of
social security benefits available to Australian citizens. This would remove
the 'non-protected SCV holder' status for new arrivals from New Zealand.
The committee also endorses two recommendations of a November 2012 report
published jointly by the Australian and New Zealand Productivity Commissions on
the trans-Tasman economic relationship:
R4.23. The Australian and New Zealand Governments should give
clear and coordinated, whole-of-government advice to Special Category visa
holders in Australia, and New Zealand citizens contemplating residence in
Australia, both before and after arrival on their obligations and entitlements.
R4.24. The Australian Government should address the issue
faced by a small but growing number of non-Protected Special Category visa
holders living long term in Australia, including their access to certain
welfare support and voting rights. This requires policy changes by the
Australian Government, including the development of a pathway to achieve
permanent residency and /or citizenship[4]
Defence and security issues
Australia-New Zealand strategic dialogue
and defence cooperation
New Zealand is the country Australia is most likely to conduct
operations with in our region. Australia is committed to deepening its
strategic dialogue, practical cooperation and enhancing interoperability. Australia
has demonstrated its close operational cooperation with New Zealand through
regional and global operations in Afghanistan, Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands and
Australia has a comprehensive program of dialogues with New Zealand,
including working level discussions, the Group of Four Meeting (VCDF and Deputy
Secretary Strategy counterparts), ANZ Chief Executives Meeting (SEC/CDF level),
and an annual Ministerial Dialogue. Annual talks on cooperation between the
single services are also conducted at the Deputy Service Chief level.
Recent defence cooperation with New Zealand has been demonstrated by
cross-crewing of navy vessels, including eleven RAN personnel serving on HMNZS Endeavour
for three months during HMAS Success’ maintenance period; the secondment
of three Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) personnel to HMAS Melbourne
during its recent Middle East deployment; the deployment of seven RAN sailors
to HMNZS Wellington to fill New Zealand personnel shortages; and the
deployment of a RNZN frigate to the Middle East in late 2013.
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) also participated as embedded
observers in Australia's large scale, high end warfare exercise with the US
(Exercise TALISMAN SABRE) in 2013. Given the success of this activity, a formal
agreement has been reached for New Zealand to fully participate in Exercise
The committee's briefing with New Zealand's Minister of Defence, the Hon
Dr Jonathan Coleman, provided an opportunity to discuss many of these issues.
Dr Coleman described how New Zealand is currently looking to the European
concept of 'smart defence' with a focus on complementarity and better
integrating capabilities to deepen relationships and achieve practical defence
outcomes. New Zealand is currently planning a number of major defence purchases
including Seasprites, a new pilot training capability, a new fleet of manned
trucks and upgrading the frigate's combat systems. The discussion identified
budgetary constraints and funding gaps as major strategic challenges in the
years ahead. A number of other issues were canvassed during the briefing:
New Zealand would be interested in talking with Australia about
the options and scope for using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to supplement
the work of the frigates in conducting ongoing surveillance operations. The extent
of New Zealand's maritime environment and the changing geopolitical landscape
could result in significant cost-savings and an enhanced joint surveillance
New Zealand's relatively small defence industry and how defence
is not a large issue occupying public attention;
the importance of the centenary of ANZAC to both Australia's and
New Zealand's heritage, history and national identity; and
retention and not recruitment is a major challenge for New
Zealand's defence forces.
Bilateral engagement in the Pacific
Australia and New Zealand continue to work closely in the Pacific. New
Zealand has supported the South Pacific Defence Ministers’ Meeting initiative
(held in Tonga in May 2013, and to be held in PNG in 2014) and is an active
member of the Quadrilateral Defence Coordination Group, which coordinates
maritime security assets for Australia, New Zealand, France and the US. Both
forums provide opportunities to discuss our shared strategic interests and
explore opportunities for further practical cooperation in the region.
Australia also seeks to enhance practical cooperation on regional
security issues with New Zealand through the Pacific Patrol Boat Program and
follow-on Pacific Maritime Security Program. At present, New Zealand provides
two Navy officers to serve as the Maritime Security Adviser and Technical
Adviser to the Cook Islands Pacific Patrol Boat, Te Kukupa.
FRANZ Agreement on Disaster Response in the Pacific
The 1992 France, Australia and New Zealand (FRANZ) Agreement is a
commitment from the three governments to better coordinate our respective
responses to natural disasters in the Pacific. This is achieved by exchanging
information to ensure the best use of assets and other resources for
humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. After Cyclone Lusi in
Vanuatu in March 2014 Australia worked closely with the French National Forces
of New Caledonia, New Zealand and the Vanuatu Government to support response
efforts. This included the provision of an aircraft to undertake an aerial
assessment to determine the extent of damage caused by Cyclone Lusi.
Australia-New Zealand defence capability and acquisition
Australia and New Zealand share information on defence capability and
acquisition projects. Our two Defence Capability Development organisations
continue to have discussions on possibilities for aligning acquisition
timelines and differences in our respective capability requirements.
Discussions have also touched on opportunities for future collaboration in
through life support on a range of acquisition plans, including the ANZAC Class
Frigate and Tanker. It is not critical we have the same platforms, but it is
important we maintain a high degree of interoperability between our forces, particularly
for joint operations in the South Pacific.
Centre for Strategic Studies,
Victoria University of Wellington
In addition to discussions with the ministries of defence and foreign
policy, the committee sought the views of New Zealand's main centre for
research, teaching and public dialogue on strategic and security issues at
Victoria University of Wellington. The Centre for Strategic Studies hosts
seminars and fosters discussion on national and international security issues. Centre
staff are also actively involved with Track II discussions within the Asia Pacific
region, especially through the leading Track II regional organisation, the
Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP).
During a wide-ranging discussion with Mr Paul Sinclair, Regional
security Fellow, and Professor Robert Ayson, the committee was able to gain a
better understanding of how New Zealand's academic and research community
interacts with Government policy advisers on defence and security issues. A
number of key themes and issues emerged from the discussion:
New Zealand and Australia have welcomed a warming in defence
relations between New Zealand and the US since the signing of the Wellington
(2010) and Washington (2012) declarations. This was recently demonstrated in
the Pacific by New Zealand's participation in the 2013 iteration of the US
sponsored Pacific Partnership Program. However,
there has been no formal approach from the US to the New Zealand government to
station US troops or US bases on New Zealand soil;
strategic developments and dynamics at play in the South China Sea, focusing on
the Japan-China relationship and emerging divisions within ASEAN, especially with
the Philippines breaking ranks with its ASEAN neighbours and taking its territorial
dispute with China to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;
the extent to which the
New Zealand defence and foreign policy community and academic think tanks pay
attention to the role of non-state actors and alliances in regional instability
(including religious and ethnic fault lines across nation states and the effect
of transnational movements). These issues do not gain much media coverage due
to New Zealand's relative geographic isolation; and
New Zealand's
defence and foreign policy community has a strong interest in South Pacific
security issues, especially those challenging the traditional Westphalian
system of sovereign nation states and balance-of-power/power-politics
perspectives on national security. Key issues include state fragility, people
smuggling, policing, transnational crime and environmental security.
Overseas aid
Australia and New Zealand have a close relationship on development
cooperation, guided by the Partnership for Development Cooperation in the
Pacific (agreed August 2009 at Prime Ministerial level) including strong
in-country working-level relationships and cooperation across a number of
Australia and New Zealand strongly support the Forum Compact on
Strengthening Development Coordination in the Pacific (Forum Compact),
signed by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders in 2009, which aims for more effective
coordination of development resources in the Pacific region. Multilateral
donor organisations including the World Bank, ADB and EU, as well as other
major bilateral donors to the Pacific including the United States, Japan,
Taiwan and France have also endorsed the Forum Compact.
Both countries are committed to increasing the effectiveness of their
aid programs, including through mechanisms to enable greater transparency,
fraud control, evaluation of results and value for money, and information
sharing. New Zealand’s strengths include expertise in sustainable agriculture,
fisheries, private sector development, tourism and community policing, and its
unique relationship with some microstates and Polynesian countries. Limitations
include its limited focus outside the Pacific, including in Australia’s
priority countries (e.g. PNG, Indonesia), the disparity in the size of the aid
programs and different levels of engagement with multilateral and regional
New Zealand aid spending and focus
The committee appreciates that New Zealand's total estimated Official Development
Assistance (ODA) in 2013-14 is AUD$525, which is smaller than Australia's aid
budget in PNG. Of the total, nearly half is allocated to bilateral and regional
projects in the Pacific region. The focus of New Zealand’s aid program is
sustainable economic development in the Pacific, and a more targeted approach
in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The New Zealand program has
five priority themes based on improving economic well-being; human development
outcomes; resilience and recovery from emergencies; governance, security and
conditions for peace; and development outcomes through strategic partnerships
with others.
New Zealand focuses specifically on three drivers of growth—agriculture,
fisheries and tourism. These are underpinned by investments in seven enablers
of growth—renewable energy, transport and communication infrastructure, private
sector development, education and training, health, waste supply and
sanitation, and safe and secure communities. Aid spending is subject to
parliamentary oversight through the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Trade, which has development assistance subject matter oversight.
The committee was advised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
(MFAT) that New Zealand is now placing more emphasis on private sector
partnerships in the official ODA program, although involving the private sector
in the aid and development space is not without its challenges.
The committee was also informed of the trilateral development
partnership between the Cook Islands, New Zealand and China to upgrade the
water supply for the main island of Rarotonga, where the large majority of the
Cook Island's population and tourism facilities are located. This is the first
time China has partnered with a developed country to deliver an aid project.
Integration of aid into Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
The committee was keen to learn about Zealand's experience reintegrating
aid into MFAT following the Government's decision in 2009 to rescind its aid
program's Semi-Autonomous Body status, and any lessons for Australia. New
Zealand's aid program is currently managed by the International Development
Group within MFAT, which
includes divisions responsible for bilateral and multilateral aid program
activities, as well as a Sustainable Economic Division and a Development
Strategy and Effectiveness Division.
The committee was advised that five main lessons had been learnt from
the reintegration process, including the need:
for policies to be put into place quickly;
to manage the process of change as efficiently as possible;
to articulate what integration means for both foreign policy and
aid groups and the policy connections between the two;
for decisive leadership to communicate and explain the new model
and expectations; and
for cross-fertilisation of ideas, expertise and specialisation
with the foreign policy and aid communities.
During the committee's visit to New Zealand's national parliament in
Wellington, discussions were held with members from the main political parties on
overseas aid issues. There is a widely held view that the political consensus
that once existed on the core policy objective of overseas aid has begun to
fray with tension existing over whether the aid budget's core objective should
be sustainable economic development or poverty reduction. Representatives of
New Zealand's Labour Party told that committee that Labour was supportive of
re-establishing a more independent and arms-length aid agency with health,
education and poverty reduction priorities, especially in a post-2015
Millennium Development Goals context.
Non-government sector
The committee benefited from a briefing by representatives of New
Zealand's non-governmental organisation (NGO) sector, specifically the Council
for International Development (CID), which is the national umbrella agency of
aid organisations, and Save the Children. This briefing traversed a number of
issues including the funding models available to NGOs; the trend towards
developing benchmarks for measuring effectiveness and how best to target the
increasingly scarce aid dollar; accountability and due diligence in spending
public money; and the role of NGO-private sector partnerships in building
capacity and sustainability through funded ODA projects.
Save the Children described one example of a private sector partnership
successfully delivering a project on the ground. This involved partnering with
the company P&O cruises which operates in Vanuatu. The partnership is
designed to improve the literacy and numeracy of children who, in turn, develop
the skills required to find employment with the cruise company.
A main area of concern for CID is the increasing emphasis on
'competitive funding' and the negative effects it is having on the NGO sector,
especially for smaller and less-resourced NGOs many of which have been
'squeezed out' of the system. Under the current model, there are essentially
two main funding and contracting opportunities to enable NGOs to provide aid in
developing countries—the Partnerships for International Development Fund and
the Disaster Response Partnership. The partnerships fund was described as a
contestable fund constructed around forming partnerships with New Zealand's
charitable, other not-for-profit, private sector and state sector
organisations. The disaster response partnership is designed to provide a
funding mechanism for the mobilisation of humanitarian assistance following
natural disaster or armed conflict.
The rule of minimum bids of $250,000 over a five-year period has
resulted in many small NGOs not finding the necessary funds and being excluded
from the process. There are no separate funding options for smaller NGOs which
have previously worked well in the Pacific region. There is also widespread
concern among NGO's about the considerable time and resources that are required
to develop the concept notes which underpin each funding proposal.
Aviation sector and regulatory
Civil Aviation Act Review
The committee held productive meetings with New
Zealand's Ministry of Transport and Aviation New Zealand in Wellington. The
main purpose of the meetings was to explore New Zealand's regulatory
environment for its aviation sector and whether there may be lessons for
aviation safety regulation in Australia. These meetings were timely because
both the Australian and New Zealand Governments have undertaken major reviews
of their respective aviation sectors.
The New Zealand Ministry of Transport is
currently leading a review of the New Zealand Civil Aviation Act (the
Act), which governs the civil aviation system in New Zealand. The aim of the
review is to ensure the Act promotes a responsive regulatory system to support
a dynamic aviation sector. The review will reconsider the relationship between
the Act and the Airport Authorities Act 1966. The Airport Authorities
Act 1966 confers powers on a range of local authorities and persons with
respect to airports and may be able to be simplified and included in the Act.
The review will not alter the fundamental principles of the Act: to establish a
regulatory framework to promote civil aviation safety and security, and
implement New Zealand’s international obligations. The transport agencies
themselves will not be reviewed and Civil Aviation Rules will be retained.
The Act includes the concept of shared
accountability for safety, between participants in the civil aviation system
and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)of New Zealand. The government’s approach
to regulatory reform necessitates a renewed perspective on the Act to ensure it
is achieving this purpose. Changes to the aviation industry (e.g. popularity of
‘adventure aviation’, new aircraft types, ageing aircraft and new technologies)
which have influenced the need for a review include the CAA's move to a more
proactive, risk-based approach to aviation regulation. The CAA is currently
implementing a change program to improve regulatory quality, service delivery,
and efficiency and effectiveness. The review provides an opportunity to ensure
the Act can support the CAA to achieve its change programme. Of note, the
review will consider ways to improve data collection and reporting needs for
the CAA, particularly following recent recommendations by the Transport
Accident Investigation Commission. A Bill is expected to be introduced to
Parliament to effect changes sometime in 2014.
Similarly, the Australian Government announced in
November 2013 an independent strategic review of aviation safety regulation to
ensure that Australia is able to meet future challenges and respond to the
growing demand in aviation. On 3 June 2014 the Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Hon Warren Truss MP, presented
to parliament the report of the review, and invited public and industry views
on the report's recommendations by 30 June 2014. The report's recommendations
cover a range of issues including the relationship between the regulator, CASA,
and other operators, a more collaborative approach to regulatory oversight, and
the role of the CASA board.
the Hon Ursula Stephens
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