Chapter 2
Systemic issues
As noted in the committee's interim reports, the 2016 Defence White
Paper (the White Paper) sets out the government's intent to strengthen and
increase investment in defence capabilities to meet the challenges of the
strategic environment. This intent is supported by an increase in defence
funding, a program of upgrading infrastructure initiatives, including training
facilities, over the next 10 years and a policy framework focusing on small and
medium enterprises (SMEs).
As highlighted in the committee's first interim report, at the launch of
the White Paper, the Prime Minister spoke about the job creation aspects:
Importantly, this White Paper will also affect the working
lives and prospects of many civilian Australians – creating thousands of jobs
across the regions and cities of Australia.[1]
Following the release of the White Paper, a number of other ministers
highlighted the potential of jobs for regional Australia and the job creation
that will apply across the supply chain.[2]
During its inquiry, the committee sought to investigate how the intended
benefits of the White Paper would be implemented, and in particular how the
benefits will be realised in rural and regional areas. The committee wanted to
find out about the current experiences of local communities and SMEs and what
communication mechanisms are currently in place to facilitate information
exchange and collaboration with the Department of Defence (Defence).
This chapter presents the evidence provided to the committee
highlighting a range of systemic issues including: the policy framework to
implement the White Paper, the use of Tier 1 contractors, the Commonwealth
Procurement Rules, existing communication mechanisms and the information
collected by Defence to measure the regional impact of its activities.
Policy settings
The implementation of the White Paper is supported by a number of policy
documents and initiatives.
The 2016 Integrated Investment Program and the 2016 Defence
Industry Policy Statement were launched in conjunction with the White
Paper. The Integrated Investment Program will guide the implementation of the
bulk of investment over the decade to financial year 2025–26 to build the
future force and Defence capability goals of the Defence White Paper. The Defence
Industry Policy Statement will ensure opportunities are maximised for
competitive Australian businesses and streamline the delivery of Defence
industry programs.
The White Paper is also supported and implemented by a number of other
policies including: the Defence Industrial Capability Plan and the Defence
Export Strategy.
Defence has published a diagram to illustrate the 'Defence Industry
Policy Agenda' as shown below.
Figure 1: Defence Industry Policy Agenda

Source: 2018 Defence Industrial Capability Plan,
p. 14.
In addition to the policy framework, as discussed in the committee's
interim reports, six projects have been nominated under the Local Industry
Capability Plan pilot. The outcomes of this pilot will inform the development
of the Defence Industry Participation Policy to be released in 2018.
The White Paper also signalled a new approach to Australian defence
industry policy with a focus on SMEs. This focus was reiterated in the 2016
Defence Industry Policy Statement which emphasised the importance of SMEs and
local businesses to support Defence across the country.[3] The White Paper noted that a new Centre for Defence Industry Capability funded
to 2025–26 at a cost of $230 million 'will connect Defence needs with the
innovation and expertise of defence industry, as well as help grow a
competitive, sustainable Australian defence industry base'.[4]
Evidence to the committee at each of its hearings and through
submissions demonstrated that rural and regional communities welcome
commitments that seek to increase employment prospects for Defence industry as
well as other areas of the supply chain. A particular focus of the committee
was to investigate how the anticipated benefits of the increased expenditure
would deliver positive outcomes for rural and regional communities.
Focus on small and medium
In accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs), it is a government
requirement for non–corporate entities to source at least 10 per cent of
procurement by value from SMEs.[5]
In its submission and in evidence to the committee, Defence emphasised
that it recognises the importance of SMEs:
Defence recognises that small to medium enterprises are
important to the generation of business opportunities, employment and
sustainment of defence capability, including for the construction, enhancement,
and management of Defence facilities and training areas. Defence's in country
spend is significant at a regional level. This is partly due to the
Australia-wide footprint of Defence facilities and because a number of
suppliers are located outside, or on the periphery, of major metropolitan areas.
Defence recognises that there are benefits of drawing support
from local contractors and suppliers, where there is the capacity and
capability available in the local market and they are able to demonstrate value
for money.[6]
Defence has consistently reported exceeding the Commonwealth
Government's 10 per cent target for participation from SMEs:
In 2015-16 Defence gazetted contracts in excess of $30
billion, representing 53.7 per cent of the total value of all Commonwealth
contracts gazetted. Of these, Defence awarded 18 per cent by value and 58 per
cent by volume to small and medium enterprises (contracts and amendments as
published on AusTender) and 8 per cent by value and 30 per cent by volume to
small businesses. While this significantly exceeds the Commonwealth's small and
medium enterprise target of 10 per cent, Defence is continuing efforts to grow
small and medium business opportunities in both materiel and non-materiel
In the 2016-17 financial year, Defence awarded 21 per cent of contracts
by value and 59 per cent of contracts by volume to SMEs.[8]
Defence provided evidence outlining how the focus on SMEs will be
embedded into the relevant policy documents:
The Defence Industry Participation Policy is one element of
the Defence Industrial Capability Plan. The Defence Industrial Capability Plan
sits, if you like, directly below the Defence Industry Policy Statement, and
there are a number of initiatives within it—the sovereign industrial
capabilities part, the local industry participation policy and the Defence
Industry Participation Policy—all of which are dealing with specific challenges
that are faced either by small to medium enterprises or by large companies. We
are providing the detail of how the companies in that particular problem
set—whether it's small to medium enterprises or others—can engage in
contracting work or engaging with us in the investment in the capabilities of
the ADF.[9]
A particular focus of the Defence Industry Participation Policy is in
recognition that 'there are specific challenges for small to medium
enterprises'.[10] Defence explained further:
If you're a small-to-medium enterprise that hasn't typically
dealt with Defence in the past but have something that is of value, it points
out how you as a small to medium enterprise can engage with the existing
programs like the Defence Innovation Hub, the Next Generation Technologies Fund
and other elements, through the Centre for Defence Industry Capability. They
work with companies that have never worked with Defence in the past, which they
call 'working with Defence 101', where they say, 'These are the sorts of things
you need to think about if you want to work with Defence'.[11]
Further to this, Mr Marc Ablong, Acting Deputy Secretary, Strategic
Policy and Intelligence, Defence, recognised that prime contractors have
different priorities and needs to SMEs and this is reflected in the policy
Beneath the Defence industry policy statement there are a
number of different initiatives helping to either make you ready to work with
Defence or provide you with support if you're going from one level of
capability—for instance, a small-to-medium enterprise might have been doing
very well working with Defence and is thinking about expanding their business
to become a medium sized enterprise. We can do some things to help them. For
the large end of town, the prime contractors, it's about working to identify
areas in which they can support the rest of the industry.[12]
The committee sought information from Defence about how the White Paper
and the associated policies are being embedded at all levels across the
Defence advised that there are a 'range of communication channels to
inform staff of updates to Defence policies'[13] and these are considered as part of policy implementation. In particular,
Defence provided information about how policies are communicated across the
Effective implementation of the above initiatives ensures
that there are structures and procedures in place across Defence to recognise
the importance of Australia's defence industry, including competitive SMEs, to
delivering and supporting Defence capability. Notably, as part of the
implementation of industry as a Fundamental Input to Capability, the Smart
Buyer, Capability Life Cycle and Force Design Cycle have already integrated
earlier and more regular consideration of industry into Defence's processes.
The DIPS [Defence Industry Participation Policy] and major
policy initiatives, such as the Defence Export Strategy, Defence manuals and
procedures, such as the Defence Procurement Policy Manual, are distributed to
all Defence staff to ensure awareness. Senior Defence personnel are also
regularly briefed on industry policy issues and priorities. This ensures
ongoing awareness throughout Defence of the Government’s industry policy
agenda, including key components such as a focus on SMEs.[14]
In addition to the increased focus on SMEs as specified in the policy
documents, Defence is also implementing other initiatives to support SMEs as
outlined below.
Local Industry Capability Plan
One example of the increased focus on SMEs is the Local Industry
Capability Plan (LICP) pilot, announced by the Minister for Defence in August
2017 to facilitate more opportunities for local industry to participate in
major Defence infrastructure projects.[15]
Initially to include three projects, the LICP pilot has been expanded to
six projects: Explosive Ordnance Logistics Reform Program, Shoalwater Bay
Training Area Redevelopment, Townsville Field Training Area Mid Term Refresh,
RAAF Base Townsville Mid Term Refresh and HMAS Cairns Mid Term Refresh (grouped
as a program of projects), and the HMAS Cerberus Redevelopment.[16]
When announcing the LICP pilot, the Minister for Defence stated:
The pilot projects will require tenderers bidding for major
capital facilities projects to state clearly how they have engaged with local
industry in providing their tendered solution, and how local industry will
specifically be involved in delivering the work packages that underpin the
Defence advised that 'guidance to prospective tenderers on local
industry participation requirements is provided at multiple points throughout
the procurement process'.[18] When responding to a Request for Tender, each tenderer is required to prepare,
complete and lodge a draft LICP in Tender Schedule J, based on the following:
- expected economic impact of the works;
- proposed local industry participation in the delivery of the
- project contestability; and
- the tenderer's proposed approach for implementing and reporting
on the LICP.[19]
The successful tenderer will be required to prepare and submit a LICP to
the contract administrator after the award date of the contract. The LICP must
be based on the draft LICP provided during the tender process and detail the
contractor's approach to the market and intended Australian engagement locally,
regionally and nationally for the project.
The LICP is a project plan that forms part of the contract. Defence will
require the contractor to provide a monthly update on the achievement of its
Defence also advised that the LICP will be used by the Commonwealth to:
- determine the extent of the economic benefit to the Australian
- validate engagement and commitment to opportunities for local
industry participation in the procurement or the supply chain; and
- identify further opportunities to support and develop Australian
Assessment of the LICP as part of
the tender consideration process
On notice, Defence provided details about the tender evaluation process
noting that while a specific weighting is not applied to the LICP, the LICP:
[I]s examined as part of the value for money assessment
conducted by the tender board. The Tender is evaluated with reference to
whether value for money has been demonstrated by its commitment to local
industry participation and will implement appropriate solutions and management
strategies to ensure that local industry is given full, fair and reasonable
opportunity to participate in the delivery of the Works if it is the successful
The information assessed as part of the tender process includes:
- expected economic impact of the works, (including estimates of
employment numbers and description of any initiatives related to Indigenous
- proposed local industry participation in the delivery of the
works, (including description of mechanisms that will be used to ensure local
industry will have the opportunity to participate, and how local SMEs will be
encouraged to participate in the procurement activities);
- proposed approach to a local supply chain, (including processes
for updating preferred supplier lists, assessing potential local businesses and
mechanisms to ensure that reasonable opportunity to participate is passed onto
subcontractors. If feedback is to be offered to unsuccessful subcontract
tenderers, information about the processes which will be undertaken must also
be provided);
- standards, (including a description of the standards to be used
for the project); and
- project contestability, (including an estimation in Australian
dollars of the overall industry participation outcomes by local businesses to
site, regional within state or territory and other state or territory as well
as a list of goods or services which will be either sourced overseas or locally
with imported content).[23]
In relation to defining 'local', Defence advised:
Defence is taking a pragmatic approach to defining 'local',
rather than developing a rigid, geographical definition of what local means.
Using a rigid definition could result in certain suppliers being arbitrarily
excluded. Additionally, there is no common State and Territory Government model
for defining 'local' industry in a geographical construct.[24]
Local industry engagement
During Additional Estimates, Mr Steve Grzeskowiak, Deputy Secretary
Estate and Infrastructure, explained how Defence is working with possible
managing contractors for the projects in the LICP pilot to encourage them to engage
with local industry:
What we're doing is, as we go to market looking for tenders
for companies to be our primes, whether they be managing contractors or head
contractors, we're asking that they engage with the local industry and, as part
of their response to us in their tender, we're asking them to explain to us how
they will maximise opportunity for local industry to be involved in the
process. That doesn't mean that some of those local industry small-to-medium
enterprises would definitely get the work, but how will the project be
structured to enable them to have the best chance of bidding for the work?[25]
At the committee's Canberra public hearing in March 2018, Mr Grzeskowiak
advised that Defence expects companies involved in the LICP pilot, 'as part of
their discovery process, to understand the local industry and structure the
work that they're planning to give those local industries an opportunity to be
part of that work'.[26]
The LICP pilot actively encourages companies to engage with local
industry, however, Mr Grzeskowiak emphasised that Defence is required to assess
all bids following the Commonwealth Procurement Rules:
Obviously we do have to follow Commonwealth procurement rules
and they require us to look for best value for money. We can't formally give a
weighting to a local company over a non-local company, but obviously local
companies should be in a good position to bid at competitive prices for work
because of the nature of their locale. What this might mean is, for example, as
a project is designed, understanding the capacity of local companies and making
sure that the design doesn't rule out a local company. A good example is you
might be building an aircraft hangar. If you know that locally the largest
steel beams that can be galvanised are 20m then you try not to design a hangar
that needs 21m long steel beams; you try to keep the design within the capacity
of the local industry, so they can at least bid for doing the work. So that's
what we're trying to do as well.[27]
When discussing the pilot, Mr Grzeskowiak noted the current high
percentage of local industry subcontractors:
We're not starting from nowhere in this. If you look across
the projects in the space we've got at the moment, actually in work, there's
about 54 of them. Across that suite of projects, which are all over the
country, we're at about 60 per cent of the works subcontracts are placed in
local industry. We're a reasonable percentage at the moment but we are trying
to increase that.[28]
The outcomes from the pilot will inform the development of other Defence
We're running a pilot so we can learn. The idea of the pilot
is that the learnings from it will inform the broader Defence policy about
local industry capabilities, and we've said that that broader Defence policy is
due for release in the first half of this year. So that policy is in the
process of being worked up at the moment. We are feeding in, and will continue
to feed in, experiences from pilots that we're running at the moment, and what
we're learning from these committees.[29]
Stakeholder views on the pilot
The LICP pilot was announced in August 2017, during the period that the
committee conducted its inquiry. In February 2018, the committee wrote to
witnesses who provided evidence at the Northern Territory and Queensland public
hearings seeking feedback on the LICP pilot. The committee received a small
number of responses where it was noted that the pilot is positive but it was acknowledged
that the initiative is in its infancy with a number of tenders not finalised at
the time of writing to the committee.[30]
Restructuring work packages
In addition to the focus on local industry engagement of the LICP pilot,
Defence is also looking to restructure work packages for Defence contracts. As
noted in the committee's third interim report, this initiative was announced by
the Minister for Defence:
At present, the typical arrangements are for sub-contracts to
be based on 'trade packages'. Defence has considered feedback from Northern
Territory enterprises and will instead trial the use of smaller 'work packages'
for the upcoming Larrakeyah Redevelopment and Naval Operations in the North
projects,” Minister Payne said.
Under this approach, buildings or work elements may be
tendered separately, rather than by individual trade. It is expected that this
initiative will provide greater opportunity to local industry in the
Northern Territory.[31]
At Additional Estimates, Mr Grzeskowiak provided further detail about
the restructuring of work packages:
We're looking to structure work packages differently.
Historically, as we've gone to market through our primes, they would structure
a work package to be what is called a trade package, so all of the ground works
for a project, all of the electrical works for a project, all of the concrete
form work, all of the steelwork. That can tend to make it difficult for smaller
local companies to be to be able to bid. So instead, what we're asking our
primes to do is contract for what are called works packages, so if we're doing
a lot of work across a base, it might be this small precinct company X gets the
subcontract to build that whole precinct rather than doing, for example, the
electrical work across the whole base. And small and medium industry have told
us that will enable them to better be able to take part. [32]
2018 Defence Industrial Capability
The committee welcomes the release of the 2018 Defence Industrial
Capability Plan on 23 April 2018 and notes that the Plan includes a list of
ten initial Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities. These priorities are
focused on areas that are operationally critical, priorities within the
Integrated Investment Program over the next three to five years or need more
dedicated monitoring, management and support.
The establishment of Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority Grants
will enable SMEs who are contributing to a Sovereign Industrial Capability
Priority to apply for grants of up to $1 million to fund capital equipment
purchases and non-recurring engineering costs. Businesses will be required to
match funding on a 50:50 basis and total funding for a business over a two to
three year period will be capped at $3 million. Total funding for these grants
will be up to $17 million in a financial year.[33]
The committee notes that Defence provides some reassurance to SMEs who
do not contribute to a Sovereign Industrial Capability Priority. It is
recognised that there will be opportunities to support the delivery of defence
capability across the broader Defence requirements. It is also noted that the
priorities will be updated in future reviews of the Defence Industrial
Capability Plan.
It is positive that the Defence Industrial Capability Plan includes a
focus on reviewing and updating the Plan. It is recognised that changes will
need to be made to align with the defence strategy cycle and capability goals,
and defence industry priorities.
It appears that the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) will
provide a valuable link to industry and specifically SMEs to ensure that
information about progress and reviews to the Plan are published and made
Centre for Defence Industry
Another example of the increased focus on SMEs is the establishment of
the CDIC, an initiative foreshadowed in the Defence Industry Policy Statement. Based in Adelaide, the CDIC is forming a national advisory network with
advisers across all states and territories.[34]
The CDIC supports Australian businesses working in the defence industry
or those seeking to get involved. The CDIC Advisory Board brings together
Australian defence industry leaders and senior public sector representatives to
provide guidance and strategic direction for the CDIC.
The CDIC provides a national network of business advisers with regional expertise
to help businesses understand the defence market and to develop their
industrial capabilities and ability to work with Defence. The CDIC also assists
Defence to better understand the capability of Australian industry.[35] The website notes:
Our advisers help businesses navigate the defence market,
provide specialist advice on improving competitiveness and accessing global
markets, and facilitate connections with other businesses and Defence. We also
link Australian innovators, researchers and academic institutions to Defence's
two innovation programs - the Defence Innovation Hub and the Next Generation
Technologies Fund.
With $200 billion being invested by Government to modernise
defence capability, our task is to work with industry, Defence, and state and
territory governments to build a world-class, globally competitive and
sustainable Australian defence industry.[36]
The committee notes that the CDIC website provides a large range of
information for businesses interested in seeking business opportunities with
Defence, including a Defence Industry and Innovation information newsletter, and
seminars to inform businesses about how to work with Defence.
Defence market seminars hosted by
the CDIC
The committee notes that the CDIC hosted a series of 'Introduction to
the Defence Market' seminars in state capitals and regional areas between March
— May 2018. The committee is aware that the seminars were advertised on a
variety of defence news websites as well as on other organisations' such as
Following a preliminary discussion at the Canberra public hearing about
the seminars, Defence provided additional information on notice:
The Seminars have attracted a diverse range of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) and the support of local business chambers and
incubators that look to support their local businesses in new ventures. In
support of the seminars, State and Territory governments and defence industry
associations have also been invited to attend and present on local initiatives
and the support they have available.[38]
As at 28 March 2018, the CDIC has delivered seminars in seven locations
nationally: five in Queensland (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Townsville,
Rockhampton and Cairns), one in Canberra and one in Albury/Wodonga. Ten further
seminars were planned for April and May at locations in New South Wales,
Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory and South Australia.[39]
Defence advised that the content of each seminar is tailored for the
needs of businesses in each location and where possible and appropriate, each
seminar incorporates SME case studies and prime contractor engagement whereby
one of the seven prime contractors involved in the Global Supply Chain program
is invited to speak about their experiences and the Australian defence market.[40]
At the Canberra hearing, Defence provided information about some of the
CDIC's other initiatives: of February of this year the Centre for Defence
Industry Capability has received over 320 applications from Australian
companies, of which 302 have been accepted and are being pushed through the
various processes. We have received 26 applications for Capability Improvement
Grants, of which 23 have been approved, with a total value of $942,337 in
grants so far. There are a number of things inside what the Centre for Defence
Industry Capability is doing that are starting to impact upon industry's
ability to engage with Defence, but I'll get you a more detailed brief and
provide that to the committee.[41]
Tier 1 contractors
Another systemic issue examined by the committee is the use of Tier 1 or
prime contractors. Typically, Defence will engage a contractor for its major
capital facilities and infrastructure projects through either a head or
managing contractor contract. Under this contract, the head or managing
contractor is 'responsible for seeking, evaluating and engaging its
subcontractors and suppliers'.[42] In addition:
Under the Managing Contract, the contractor is required to
tender all construction work as subcontract packages (i.e. it cannot perform
the construction work itself). Subcontract works are packaged by contractor,
based on their experience and research into the capacity and capability of the
sub-contract market. The contractor is required to ensure that all subcontract
tender documentation is prepared and all tender processes are conducted
consistently with the principles of the CPRs, including the rules in relation
to value for money, encouraging competition, efficient, effective economical
and ethical procurement, accountability and transparency.[43]
As explained by Ms Alice Jones, First Assistant Secretary, Service
Delivery, Defence, at the Wodonga hearing, with respect to services delivered
at Defence bases, [i]t is the prime's [Tier 1] responsibility to deliver the
service and sub out the work as they see fit or desire'.[44]
Ensuring policy intent through Tier
In order for the intent of government policies such as the White Paper
and associated documents to be implemented, and for Defence to have confidence
that their contracts are being implemented in accordance with their intended
aims, it is important that clear reporting and feedback processes be
established. In effect, the head or managing contractor model means that the
contracts are being delivered on Defence's behalf. The committee emphasises the
importance of a robust reporting framework to ensure that contracts are being
implemented in accordance with the terms of contract.
Tier 1 engagement with SMEs
The committee received evidence about prime contractors who are actively
engaged with local businesses. For example, evidence in Port Augusta of
prime contractors holding information forums for local businesses to discuss
the potential opportunities for subcontracting packages.[45] In Rockhampton, witnesses provided examples of industry associations and others
who are providing assistance to SMEs by either offering training to increase
their capability to compete for Defence contracts or providing information
about upcoming business opportunities.[46]
The committee notes the examples of engagement with primes provided to
the inquiry, as well as the stated aims of initiatives like the LICP pilot to
increase engagement. The committee inquired with Defence about whether there
are standard provisions in Defence contracts about engagement with local
industry. However, at the time of finalising this report Defence had not
provided a response to those questions. The committee recognises the value of
the provision of such information by contractors to Defence and also making it
available more broadly. The availability of regional information about Defence
activity is discussed later in the chapter.
The committee also received evidence about state government and industry
network initiatives that are seeking to 'upskill' SMEs to place them in a
better position to tender for Defence contracts.[47] As noted by Mr Jason Schoolmeester, Executive Director, Defence NT: terms of industry briefings and links to awarded
contracts, it is very hard to demonstrate a causal link between attending a
briefing and actually getting a contract. But certainly we always say that the
more information industry and SMEs have the better prepared they can be to
identify the opportunities and compete for the work. I guess the priority here
is creating opportunities so that local companies can compete for the work.[48]
The committee notes there are some synergies between the examples
provided in evidence to the inquiry and the work of the CDIC. It is important
that ongoing opportunities for collaboration and engagement between Defence,
prime contractors and local SMEs are enhanced and maintained.
Tier 1 reporting
In accordance with their terms of contract, Tier 1 contractors are
required to report to Defence on a number of matters. The committee explored
the reporting requirements of Tier 1 contractors. Brigadier Noel Beutel
indicated that within the projects in capital facilities:
Contractually they are required to provide me with statistics
of subcontracts—so total number of trade packages, trade packages let to date,
the value of those trade packages, how many have gone to local industry or
those subcontractors, and then a percentage value for that.[49]
On notice Defence undertook to provide advice on the level of reporting by
contractors across Defence which appears to vary. For capital facilities and
infrastructure projects 'Defence's contracts with managing contractors...include
the requirement to report on local industry engagement'. Defence highlighted
the requirements of the LICP pilot where tenderers will be required to state
how they have engaged with local industry. The Australian Industry Capability
Program applies to materiel projects of $20 million and above where 'tenderers
are required to provide Australian Industry Capability plans that must address
how Australian industry has been engaged in forming the tenderer's proposed
capability solution'.[50]
Tier 1 contractors providing services on Defence bases under Base
Services Contracts are also required to report to Defence as part of their contracts.
In a response to a question on notice received in February 2018, Defence
advised that consideration is being given to amending Base Services Contracts
to allow for additional requirements:
Service Delivery Division is looking at ways to capture information
from these contractors to identify the local engagement of SMEs, including
local contractors and their expenditure. Consideration is being given to
amending the Base Services Contracts to include the additional reporting
requirements to allow for this level of detail to be captured.[51]
The committee is aware that a 2016 ANAO Report Design and
Implementation of Defence's Base Services Contracts, includes advice
from Defence that 'in response to the internal Defence audit, the
Service Delivery Division had initiated a review of its process for performance
assessment, reporting and assurance'.[52] The committee inquired but at the time of finalising the report had not
received information from Defence about the progress of the review and how the
reporting requirements in Base Services Contracts may change as a result of the
The committee recognises that the information reported by Tier 1
contractors to Defence is valuable and has the potential to assist a range of
stakeholders develop a better understanding of the level of engagement with
local industry as well as the broader regional impact of Defence activities.
The need for an improved system of collecting and reporting on regional
information is considered later in this chapter.
Challenges experienced by SMEs with
respect to Tier 1 contractors
As outlined in each of the committee's interim reports, evidence to the
inquiry highlighted challenges experienced by SMEs with respect to Tier 1 prime
contractors. In preparing for its final hearing, the committee received a
submission from Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula
(RDAWEP) which provided details about the experiences of businesses operating
in the region seeking to secure work on the Cultana Training Area Redevelopment
(CTAR) Stage 1 Project. In particular, RDAWEP submitted:
As the initial stages of the project nears completion there
is little evidence that local supply chain companies and contractors have been
utilised to work on the project. There have been some use of local
accommodation, service providers, retailers and local labour, but this has been
limited and appears to be a relatively small proportion of the total project
RDAWEP explained that 'several medium sized businesses with local
facilities and operations in the region bid for work on substantial components
of the project (up to $6 million value)'[54] but were ultimately unsuccessful in being awarded contracts. Further evidence
was submitted outlining the experiences of local suppliers, which, in the view
of RDAWEP, 'indicate questionable trade practices:
It was reported by 1 local Tier 2 SME that they invested up
to $40,000 in preparing quotes and tender documents for work at Cultana. The
company was informed that their quote was used by the EPC to bid for the
project. When the EPC bidder was successful, the local company was subsequently
advised that they must reduce their final quote by more than 10% in order to
secure a contract for the work. Although the local company reduced its price,
it was unable to fully meet this demand. The EPC then engaged an interstate
contractor for the work who operated on a fly in fly out basis. It is beyond
belief that a company incurring substantial travel and accommodation costs for
its staff could undertake the same work at a lower cost than a local company
with no travel or accommodation costs. This was not an isolated incident as
several local businesses reported similar experiences.[55]
The committee discussed these matters with Defence at the Canberra public
hearing who expressed concern about the matters raised. Defence acknowledged
that St Hilliers engagement on the CTAR Stage 1 Project was prior to the LICP
pilot commencing and undertook to look into the matter raised in the submission.[56]
Following the hearing, Defence provided the following evidence about
St Hilliers engagement with the local community:
Although St Hilliers was engaged prior to the LICP, it has
made a concerted effort to engage with the local community, and to provide opportunities
to local subcontractors where possible. In July 2017, St Hilliers conducted
local industry forums, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in
Whyalla and Port Augusta, South Australia. The purpose of the forums was to
introduce the CTAR Stage 1 Project to the local community and to engage with
local contractors and suppliers in order to maximise opportunities for local
industry participation. In March 2018, a further industry forum was conducted
with local contractors and suppliers from Whyalla and Port Augusta to advise
them of the finishing trades work packages that were going to be released.
Attendance for local contractors and suppliers at these forums was high.
In addition to the industry forums, St Hilliers has
undertaken the following activities to ensure maximum local participation:
- advertising for subcontractors/suppliers in local
- continuing to liaise with local industry networks and the
Chamber of Commerce,
- Sourcing materials from local suppliers,
- entering into supply arrangements with local supplier such
as hospitality and fuel services providers; and
- managing a project “positions vacant” data base for all
project sub-contractors, to facilitate employment opportunities for local
On the particular experience of specific businesses, the committee,
following consultation with RDAWEP, provided Defence with the names of two
businesses which had experiences that were consistent with the evidence
provided in the RDAWEP submission. At the time of finalising this report
Defence was yet to respond.
Feedback to unsuccessful tenderers
The committee received some evidence about businesses which have been
unsuccessful when submitting a quote for subcontracting work to prime
contractors and have not received feedback to explain why there were
unsuccessful.[58] Defence advised there are different contractual requirements in relation to the
provision of feedback to unsuccessful tenderers. There are some contracts which
do not require contractors to communicate with unsuccessful tenderers; it is up
to the discretion of the contractor to provide this feedback.[59]
Further to this, Defence advised that a special condition of contract
will be introduced immediately into Defence's traditional head contract to
ensure that prime contractors follow guidance in the Commonwealth Procurement
Rules on unsuccessful tender debriefs.[60]
Commonwealth Procurement Rules
The Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) are issued by the Minister for
Finance and are the rules for all Commonwealth procurements and govern the way
in which entities undertake their own processes. Officials from non-corporate
Commonwealth entities such as Defence must comply with the CPRs when performing
duties related to procurement.[61]
At the public hearing in Canberra, officials from the Department of
Finance (Finance) explained that their department is responsible for the CPRs
as the broad high-level procurement framework.[62]
Defence explained that their procurement activities are:
...fundamentally driven by value for money considerations.
Defence, in line with Government policy, has adopted the use of national large
scale contracts and standing offers to achieve the best value for money.[63]
Consideration of economic benefit
Finance explained that a clause requiring agencies to consider economic
benefits for contracts for specified amounts has been included in the CPRs
since 1 March 2017:
The Commonwealth Procurement Rules, as of 1 March last year,
include a clause requiring agencies to incorporate a consideration of economic
benefits for contracts that are going to be over the value of $4 million for
general procurement, or $7.5 million for construction procurement...They [the
CPRs] establish a framework of principles and we do operate in a devolved
framework, so it's really up to individual agencies to determine what
constitutes economic benefit and what sort of weighting to give that. The
procurement rules do make it clear that that is within the context of
considering value for money, so it doesn't override value for money by any means.
That's still the core rule.[64]
Finance explained the setting of these thresholds in a response
following the Canberra hearing:
The Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) sets thresholds for
when an open approach to market is generally required consistent with our
international obligations. For non-construction goods and services
procurements, the threshold is $80,000 and for construction services the
threshold is $7.5 million. The process for this open approach to market is set
out in Division 2 of the CPRs. For construction services the threshold
requirement for an open approach to market and the requirement for an economic
benefit assessment are aligned.
In the case of non-construction goods and services, the $4
million threshold for an economic benefit test is set above the threshold for
an open approach to market because this represents the point at which economic
benefits should be able to be assessed, without imposing additional
requirements and costs on potential suppliers and agencies, which would be the
case for lower value procurements.[65]
The economic benefit test in the CPRs for contracts over $4 million is
based on the economic impact to the Australian economy and not a particular
In its submission, Defence noted:
Defence is committed to ensuring equitable access to
government contracts for Australian businesses, in particular small business as
evidenced by the volume and value of contracts awarded in 2015-16. The CPRs
reaffirm the Government’s requirement for non – corporate entities (of which
Defence is one) sourcing at least 10 per cent of procurement by value from
small and medium enterprises. Defence has consistently exceeded this target.[66]
South Australian model
As noted in the committee's first interim report, the South Australian
Industry Participation Policy, which has been designed to deliver regional and
economic benefits, establishes '...a framework for assessment of economic
contribution between rival tenders and grants within a broad value-for-money
At the public hearing in Port Augusta, Mr Ian Nightingale emphasised
that the South Australian policy 'is not about special treatment or price
preferencing but, rather, about recognising the important contribution
businesses make to the South Australian economy'.[68] The model can measure state economic benefit verses regional economic benefit.[69]
The model used in South Australia has a weighting or a percentage at
tender which measures the economic benefit using capital, supply inputs and
labour. Currently the weighting is mandated at 15 per cent minimum for all
government procurement above $220,000. In larger projects above $4 million it
can be around 20 per cent. In explaining further how it works Mr Nightingale
Let us take 20 per cent. If 80 per cent are the other
components of your tender evaluation, that is still going to dominate the
outcome of your tender, so you will still get a very competitive tender, but
you are measuring a legitimate economic benefit as part of the tender
The committee discussed the SA model further with Defence at the final
public hearing in Canberra, noting the 1 March 2017 changes to the CPRs to
consider economic benefits. Mr Ablong noted:
It's fair to say that as the changes to the Commonwealth
Procurement Rules are relatively recent, we have not yet come to mature
methodology for identifying economic benefits. That's one of the things that we
are looking at in terms of the pilots: how you amass an economic benefit
statement about a local region, how you conduct that economic benefit, and how
far into the sort of social licence issues you can take an economic benefit
analysis. We're still working those things through to be able to come to a more
mature assessment of what the actual value-for-money proposition is. There is a
lot of work currently being undertaken to build the economic models that we
will use to be able to test those activities out. So, it is certainly something
that is being worked through in detail as we start to the build the policy.[71]
Defence noted that 'the model the South Australians use is one of the
inputs that we're bringing into it'.[72]
Complexity of procurement process
and associated documentation
During the committee's inquiry, SMEs noted the complexity of the
procurement system and in particular the detailed documentation required by
Defence when tendering for contracts.[73] Finance indicated that specific requirements for documentation for individual
tender processes are at the determination of the relevant agency:
We [Finance] are responsible for this broad high-level
framework. As I said, there's nothing in the broad high-level framework that
requires a particular size or volume of documentation, and often that comes
back to the decisions that agencies have made about how to approach a
particular procurement. Obviously, larger, more significant procurements have a
higher level of documentation.[74]
Defence advised that following the First Principles Review, a 'slimmed
down' version of the Defence procurement manual has been issued.[75]
The committee pursued this issue at the Canberra public hearing.
Mr Grzeskowiak explained that the volume of documentation required for
individual contracts will vary depending on the size and complexity of the
contract. Large contracts require a range of information including insurance
and finance guarantees confirming the viability of the company. Mr Grzeskowiak
observed that 'we do understand that parts of industry look at those contracts
and find them a bit overwhelming'. [76]
Further to this, Mr Grzeskowiak provided some additional detail about
how contract documentation may differ depending on its complexity:
We've been using—particularly in the capital construction
sense—a suite of contracts that has gradually evolved over the last 20 years or
so. They're considered robust. We've developed leaner contracts for what we
call our medium sized projects, smaller projects, because we do recognise that,
clearly, the nature of the contract you enter into, the detail that needs to be
provided, and the risk balance between risks we might take and risks the
contractor might take need to be scalable to a point. We are always looking at
our contract vehicles, looking for improvements we can make for a range of
things, one of which would be feedback from industry on how they find our
contracts. But—particularly in our bigger contracts—the reason we have the
clauses we do comes from experience in dealing over a long period of time in
the market sector that we deal in. From a Defence perspective, the contracts
have proved robust in terms of us being able to deliver what we need to deliver
reliably without seeing too many difficulties down the track. That's not to say
there are never difficulties.[77]
Mr Grzeskowiak noted that Defence does receive feedback about its
We do hear and understand that new players, particularly, in
this space view our contracts as very thorough, and we're attentive to
incremental change of those contracts as we go on.[78]
Following the hearing, Defence advised that they have 'made good
progress streamlining and simplifying procurement processes' and regularly
engage with 'industry, including SMEs and subcontractors through a range of fora
on a range of procurement and contracting issues'.[79] Defence noted there are a range of initiatives targeting SME engagement.
Commonwealth contracting suite
The committee was advised that Defence, in line with requirements from
Finance, uses the Commonwealth contracting suite for tenders under $1 million:
So what we consider low-value, low-risk in a Defence
perspective. That's a very streamlined set of tools and templates that we use.
As far as I'm aware—and Finance can probably provide more advice—it was
developed in consultation with SMEs.[80]
Mr Hunt provided some additional information about the Commonwealth
contracting suite:
[T]he Commonwealth contracting suite, which is something that
Finance developed and we did do it in consultation with business. It's designed
to minimise the burden on participating businesses, and particularly small and
medium enterprises. So it kind of simplifies and streamlines the process, and
it provides a standard set of documentation. But it is for lower-value
procurements. It's mandatory up to $200,000, and then it can be used up to $1
million. It can be used as a basis for developing a contract for larger
contracts as well.[81]
Consultation mechanisms
Defence communicates and consults with local communities on a range of
matters and via a number of different mechanisms. Evidence to the inquiry
highlighted that some consultation mechanisms are working effectively while
others could be improved.
Submissions identified the importance of coordination and consultation
between Defence, local, state and territory governments, regional development
associations, industry networks and community organisations. For example, the
South Australian Government submitted:
Establishing an appropriate communication mechanism within
the region, requires a coordinated and concerted effort between local
businesses, local government, and state government organisations including
Defence SA and the Office of the Industry Advocate and the Department of
Defence and Regional Development Australia associations in the USG region. This
will ensure that local communities have a full understanding of their
requirements and potential investment opportunities.[82]
Defence consultation with community
In its submission, Defence noted that it 'sees itself as a member of the
communities in which it operates' and that Defence is committed to working with
all levels of government and community organisations regarding training
activities, including exercises undertaken in rural and regional communities.[83] Defence advised that it communicates and consults on a range of matters
- proactive engagement with state and territory governments about
estate planning, logistics, community and encroachment issues;
- communication with local government and community stakeholders
such as Indigenous communities, local charities, local councils and sporting
- management of legacy unexploded ordnance;
- consultation with the community about major exercises, including potential
environmental aspects and proposed mitigation measures, raising awareness of
the exercise, traffic flow, contracting and procurement, local business
opportunities and advice about resources that would be required. Engagement
mechanisms included social media, newspaper and council newsletter, local
TV/radio, open days at some bases and 1800 number for enquiries[84]
- consultation on use of non-Defence land and facilities; and
- minimising aircraft noise on local communities.[85]
Local council representatives provided evidence about existing
consultation mechanisms with Defence. Forums such as the one used to discuss
and consult on emergency management was highlighted as a mechanism that was
working effectively.[86] On notice, Defence noted that 'each local community is unique, and that the
level and nature of Defence engagement with a local community varies from
base-to-base'. Furthermore:
Defence engages continually with local communities where
there is a Defence presence and uses direct engagement, utilises existing
functions of local, state and territory governments, industry peak bodies and
Tier 1 contractors more broadly to provide information. Mechanisms such as the
Centre for Defence Industry Capability have been established to provide a
source of information for businesses across Australia about potential
procurement opportunities.[87]
Relationship between Base
Commandant and local community
Throughout the inquiry the committee heard evidence noting the
significance of the local base commandant in ensuring good relationships with
the local community.[88]
While the committee heard positive examples, communities saw the
relationship as a key one to build on and were concerned should a base
commandant be less engaged with the community. The committee asked Defence how
it ensures local commandants are appropriately engaged with the local
communities and whether there are any policies in place but at the time of finalising
the report the committee had not received a response.
Consultation about business
Evidence to the inquiry highlighted that there are differences in the consultation
mechanisms utilised to inform and educate local businesses about upcoming
business opportunities with Defence. A number of business representatives
noted that they are often unaware about Defence business opportunities.
It was observed that in order for local SMEs to be in a position to
provide goods and services to Defence, it is important that 'Defence
communicate openly with SMEs regarding upcoming demand for labour and goods and
As highlighted earlier, some Tier 1 contractors are providing
information about upcoming business opportunities with Defence. The committee
also heard evidence about the role other organisations (such as local council, chambers
of commerce, RDAs, state government departments, industry advocates) have in
disseminating information about business opportunities. The committee heard
different accounts about the effectiveness of these communication channels.
The committee sought information from Defence about what formal and
informal mechanisms are in place with Defence to facilitate information sharing
across the range of organisations outlined above. At the time of finalising the
report, a response from Defence had not been received.
The committee notes that the establishment of the CDIC seeks to provide
a national network of business advisers to assist understand the defence market
and to develop their industrial capabilities and ability to work with Defence.
Assisting and consulting with businesses to ensure they are aware of upcoming
opportunities with Defence is another information component of providing
assistance to SMEs.
Availability of regional information
It was widely recognised during the inquiry that Defence training
activities and the presence of Defence facilities results in economic, social
and environmental benefits for rural and regional communities. Although the
overarching benefits were accepted, detailed information to quantify and monitor
such benefits does not appear to be readily available.
Defence contribution to regional
Defence recognised the contribution that Defence bases make to regional
Defence makes a significant contribution to regional
Australia through the presence of Defence bases and people and by fostering
linkages with the communities in which Defence members are based. As at January
2017, the total overall number of Defence personnel in regional centres across
Australia was approximately 27,427, which equates to 28 per cent of the total
98,161 Defence personnel.[90]
While every community that appeared before the inquiry indicated support
for Defence presence in their region, there was a strong view expressed for
more information to be available about the contribution of Defence to regional
areas. Every community was seeking details about what and how Defence money was
being spent in their region.[91]
The committee notes that additional information about the regional
impact of Defence activities would be beneficial for a range of stakeholders.
It is recognised that developing a comprehensive profile of the regional impact
may also assist SMEs identify future business opportunities as well as areas
that they should be seeking to develop their capabilities and capacity across
the Defence supply chain.
Provision of regional information
from Defence
Throughout the inquiry, Defence responses at public hearings and on
notice varied on this issue. The Defence submission provided some details of
expenditure at Defence establishments as well as expenditure for approved
capital facilities by state.[92] Detail about Defence spending in regions was provided in some answers to
questions on notice while other responses have noted challenges with reporting
local and regional information.[93]
In response to a question taken on notice in Wodonga, Defence stated
that they would be 'willing to contribute, through the provision of publically
available data, to the conduct of a thesis by another agency, on the economic
impact of Defence expenditure on the local community'.[94]
Following that response, the committee sought additional information
from Defence about how this could be achieved to meet the need from the
community for regional information. Defence advised:
Where information is available and not commercially
sensitive, Defence can work with other agencies to identify how the economic
impact of Defence expenditure on the local community may be measured and
Defence advised that studies analysing the economic contribution of
Defence activities have been undertaken, including an analysis of the RAAF Base
Amberley to the local Ipswich, Greater Brisbane and Queensland state economy as
well as a socio-economic impact assessment of the Australia-Singapore Military
Training Initiative (ASMTI) and the associated benefits for Central and North
Defence also noted that in 2018, economic impact studies will be
commissioned for RAAF Base Tindal, RAAF Base Williamtown, RAAF Base Edinburgh,
Edinburgh Defence Precinct and HMAS Albatross.[97]
Defence seeking to improve the
collection of regional information
The committee pursued the matter of how Defence can better capture
information at a systemic level at the Canberra public hearing. The committee was
particularly interested in understanding how the existing financial system
could be enhanced or better utilised to capture information about the economic
benefits of Defence activities at the regional or local level.
Mr Grzeskowiak reiterated that currently Defence's systems 'are not
gathering data in a granular enough way in all cases for us to be confident
about figures'.[98] It was noted that although detailed information is not currently readily
available, Defence is doing some work to improve its data collection processes.
Mr David Spouse, First Assistant Secretary, Financial Services,
Department of Defence explained that Defence's financial systems are largely
designed around paying suppliers:
That fundamentally means that whoever the contract's with,
and whatever their billing address and banking arrangements are, is the system
that we use to pay those people, and that's the way that it's always been. That
also means that, whilst it may be that the majority or even the vast majority
of a payment is spent in that local area, particularly where you're dealing
with prime contractors or tier 1 contractors that may operate right across
Australia or internationally, there's no specific information in that payment
necessarily about where the goods were delivered or where the service was
provided. What is happening as part of the procurement reform framework is
that, internally, all of the contracts and purchase orders that we raise will
be required to relate to the postcode, if it's in Australia, where the goods
and/or services are going to be provided. That will give us a better picture.[99]
Under new requirements, when contracts or purchase orders are put into
the system for payment, the postcode where the majority of the goods and
services will be provided must be included:
Let's assume I'm a Melbourne based tier 1 contractor. When
the contract's raised or the purchase order's raised, the parts of the purchase
order, or the goods that are delivered to particular locations, where we're
aware of those, would be identified against those postcodes. So, if I have a
Melbourne based head office but all of the work's done in 5084, 5084 would be
identified as the key location for the goods or services to be provided. Now, I
wouldn't argue that that's a 100 per cent solution, but I think it would take
us a lot further than we can currently provide.[100]
Mr Spouse further explained that under the current requirements, as part
of the development of the contract or the procurement document, detailed
information about the location of a business engaged to deliver a particular
part of the project are not required. In addition:
It's an enhancement to our systems internally, and probably
to our procurement requirements, that we would have to take on board. Then
there's a question of the amount of effort involved in doing that, and back
again into the value-for-money sort of equation. Undoubtedly, that sort of
information is available, but it needs to be right at the start of the process
rather than as part of what the financial system can represent out of the
current specifications.[101]
The committee notes the importance of Defence continuing to review and
refine the information it collects as the provision and regular reporting of
this information will assist the local community and it will also allow Defence
to clearly articulate the economic benefit being provided by Defence to
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