List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider ways to improve members' understanding of DFRDB and other military superannuation schemes. This could include additional information and education for ADF recruits and officer cadets, and ongoing updates for ADF personnel. It could also comprise a dedicated website or webpage for members, including a summary of the scheme and information on a member's contributions history and any residual pension payable.

Recommendation 2

The committee recommends that the Australian Government consider more assistance for DFRDB members to make claims under the CDDA scheme and appeal any adverse decisions or a separate reparation payments scheme for DFRDB members who are unsuccessful under the CDDA scheme to recognise the government's moral obligation to address any confusion and distress caused by defective administration. Where a CDDA claim was successful, compensation could include any professional costs expended in preparation of the claim, and legal and other professional costs if a claimant successfully appealed an adverse finding. Further, where the claimant's CDDA appeal was unsuccessful, the Commonwealth should consider not applying for costs to be awarded against the claimant.

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