Australia India Relations - Trade and security

Australia India Relations - Trade and security

July 1990

© Commonwealth of Australia 1990

ISBN 0 664 11026 0

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View the report as a single document - (PDF format) - [4,235 KB]

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Main Findings and Recommendations - (PDF format)

Chapter 1 - Australia-India Relations Today - (PDF format)

Chapter 2 - Prospects for Increased Trade - (PDF format)

Chapter 3 - The Commercial Environment - (PDF format)

Chapter 4 - The Evolution of India's MilitaryPosition - (PDF format)

Chapter 5 - India's Military Capabilities - (PDF format)

Chapter 6 - Conclusions and Recommendations - (PDF format)

Appendices - (PDF format)
Appendix 1 - Individuals and Organisations who made Written Submissions to the Committee
Appendix 2 - Witnesses Who Appeared at Public Hearings
Appendix 3 - Indian Armed Forces Order of Battle
Appendix 4 - Speech on Indian Defence Policy by former Minister of Defence, K.C. Pant