Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Thursday 11 August 2011—Canberra

BOND, Mr Kim, Senior Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

BURNS, Mr Christopher Mark, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Teaming Centre

CAHILL, Mr Matt, Group Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

HOLBERT, Ms Fran, Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

MANSELL, Mr Brian, Chairman, Corporate Members Group, Australian Business Defence Industry Unit

McPHEE, Mr Ian, Auditor-General, Australian National Audit Office

O'CALLAGHAN, Mr John, Executive Officer, Australian Industry Group Defence Council

PRIESTNALL, Mr Graham, President, Australian Industry and Defence Network Inc.

TONKIN, Mr Robert, National Secretary, Australian Industry and Defence Network Inc.

WHITE, Mr Ben, Manager, Australian Business Defence Industry Unit

WHITE, Mr Michael, Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

WILLOX, Mr Innes Alexander, Director, International and Government Relations, and Executive Director, Australian Industry Group Defence Council

Friday 12 August 2011—Canberra

DAVIES, Dr Andrew John, Private capacity

GEHLING, Mr Robin Charles, Secretary, Australian Division, Royal Institution of Naval Architects

GRIFFITHS, Mr Richard David, Chair of the Board, Australian Association for Maritime Affairs

GROVE, Mr Ken, Director of Strategic Development, Babcock Pty Ltd

HOROBIN, Mr Peter, President, Submarine Institute of Australia Inc.

LOCKHART, Mr Craig, Chief Executive Officer, Babcock Pty Ltd

MACDONALD, Mr Gordon, Executive Director, BMT Design and Technology

RENILSON, Professor Martin Robert, President, Australian Division, Royal Institution of Naval Architects

THOMSON, Dr Mark John, Private capacity

WATES, Mrs Wendy Denise, Strategic Business Team, QinetiQ Pty Ltd

Wednesday 5 October 2011—Canberra

BINSKIN, Air Marshal Mark Donald, Vice Chief of the Defence Force, Department of Defence

BROWN, Air Marshal Geoffrey Charles, Chief of Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force

CALIGARI, Major General John, representing Chief of Army, Australian Army

DAY, Major General Stephen Julian, Capability Manager, Department of Defence

DERWORT, Air Commodore Noel Gregory, Commander, Aerospace Operational Support Group, Royal Australian Air Force

GRAYSTON, Mr Rupert, Acting Chief Executive, Engineers Australia

HARVEY, Air Marshal John, Chief, Capability Development Group, Department of Defence

JACKSON, Mr Brent, Director, International and National Policy, Engineers Australia

JONES, Rear Admiral Trevor Norman, Acting Chief of Navy, Royal Australian Navy

McKENZIE, Mr Ian Robert, Acting Deputy Secretary, Intelligence and Security, Department of Defence

ORME, Mr Neil, Acting Deputy Secretary, Strategy, Department of Defence

ROBINSON, Dr David Keith, Director, Education and Assessment, Engineers Australia

SARE, Dr Ian Richard, Deputy Chief Defence Scientist, Platform and Human Systems, Defence Science and Technology Organisation

SMITH, Mr James Stuart, Chief, Projects and Requirements Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation

Friday 7 October 2011—Canberra

CAWLEY, Mr Andrew, General Manager, Programs, Defence Materiel Organisation

CROSER, Mr Peter, Acting Program Manager, Air Warfare Destroyer, Defence Materiel Organisation

DUNSTALL, Mr Harry, Acting Deputy Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, Commercial, Defence Materiel Organisation

HARVEY, Air Marshal John Paul, Chief, Capability Development Group, Department of Defence

KING, Mr Warren, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation

MCKINNIE, Mrs Shireane, General Manager, Systems, Defence Materiel Organisation

MOFFITT, Rear Admiral Rowan C, Head, Future Submarines Program, Capability Development Group, Department of Defence

THORNE, Air Vice Marshal Colin, Head, Aerospace Systems Division, Defence Materiel Organisation

Wednesday 12 June 2012—Canberra

BRABIN-SMITH, Dr Richard, private capacity

BUSHELL, Air Commodore (Retired) E.J., private capacity

DAVIES, Dr Andrew, private capacity

HOLBERT, Ms Fran, Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

IOANNOU, Dr Tom, Group Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

O'CALLAGHAN, Mr John,  Director-Defence & Government Relations, Australian Industry Group Defence Council

WILKINSON, Mr Alex, Senior Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

WOOLNER, Mr Derek, private capacity

Thursday 13 June 2012—Canberra

CAWLEY, Mr Andrew, General Manager, Programs, Defence Materiel Organisation

du TOIT, Rear Admiral Allan, Head Navy Capability, Department of Defence

DUNSTALL, Mr Harry, Deputy Chief Executive Officer DMO/General Manager Commercial, Defence Materiel Organisation

GALLACHER, Mr John, Gate Review External Board Member

GRIGGS, Vice Admiral Ray, Chief of Navy, Department of Defence

HUGHES, Mr Owen, Gate Review External Board Member

HURLEY, General David, Chief of the Defence Force, Department of Defence

IRVING, Mr Ian, Gate Review External Board Member

JOHNSON, Mr Paul, Gate Review External Board Member

JOINER, Group Captain Keith, Director General Test & Evaluation, Department of Defence

JONES, Vice Admiral Peter, Chief Capability Development Group, Department of Defence

KING, Mr Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Defence Materiel Organisation, Department of Defence

LEWIS, Mr Duncan, Secretary of Defence, Department of Defence

LOUIS, Mr Edward, Gate Review External Board Member

LOUIS, Ms Kate, Assistant Secretary Investment Analysis, Department of Defence

McKINNIE, Ms Shireane, General Manager Systems, Defence Materiel Organisation

NEUMANN, Dr Ralph, Gate Review External Board Member

SMITH, Mr James, Chief Projects and Requirements Division, DSTO, Department of Defence

WILLIAMS, Dr Ian, Gate Review External Board Member

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