Appendix 3 - Additional information, tabled documents, and answers to questions on notice

Appendix 3 - Additional information, tabled documents, and answers to questions on notice

Tabled documents

Hearing date 6 November 2006

John P (Jack) Lonergan OBE:

  1. Brief CV
  2. Cancer incidences
  3. Comments on Dosimetry

Senator Lyn Allison, Senate Question on Notice 2329.

Major Alan Batchelor MBE (ret'd):

  1. Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia – Vol 2:Mortality and cancer incidence, annotated.
  2. United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (Procurement Executive) AWRE Aldermaston, SFS/OEL/AA/1(P) – Listing of Persons at UK Overseas Defence Nuclear Experimental Programmes Citizens of Australia (Provisional Issue), January 1982.
  3. Table 7.16 Operation Antler: estimated combined external and internal exposures, annotated.
  4. Observations on Dosimetry Panel's considerations, May 2005.
  5. United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Atomic weapons research establishment, Report No. T112/54.
  6. Department of Atomic Energy, Atomic weapons research establishment, Report No. T5/54.
  7. CERRIE Minority Report 2004, Technical Annex 1: Carcinogenic risk of Particulates.
  8. Major Alan Batchelor, correspondence dated 6 July 2006 and attachments.

Additional information

Provided by J.G. Collins:

  1. J.G. Collins, The war of the Veterans, March 2001.
  2. B.C.O.F. National Research, Commemorative & Welfare Association (ACT Inc.), The Vietnam Veteran Newsletter, 15 April 2006.
  3. Anne Wilkinson, 'Veteran: We ate lunch at ground zero', The Senior, August 2006.
  4. Major Alan Batchelor MBE (Ret'd), The war of the Veterans review.
  5. 'The man who took a bulldozer under the shadow of the bomb', Review, 16 May 2001.
  6. 'John's fighting a war for veterans', Toowoomba Chronicle.
  7. David LM Bernshaw, Private Radiation Oncology Service, 27 October 1995.
  8. Department of Veterans Affairs – Office of Congressional Affairs, Significant Federal Register Submissions of Interest to Veterans, September 1998.
  9. Veterans' Review Board – Decision and Reasons, 5 March 1999.
  10. Excerpts of a letter written by John Collins to Hon. Bruce Scott, MP, Minister for Veterans Affairs on 6 June 2001; in reply to his letter of 26 April, to the Secretary of the BCOF National Association Inc. (Queensland Branch).
  11. Federal Court of Australia, Collins v Repatriation Commission [2005] FCA 1566
  12. J.G. Collins, Keeping the Peace, 18 October 2006.
  13. J.G. Collins, For V.R.B. Hearing. Extracts from the book "Hiroshima and Nagasaki" by the Committee for the compilation of materials on damage caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Answers to written questions on notice

Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to written questions on notice.
Dr Philip Crouch, Answer to question on notice from Senator Allison.

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