Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1 - Introduction


1.1        Senator the Hon. Ian Campbell, then Minister for the Environment and Heritage, introduced the Non-Proliferation Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 into the Senate on 6 December 2006. On 7 December 2006, the Senate referred the bill to the Senate Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade for examination and report by 8 February 2007.

1.2        The bill principally amends the Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987. This Act gives effect to Australia's international obligations as a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) Safeguards Agreement and the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.

Purpose and effect of the bill

1.3        The purpose of the bill is to:

1.4        The Second Reading Speech noted that the bill 'will demonstrate Australia's ongoing commitment to the physical security of nuclear facilities, material and related information, and the application of nuclear safeguards to such items'. To this end, the bill:


1.5        The committee advertised the inquiry on its website and in The Australian on 12 December 2006. The committee wrote to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Alexander Downer, on 12 December 2006 to invite him or the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to make a submission. A number of organisations and stakeholders were also contacted and invited to make submissions to the inquiry. The committee received submissions from the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO) within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Friends of the Earth (FoE) and the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW).


1.6        The committee thanks those who assisted with the inquiry.

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