Appendix 3 - Additional information, tabled documents and answers to questions on notice

Appendix 3 - Additional information, tabled documents and answers to questions on notice

Department of Education, Science and Training

  • copy of "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Education and Training between the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the Department of Education, Science and Training of Australia", dated 2 December 2002 (in English and Chinese).
  • "Arrangement on Higher Education Qualifications Recognition between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China", dated 24 October 2003 (in English and Chinese).


  • correspondence dated 17 June 2005—request to replace a document tabled at the hearing on 14 June 2005.
  • "China–Australia Human Rights Technical Cooperation Program: Matrix of Activities 1997–2005".
  • "A Summary of Australian Development Scholarships for China 2003 to 2005".

Asialink and Asia Education Foundation

  • magazine: AEF News (Volume 14/No 1/June 2005)
  • booklet: Asialink; The University of Melbourne; An initiative of The Myer Foundation
  • booklet: 'The US, Taiwan and the PRC; Managing China's Rise: Policy Options for Australia' by Professor Hugh White, Melbourne Asia Policy Papers (Number 5, November 2004) published by The University of Melbourne
  • booklet: 'Trade in Services; Policy Options and Implications for Australia-Asia Relations' by Professor Christopher Findlay, Melbourne Asia Policy Papers (Number 6, March 2005) published by The University of Melbourne
  • CD: Voices & Visions from China; Texts for the Senior English Classroom

Embassy of the People's Republic of China

  • Correspondence dated 24 June 2005 including reference materials
  • Magazine: Combat Cults and Protect Human Rights
  • Leaflet: 'Xiao Dengliang: I oppose fabricating rumors in my name'
  • Leaflet: 'Fu Yibin hacked family members to death'
  • Leaflet: '"Falun Gong" is a Cult; Fallacies of Li Hongzhi'
  • Leaflet: 'Expose the True Feature of Falun Gong'
  • Leaflet: 'Falun Dafa; Peaceful Journey of truthfulness-compassion-forbearance'
  • Information sheet: '"Falun Gong" Is a Cult; A Doctoral Student Breaks with "Falun Gong' (3 copies)
  • Booklet: '"Falun Gong" Is a Cult VI' published by New Star Publishers 2000
  • Booklet: '"Falun Gong" Is a Cult VII' published by New Star Publishers 2000
  • Booklet: 'Li Hongzhi & His "Falun Gong", Deceiving the Public and Ruining Lives' published by New Star Publishers 1999
  • CD: Memorandum On "Falun Gong"

Anita Chan, Contemporary China Centre, Australian National University

  • 'Chinese Labour Standards, China's Trade Union Federation, and the Question of Engagement', paper presented at a symposium on 14 and 15 February 2005

Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources

  • email dated 1 July 2005, providing clarification of evidence given at the hearing on 21 June 2005

Department of the Environment and Heritage

  • correspondence dated 7 July 2005—answers to questions on notice from hearing on 20 June 2005 re climate change project and collaborative project on cultural heritage.

Department of Education, Science and Training

  • correspondence dated 7 July 2005—answers to questions on notice from hearing on 14 June 2005 re:

Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics

  • correspondence dated 14 July 2005 including copy of report
  • Developments in Chinese Agriculture Abare Report by Ivan Roberts and Neil Andrews dated July 2005

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

  • correspondence dated 18 July 2005—answers to questions on notice from hearing on 16 June 2005 re:
  • list of Australian participants at the June 2005 Human Rights Dialogue
  • summary of issues and participants at the Australia-China Human Rights Dialogues
  • internet links to copies of Australia's nuclear safeguards agreements with nuclear weapons states
  • specific measures that would be required of China to ensure that Australian–obligated uranium does not end up in nuclear weapons
  • confirmation of the Australian companies seeking to export uranium to China
  • confirmation that the issue of nuclear waste has not arisen in discussions with China
  • China's position on Japan's move to lift restrictions on whaling at the International Whaling Commission meeting in Ulsan, South Korea
  • brief history and copy of ASEAN's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation
  • Australia's relations with Hong Kong
  • Australia's relations with Macau
  • copy of the Australia-China MOU on the launch of FTA negotiations
  • details of AusAID's HIV/AIDS project in Xinjiang.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

  • Correspondence dated 2 August 2005—further information on AusAID's HIV/AIDS project in Xinjiang, Western China following a recent field visit by Australia's Special Representative on HIV/AIDS, Ms Annmaree O'Keefe.
  • Correspondence dated 11 October 2005 – answers to question on notice from roundtable hearing on 13 September 2005 re:
  • Background information on the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
  • Background information on negotiations towards a Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with China.


  • correspondence dated 27 July 2005—answers to questions on notice from hearing on 14 June 2005 re:
  • number of people who travelled to China in the last year to provide development assistance or to Australia as recipients of assistance
  • breakdown of ODA expenditure to China
  • example of a case study in development—Datong Cleaner Environment Project
  • recording of AusAID financial commitments for future years
  • copy of two documents by Fitzgerald Consulting:
  • China 2001-2010: Political, Economic and Social Issues of Reform and Transformation, December 2000
  • China Country Strategy Review 2002-2005: Report and Recommendations to AusAID, March 2001

Mr Liam Phelan, Australia Tibet Council

  • correspondence dated 24 August 2005—additional information arising from hearing on 29 June 2005 re correspondence from the Australia Tibet Council to DFAT regarding the annual Bilateral Human Rights Dialogue between Australia and China dated:
  • 15 July 1998
  • 10 August 1999 (media release)
  • 4 August 2000
  • 8 October 2001
  • 5 August 2002
  • 16 July 2003
  • 12 October 2004
  • 20 May 2005

Professor Stuart Harris, Department of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University

  • email correspondence dated 15 September 2005—additional information arising from the roundtable discussion on 13 September 2005.


  • correspondence dated 30 August 2005—answers to written questions on notice dated 19 July 2005 re:
  • China in the south west Pacific (6 questions)
  • good governance programmes/human rights (5 questions)

Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs

  • correspondence dated 10 September 2005—answers to questions on notice from hearing on 21 June 2005 and answers to written questions on notice dated 19 July 2005 re:
  • staffing levels in DIMIA
  • staffing levels in multicultural affairs area
  • promotion of multicultural relations
  • Chinese–Australian community related activities undertaken by DIMIA
  • DIMIA actions to promote greater awareness of the Chinese–Australian community's contribution to Australian society
  • recent reports from quality control codes and statistics in relation to processing various categories of risk
  • visa categories that Chinese protection visa applicants arrive on
  • copy of protection visa application form
  • visa breakdown for 77 PRC national granted refugee status in 2003–2004

Department of Education, Science and Training

  • correspondence dated 12 September 2005—answers to written questions on notice dated 19 July 2005 re:
  • Chinese studies in Australia (6 questions)
  • science and technology (4 questions)

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