Terms of reference

Terms of reference

On 8 December 2004, the following matter was referred to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report to the Senate:

  1. Australia's economic relationship with China with particular reference to:
    1. economic developments in China over the last decade and their implications for Australia and the East Asian region;
    2. recent trends in trade between Australia and China;
    3. the Australia-China Trade and Economic Framework and possibility of a free trade agreement with China;
    4. ongoing barriers and impediments to trade with China for Australian businesses;
    5. existing strengths of Australian business in China and the scope for improvement through assistance via Commonwealth agencies and Australian Government programs;
    6. opportunities for strengthening and deepening commercial links with China in key export sectors;
  2. Australia’s political relationship with China with particular reference to:
    1. China’s emerging influence across East Asia and the South Pacific;
    2. opportunities for strengthening the deepening political, social and cultural links between Australia and China;
    3. political, social and cultural considerations that could impede the development of strong and mutually beneficial relationships between Australia and China; and
  3. Australian responses to China’s emergence as a regional power with particular reference to:
    1. China’s relationships in East Asia, including in particular the Korean Peninsula and Japan;
    2. the strategic consequences of a China-ASEAN free trade agreement;
    3. China’s expanded activities across the South West Pacific.

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