The (not quite) White Paper

The (not quite) White Paper

Australia's foreign affairs and trade policy, Advancing the National Interest

4 December 2003

© Commonwealth of Australia 2003

ISBN 0 642 71312 X 

View the report as a single document - (PDF format)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:


Members of the Committee (PDF format) (Word Format)

Preface (PDF format) (Word format)

Recommendations (PDF format) (Word format)

Chapter 1:  The purpose and focus of the White Paper (PDF format)  (Word format)
The role of a White Paper
The national interest

Chapter 2: The 2003 White Paper: an overview (PDF format) (Word Format)
Major themes

Chapter 3: Bilateralism and multilateralism: global engagement (PDF format) (Word format)
Addressing globalisation
Australia and the United Nations
Trade: bilateral and multilateral approaches
The United States: unilateral versus multilateral policies

Chapter 4:  Engaging with our region  (PDF format) (Word format)
Australia and Asian engagement
Australia and the South Pacific

Chapter 5:  Looking further afield  (PDF format) (Word format)
Australia and the European Union
The Australian diaspora

Minority Report by Government Members (PDF format) (Word format)
Senators Johnston and Macdonald


Appendix 1:  Submissions received by the Committee (PDF format) (Word format)

Appendix 2:  Witnesses who appeared before the Committee (PDF format) (Word format)