Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Legislation Committee

Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Legislation Committee

Inquiry into aspects of the Veterans’ Entitlement Act 1986 and the Military Compensation Scheme (MCRS)

The Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee is conducting an inquiry into aspects of the Veterans’ Entitlement Act 1986 and the Military Compensation Scheme (MCRS). The inquiry will focus on the offsetting calculations applied to veterans and ex-service personnel who opt to receive a pension in lieu of a previously paid lump sum.

The Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee, has undertaken this inquiry under its general power to inquire into matters relating to the operations of portfolios arising from its examination of departmental annual reports.

Conduct of the inquiry

The closing date for submissions is 23 May 2003. The Committee will conduct two hearings and will report to the Senate in August 2003.

Public hearings

Two public hearings will be conducted on this matter at Parliament House, Canberra:

Monday16 June: 7.30pm to 11.00pm in Committee Room 2S1, and

Monday23June: 7.30pm to 11.00pm in Committee Room 2S1.

The Committee has extended the deadline for receipt of submissions. If you have a query about your submission, please contact the secretariat.

Submissions received and made public by the Committee.

Notes to assist with the preparation of submissions (PDF format)

Report - Tabled 18 September 2003

For further information