

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that, with a view to ensuring the country's future arrangements between intelligence assessments, threat assessments and travel advisories are optimal, consideration should be given to the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry with specific terms of reference to address these and related matters.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that the government, in consultation with the travel industry further develop and oversee a code of practice which would, among other things, make it mandatory for travel agents/advisers to provide to overseas travellers, at the time a booking is made, a copy of both DFAT's Travel Advice for the destination concerned and ASIO's threat assessment for the country itself. Travellers must be advised to consult the DFAT Travel Advice 24 hours prior to their departure.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that DFAT subject a representative selection of its Travel Advice to examination by an independent assessor with qualifications and experience in linguistics, literacy and communication. The assessor shall report to the minister on the intelligibility and accessibility of the language in which information is conveyed in travel advisories.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that