List of Abbreviations

List of Abbreviations

ADF Australian Defence Force
AFP Australian Federal Police
ANU Australian National University
ASEAN Association of South–East Asian Nations
ASIO Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation
ASIS Australian Secret Intelligence Service
ASPI Australian Strategic Policy Institute
CIA (US) Central Intelligence Agency
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
DIG Defence Intelligence Group
DIGO Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation
DIO Defence Intelligence Organisation
DSA Defence Security Authority
DSD Defence Signals Directorate
FBI (US) Federal Bureau of Investigation
FPI Islamic Defenders Front
ICG International Crisis Group
IGIS Inspector–General of Intelligence and Security
JI Jemaah Islamiyah
LJ Laskar Jihad
LJL Laskar Jundullah
NZ New Zealand
MMI Indonesian Mujahidin Council
OBL/UBL Osama bin Laden/Usama bin Laden
ONA Office of National Assessments
SAC/PAV Standing Advisory Committee on Commonwealth/State Cooperation for Protection Against Violence
SE Asia Southeast Asia
SSB Security Status Bulletin
US United States of America
UK United Kingdom