The Role and Future of Radio Australia and Australia Television


That the following matters be referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report by 14 May 1997:

(a) the contribution to Australia's foreign policy and trade interests, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, and the roles as independent broadcasters, of:

(i) Radio Australia and

(ii) Australia Television;

(b) the activities of similar foreign broadcast services, radio and television, broadcasting to countries in the Asia-Pacific region;

(c) the consequences of the closure of Radio Australia and/or Australia Television;

(d) the relationship between Australia's overseas information and cultural activities and Australia's foreign and trade policy interests; and

(e) the role of Radio Australia, having regard to:

(i) the cost effectiveness of the service in meeting the needs of target audiences.

(ii) the relevance of programming offered by the service in the context of media choices available to target audiences; and

(iii) the extent to which culturally appropriate Australian Broadcasting Corporation programming could be delivered by means of rebroadcasting on local or regional services.