1 | Professor George Williams, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, The University of NSW, Faculty of Law (PDF 42KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2352KB) |
2 | Professor Geoffrey Lindell (PDF 13KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2608KB) |
3 | Urban Seed (PDF 4KB) |
4 | Mr James Staples (PDF 2406KB) |
5 | Mr Robert O'Neill (PDF 26KB) |
6 | Submarine Institute of Australia Inc (PDF 267KB) |
7 | Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (PDF 34KB) |
8 | Australian Association for Maritime Affairs (PDF 434KB) |
9 | Pax Christi Victoria (PDF 46KB) |
10 | The Human Rights Council of Australia (PDF 143KB) |
11 | Melissa Parke MP (PDF 298KB) |
12 | Navy League of Australia (PDF 14KB) |
13 | Women's International (PDF 76KB) |
14 | Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD) (PDF 408KB) |
15 | Ms Annette Brownlie (PDF 1937KB) |
16 | Shelley Booth (PDF 20KB) |
17 | Australian Quaker Peace & Legislation Committee (PDF 42KB) |
18 | Medical Association for Prevention of War (PDF 84KB) |
19 | Marrickville Peace Group (PDF 31KB) |
20 | Stop the War Coalition Sydney (PDF 36KB) |
21 | Mr Paul Barratt AO et al (PDF 44KB) |
22 | People for Nuclear Disarmament (Western Australia) (PDF 15KB) |
23 | Civil Liberties Australia Inc (PDF 127KB) |
24 | Professor Helen Ware (PDF 43KB) |
25 | Mr Tim Wright (PDF 921KB) |
26 | Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition (PDF 61KB) |
27 | Anti-Nuclear Alliance of W.A. (PDF 25KB) |
28 | Australian Peacekeeper & Peacemaker Veterans' Association (PDF 59KB) |
29 | Captain Wayne McInnes (PDF 1512KB) |
30 | Bill Fisher and Miriam Tonkin (PDF 88KB) |
31 | Mr Ian Maguire (PDF 2834KB) |