Appendix 1 - Submissions and additional information

Appendix 1Submissions and additional information


1Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance

2Independent and Peaceful Australia Network, South Australia

3Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Australia

4Mr Nathan Marino

5Mr Michael Bayles

6Royal Institution of Naval Architects

7Friends of the Earth Adelaide

8Mr David Noonan B.Sc., M.Env.St.

9Mr Andrew Williams

10Name Withheld

11Caring for South Australia

12Marrickville Peace Group

13The Conservation Council of WA

14Dr Chris Johansen

15Nuclear Free WA and Stop AUKUS WA

16Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

17Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

18Wollongong Against War and Nukes (WAWAN)

19Captain RAN (rtd) Christopher Skinner

20Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

21Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)

22Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)

23Australian Conservation Foundation

24International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Australia)

25Friends of the Earth, Australia

26Australian Shipbuilding Federation of Unions

27Department of Defence

28Global Nuclear Security Partners

29Ms Sylvia Hale

30Dr John Stace

31Ms Julie Marlow

32Robert Ambrose

33Denis Doherty and Dr Hannah Middleton

34Nick Pastalatzis

35Rosamund Krivanek

36Diana Rickard and Greg Chapman

37Grant Donohue

38BAE Systems Australia

39ASC Pty Ltd

40Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Tabled Documents

1Opening statement from the Royal Institution of Naval Architects – public hearing, 13 March 2024

2Opening statement from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation – public hearing, 13 March 2024

3Opening statement from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency – public hearing, 13 March 2024

4Tabled document from Senator Shoebridge – letter from the Chair of the Radiation Health and Safety Advisory Council to the CEO of ARPANSA, dated 13 October 2022

5Opening statement from the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network – public hearing, 13 March 2024

6Opening statement from the Australian Shipbuilding Federation of Unions’ – public hearing, 13 March 2024

7Opening statement from the Department of Defence – public hearing, 13 March 2024

8Opening statement from the Nuclear Free WA and Stop AUKUS WA – public hearing, 4 April 2024, Henderson, WA

9Opening statement from ASC Pty Ltd – public hearing, 4 April 2024, Henderson, WA

10Opening statement from BAE Systems Australia – public hearing, 22 April 2024, Canberra

Additional Information

1Dr Gillian Hirth, Chief Executive Officer, ARPANSA, letter correcting evidence from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 27 March 2024)

2Mr Ryan Hemsley, Principal Advisor, ARPANSA, letter correcting evidence from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 27 March 2024)

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Royal Institution of Naval Architects, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 27 March 2024)

2Australian Shipbuilding Federation of Unions, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 21 March 2024)

3International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Australia), answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 22 March 2024)

4International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Australia) in consultation with the Medical Association for Prevention of War, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 24 March 2024)

5Australian Conservation Foundation, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 27 March 2024)

6Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 27 March 2024)

7Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency in consultation with the Department of Health and Aged Care, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 2 April 2024)

8Perth South West Metropolitan Alliance, answer to question on notice from a public hearing, 4 April 2024, Henderson, WA (received 8 April 2024)

9ASC Pty Ltd, answers to question on notice from a public hearing, 4 April 2024, Henderson, WA (received 16 April 2024)

10Department of Defence, answers to questions on notice from a public hearing, 13 March 2024, Canberra (received 24 April 2024)

11BAE Systems Australia, answer to a question on notice from a public hearing, 22 April 2024, Canberra (received 26 April 2024)