Chapter 8
Vulnerability to natural disasters and the potential impacts of climate
Volume I of this report drew attention to Pacific islands states'
vulnerability to natural disasters, suggesting that many Pacific island states
are subjected to periodic disruption, and in some cases widespread devastation,
from natural disasters. The small size and remoteness of Pacific island states
makes them particularly vulnerable to the effects of extreme weather, including
cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, floods and droughts.[1]
Cyclones, which are especially damaging to low-lying atoll, are the most
prominent and wide-spread natural disaster in the Pacific.[2]
The recent 8.3 magnitude Pacific earthquake, which was followed by tsunamis
that affected Samoa and Tonga in September 2009, is another reminder of the
vulnerability of low lying islands states. In this instance, coastal inundation
resulted in approximately 150 deaths and the destruction of thousands of homes.[3]
Volume I also cited studies identifying how the lower lying small island
states are among the most vulnerable countries to the adverse effects of
climate change. It cited the Garnaut Climate Change Review that suggested that
small rises in sea level have been associated with saline intrusion into
gardens and household water supplies. It also provided examples of village
communities that have been displaced as a result of the destruction caused by
king tides.
This chapter examines the security implications of both natural
disasters and climate change. It begins by examining the nature of these
threats before turning to examine the capacity of states to deal with these
challenges. In so doing, it explores what Australia is doing to assist Pacific
island states respond to natural disasters through the Asia Pacific
Civil–Military Centre for Excellence and the Deployable Civilian Capacity.
Responding to natural disasters
In identifying the limited capacity of Papua New Guinea to respond to
natural diasters, the High Commissioner to PNG, Mr Chris Moraitis, noted three
recent events: the Oro diaster of 2007, where approximately 100 people were
killed by floods; the king tide which destroyed homes and flooded businesses in
dozens of villages and towns in northern PNG in December 2008; and the mudslide
that killed at least 10 people at the Barrick goldmine in December 2008.[4]
When asked about PNG's capacity to respond to natural disasters, Mr Moraitis
claimed that 'the natural disaster system requires a lot of work and
assistance'. Speaking of the king tides that affected PNG in early 2009, Mr
Moraitis suggested that disaster relief in PNG is hampered by remoteness and
difficult terrain, poor access to affected areas, poor roads and infrastructure
and fragile communications:
They hit parts of Papua New Guinea and obviously the critical
time is the first 24 hours. You hear various rumours—2,000 villagers have been
affected or 200, and what do you mean by 'affected'? It was hard to discern
what had happened in [New Ireland and Manus]...On one island, Tench Island,
people had to be evacuated. Fortuitously, there was a PNGDF vessel in Kavieng,
which was deployed to help them. We had a C130 doing training up there at the
time, and we diverted that to a real-life scenario: delivering humanitarian aid
in Kavieng and in Manus. But information is a problem.[5]
The Department of Defence informed the committee that Pacific island
states are constrained in their ability to deal with natural disasters as they
have 'poorly developed security structures and emergency response mechanisms'.[6]
Recent events in the Pacific, such as the tsunami that affected Samoa and
Tonga, further highlight how the emergency response and recovery of Pacific
island states is exacerbated by remoteness, poor communications, and in some
instances, inadequate warning systems to alert people to get to higher ground. Because
of these constraints, DFAT suggested that Pacific island states and the
international community look to Australia to 'take the lead' in assisting Pacific
states manage the affects of natural disasters.[7]
Since the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, there has been heightened
awareness of the region's exposure to the affects of earthquake and tsunami.
The Pacific is supported by the Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
(PTWC) which monitors seismological and tidal stations throughout the Pacific and
provides tsunami warning information to national authorities throughout the
However, in the case of the September 2009 Pacific earthquake, Samoa's
proximity to the epicentre of the quake significantly reduced the alert time.
Media reports suggested that the earthquake struck 190 kilometres southwest of
American Samoa at 6.48am Samoan time and by the time the alert was issued from
Hawaii, 18 minutes later, the tsunami had already reached Samoa.[9]
The Aitutaki Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation (1997) seeks
to enhance regional cooperation specifically in relation to environmental
disasters and transnational crime issues. The committee notes that following
the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, Pacific Island Leaders endorsed the Pacific
Regional Framework for Action for Building the Resilience of Nations and
Communities to Disasters, 2005–2015. They called upon regional organisations to
assist member countries develop and implement national action plans consistent
with this framework. The Pacific Plan (2005) also acknowledges the need to develop
and implement policies and plans for the mitigation and management of natural
Following the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Australia Government provided
funding of $68.9 million over four years to upgrade the Australian Tsunami
Alert System to an operational early warning system.[11]
The Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS) is a national effort involving the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia and Emergency Management
Australia to provide a comprehensive tsunami warning system capable of
delivering timely and effective tsunami warnings to the Australian population
by 2009. The project also supports international efforts to establish an Indian
Ocean tsunami warning system, and contributes to the facilitation of tsunami
warnings for the southwest Pacific.[12]
Part of the funding is being utilised to provide technical assistance to help
build the capacity of scientists, technicians, and emergency managers in the southwest
Pacific. The ATWS has also produced tsunami awareness materials for the
Australian population through: warning signs, emergency preparedness, community
awareness publications, action plans and hazard disaster reduction. The
committee also notes at the 2005 Pacific Forum in Madang, Australia announced
an additional $2 million to assist with natural disaster preparedness and
response in the region.[13]
The committee draws attention to evidence taken by the House of
Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Water, Environment and
the Arts. It noted that the Remote Indigenous Communities Advisory Committee
had set a number of strategic objectives in helping remote communities manage
the effects of extreme weather. A number of these objectives could well inform
Australia's policy on emergency and disaster relief assistance to the region
particularly in minimising the damaging effects. The objectives include
developing knowledge and skills to enhance emergency management and building
the capacity of communities to improve safety through sustainable emergency
In the following section, the committee examines Australia's capacity to
respond to natural disasters that may afflict PNG and the southwest Pacific.
Developing an integrated response capacity
As noted above, Pacific island states are constrained in their ability
to deal with natural disasters; they have poorly developed emergency response
mechanisms and still look to Australia in times of need for assistance in
responding to natural disasters. In Chapter 4, the committee considered the Asia
Pacific Civil–Military Centre of Excellence and outlined the way that it
integrates defence and civilian agencies that specialise in law enforcement,
development assistance, humanitarian relief, health, correctional services, and
municipal services (such as water and infrastructure), education, and political
and administrative governance. The centre seeks to improve the effectiveness of
Australian civilian and military collaboration to prevent, mitigate and respond
to conflicts and natural disasters in the Asia–Pacific region.[15]
In addition to the initiative of the Centre for Excellence, the Australian
Government has recently announced that it would develop a rapid deployment corps
of civilian experts to assist in international disaster relief, stabilisation and
post-conflict reconstruction efforts. The committee heard that an inter-agency
task force has been formed, led by AusAID, but involving representatives from the
Department of Defence, the AFP, the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet, the Australian Government Solicitor and the Attorney-General's
Department. The Centre of Excellence is separately providing support to this
initiative in terms of expert advice. The Deployable Civilian Capacity (DCC)
will enable:
...rapid and early delivery of
stabilisation and recovery assistance to countries that experience conflict or
natural disaster. The program will be sufficiently adaptable to allow Australia
to tailor its response to a particular event or emergency and will improve
Australia's integration into multilateral reconstruction and stabilisation

Preparing for the cyclone
season and planning disaster management (image courtesy AusAID).
It is intended that the DCC will build on Australia's experiences in
East Timor and Solomon Islands. In cooperation with other agencies, AusAID will
identify, train, rapidly deploy and sustain civilian technical expertise in a
range of situations and environments. Civilians will be selected for their
expertise and drawn from within Commonwealth, state and local governments and
from the non-government and private sector.[17]
AusAID informed the committee that the initiative is still in the policy formation
phase but that it will rest within AusAID and will become part of AusAID's
normal deployment architecture. Further:
What it will be designed to do is provide technical experts
for post-conflict and post-disaster environments to start the stabilisation and
reconstruction phase—if you like, the rebuilding phase—immediately after the
conflict or crisis...this will be another arm to provide financial experts to go
in and start talking with the host government about how they can quickly start
restructuring their institutions. We could be providing judges, for instance,
or we could be providing financial experts.[18]
It is intended that the DCC will complement the Centre of Excellence and
will work towards integrating Australia's response to events such as RAMSI, the
Australian-led peace enforcement mission in Timor-Leste, the Bali bombings or
other humanitarian disasters such as the 2004 tsunami, the floods caused by
cyclone Guba in PNG in 2007 and the tsunami that affected Samoa in 2009.
Deployed civilians will work alongside ADF and AFP, the UN or civilians experts
from other countries.[19]
At the East Asian Summit, held in Thailand in October 2009, Prime
Minister Kevin Rudd further outlined the initiative, suggesting it would
include a new registry of civilian experts including people with medical,
engineering and constructions experience. The registry would include 500
people, and $52 million has been made available to support the initiative. It
is expected to be fully operational by 2011.[20]
Examples of principal areas of technical expertise required for the
Australian Civilian Corps include: security, justice and reconciliation, machinery
of government, essential services, economic stability, community and social
capacity building and operational management. Specialists will remain in their
regular employment until accepting a deployment; when deployed, specialists
will be engaged as Commonwealth employees.[21]
Committee view
The recent natural disasters in the region act as a reminder that it is
essential that Pacific states do as much as they can to prevent or reduce the
effects of such disasters. In Volume I, the committee noted that the natural
environment can be made more robust, for example, by preserving mangroves as a
way of protecting against coastal erosion and through protecting forests and
coastal ecosystems. This is also true of the physical environment where it may
be possible to build resilience in housing and critical infrastructure. As far
as is possible, assistance should focus on preventative as well as reactive
strategies. Improving public awareness about the behaviour of tsunamis and
earth movements is also important in reducing the loss of life.
The committee welcomes the development of initiatives to assist
Australia respond to crises in the region such as the Asia Pacific
Civil–Military Centre for Excellence and the Deployable Civilian Capacity. Yet,
in continuing with the themes of interaction and coordination raised throughout
this report, the committee would like to see a close relationship develop
between these initiatives. The committee considers it imperative that the
Centre of Excellence and the DCC represent an integrated and coordinated
national approach and a coherent whole-of-government and civilian response, to conflict
and disaster management.
In addition to these initiatives, the committee has also considered the
AFP and their training facility at Majura and bilateral capacity building
projects that are undertaken by the AFP, through the Policing Partnerships for Development,
and by the ADF through the Defence Cooperation Program. Again, the committee
would like to see more interaction between these initiatives and a clearer and
more integrated whole-of-government vision. The committee has previously made a
series of recommendations aimed at improving AFP-Defence pre-deployment
training and interoperability in its report into Australia's involvement in
peacekeeping operations.[22]
Because the DCC is still being developed by an inter-agency task force,
the committee received limited information about how it would operate into the
future. While the committee supports the initiative, it is also mindful of the
many difficulties providing assistance in conflict, post-conflict and emergency
situations, such as the limited capacity of Pacific island countries to
organise and manage donor assistance. The committee's findings from its
peacekeeping inquiry and those contained in Volume I of this current inquiry
suggest strongly that the DCC must be an integral part of the range of agencies
engaged in providing assistance to the region. Further, that it should be
closely associated with the work of key institutions, such as the Centre of
Excellence, in building regional capacity to manage crises or emergencies
including promoting better cooperation and coordination between donors (see Recommendation
22 in Volume I).
Recommendation 7
The committee recommends that the Australian Government, through the
Asia Pacific Civil–Military Centre of Excellence and the Deployable Civilian
Capacity (DCC) give priority to assisting Pacific island states develop their
emergency response capacity. Experts from the Centre of Excellence, and
attached to the DCC, could raise awareness of tsunami and cyclone behaviour,
assist develop emergency response plans and work with Pacific Islanders to
develop more resilient critical infrastructure.
Recommendation 8
The committee recommends that as the Asia Pacific Civil–Military Centre
for Excellence and the Deployable Civilian Capacity (DCC) develop, the
Australian Government take steps to ensure that they operate as an integrated
and coordinated whole-of-government and civilian response to conflict and
disaster management.
Potential impacts of climate change
A number of witnesses also highlighted concerns about the damaging
effects of changes in climate in the Pacific region. The attachment to AusAID's
submission, Pacific Economic Survey 2008, stated that climate change is
'the biggest long-term threat' facing the region:
The most recent assessment by the International Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) highlighted the special vulnerability of small
island states to climate change, including changing rainfall patterns and
temperature increases, the potential for an increase in extreme weather events,
and, in the longer term, rising sea levels.[23]
This was reiterated at the Fortieth Pacific Islands Forum Meeting in
Cairns, August 2009, where leaders identified climate change as 'the great
challenge of our time' and adopted the Pacific Leaders Call for Action on
Climate Change.[24]
While the region may emit very low levels of CO², Pacific
island states are extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change.[25]
In fact, nations of the Pacific islands are among the nations most vulnerable.
Pacific island states, especially the low lying atolls, are vulnerable to the
effects of climate change, including rising sea levels and more extreme weather
The Prime Minister of Samoa, the Honourable Tuila'epa
Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi recently stated:
Climate change is not a future phenomenon. It is real and
already occurring in Pacific countries and low-lying islands elsewhere. It is
no longer a question of when, but rather the severity of the magnitude of the
impacts and the full cost to society...Sadly, the human and financial costs will
be borne disproportionately by small island developing states.[27]
The direct impact of climate change for Pacific island states include: temperature
rise, rainfall decline, changes in the ocean temperature, coral bleaching and
acidification, loss of territory from sea-level rise, salt water intrusion and
reduced water supply. The climate sensitive areas that will be affected
include: agriculture and subsistence living, infrastructure, transport and
health as well as ecosystems that are critical to both fishing and tourism. New
pests and invasive species may also be introduced and will affect food security.[28]
(CSIRO also suggested that Australian territories such as Saibai Island in the Torres Strait are at 'extreme risk of inundation, complete loss of traditional
cultural heritage, of territory and of island-based livelihoods'.[29])
Rising temperatures will also increase vector-borne diseases such as malaria
and dengue fever, diseases which would have significant ramifications for Pacific
island health sectors.
The smallness of Pacific island states increases their exposure to
external hazards and undermines their capacity to deal with them. Poverty and
disadvantage also increase vulnerability. The poor are more likely to live in
areas that are vulnerable to natural disasters and often lack the capacity to
cope. The Department of Climate Change (DCC) submitted:
Pacific Island Countries are comprised of low-lying coral
atolls and reef and volcanic islands. The limited size, physical
infrastructure, low adaptive capacity and isolation of these countries increase
their susceptibility to natural disasters and particularly increase their
vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. The projected impacts of
climate change have the potential to exacerbate existing challenges in Pacific
Island Countries particularly the pursuit of sustainable development due to the
environmental, social and economic implications of these impacts.[30]
In a recent submission to the Secretary General of the United Nations,
Kiribati made clear the security implications of climate change. Claiming that
water security was at the heart of all of Kiribati's challenges, the submission
identified the way the nation's water security has been affected by climate
change. It mentioned: drought; rising sea levels and salt water intrusion; the
affect of coastal erosion on existing water catchments; higher air temperatures
leading to increased evaporation; coastal flooding and the effects of sea water
flowing into inland natural ponds and leaving salt deposits in the soil. Water
shortages have also been exacerbated by infrastructure problems. In most of the
southern islands, for example, the solar pump water systems are inoperable due
to problems with servicing and maintenance.[31]
The Kiribati submission outlines the way water scarcity affects social
stability and may ultimately lead to conflict. In one instance, neighbouring
villages on the islands of Onotoa and Tabiteua have marked their borders and
prevented outsiders from drawing water from their community wells. In another,
the government has decided against installing reverse osmosis devices in
meeting halls and churches on the island of Aranuka for fear of creating local
Scarcity of fresh water has also caused disputes between land owners. On the
island of Tabiteuea, there have been suggestions that if landowners, who live
near local water supply, fail to assist in a project to build a seawall, they
will have their lands taken away from them. The submission also draws a
connection between drought, rising sea levels, salt water inundation and the
affects on food security.[33]
International responses to climate
While some security challenges can largely be addressed by unilateral
state action, others, like climate change, require broader regional or
multilateral action. In 1992, most countries of the world joined the
international treaty known as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
1992 (UNFCCC), a precursor to the Kyoto Protocol.[34]
During 2007, the UNFCCC convened a series of workshops on adaptation on small
island states. The priority projects identified by the UNFCCC adaptation
process were: water management; increasing crop diversity; the introduction of
more tolerant crops; coast zone development; reforestation; planting mangroves,
vegetation buffers and establishing flood shelters; integrating climate change
programs into development assistance; and increasing Pacific representation at
official and multilateral organisations.
The UN has also established a National Adaptation Programme of Action
(NAPA) to assist underdeveloped countries identify the urgent and immediate
threats from climate change. NAPA agreements are specifically designed to
develop a plan of action for those nations that have the least capacity to deal
with the impact of climate change.[35]
States receive funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to develop their
adaptation programme which assists states develop their resilience and capacity
to adapt to climate variability and extremes. Five NAPAs have been completed
for Pacific island states: Kiribati, Samoa, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands and
Niue Declaration on Climate Change
During the 39th Pacific Leaders' Forum in Niue in August 2008, Pacific
island leaders reaffirmed their commitment to addressing climate change. Their
declaration identified a framework for Action on Climate Change which placed
emphasis on the need to develop Pacific-tailored approaches. These included:
- Committing the members of the Pacific Islands Forum to continue
to advocate and support the recognition, in all international fora, of the
urgent social, economic and security threats caused by the adverse impacts of
climate change and sea level rise to our territorial integrity and continued
existence as viable dynamic communities; and of the potential for climate
change to impact on intranational and international security;
- Strengthening meteorological services, consolidating and
distributing information on climate change, strengthening adaptation and
mitigation measures, and increasing Pacific island countries' capacity to
manage their engagement in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
- Encouraging the Pacific's development partners to increase their
technical and financial support for climate change action on adaptation,
mitigation and, if necessary, relocation; and
- Encouraging development partners to increase investment in and
support for Pacific Island Countries' efforts to move towards alternative and
renewable energy sources, which reduce the emissions of our region and improve
energy efficiency, as well as help to address the growing unaffordability of
While the agreement included a commitment to reduce emissions through
developing renewable energy supply, the agreement promotes strategies for
adaptation over strategies of mitigation. Because Pacific island states emit so
little greenhouse gas and because the effects of climate change are already
being felt, adaptation becomes the priority response.
Adaptation costs will be high in small Pacific island states and large
amounts of capital will be required to boost their adaptive capacities. The Lowy
Institute for International Policy submitted:
Increased investment by Pacific Island governments in adaptation measures funded from national budgets, the Global
Environment Facility, AusAID and other donor initiatives will help mitigate
negative effects of climate change. Adaptation measures include improved land
management techniques, greater use of water tanks and solar energy, coastal
conservation, mangrove protection and innovative recycling techniques.[37]
The 13th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC, which was held in Bali in
December 2007, established an Adaptation Fund for developing countries to
enable them to undertake various projects to cope with the impacts of climate
Persons displaced by climate change
Numerous submitters to the inquiry expressed concern about 'climate
change refugees' and the possibility that individuals, communities or even
entire states may need to be relocated as a result of climate change. The AFP suggested:
The controversial topic of global warming (both ongoing
drought and rising sea levels) is of interest to law enforcement organisations
as an issue now (in Tuvalu and to some extent, Kiribati) and for the region in
the future in terms of the pressure that might be applied should a need to
relocate individuals or whole communities eventuate.[38]
CSIRO identified the impact of climate change on regional security with
the potential for mass movement of environmental refugees around the region
which, they point out, if unplanned 'will lead to great tensions and potential
border security and even open conflict concerns'.[39]
In a recent address to the UN, the President of the Republic of Kiribati
I have been advocating a combination of pragmatic adaptation
strategies for my people. It is our overwhelming desire to maintain our
homeland and our sovereignty. However, with the inevitable decline in the
ability of our islands to support life, let alone increasing populations, due
to rising sea levels, we must also provide opportunities for those of our people
who wish to migrate to do so on merit and with dignity. Our approaches will be time
relevant, responding to the different levels of threat and impacts of climate
change on our islands and our people at a given point in time.[40]
Associate Professor Jane McAdam, from the University of New South Wales,
offered the following assessment of the seriousness of the threat facing
nations like Kiribati and Tuvalu:
I think it is a very, very serious threat based on rising sea
levels and the scientific projections. Of course, the difficulty is knowing
quite when the impacts of those rising sea levels and the knock-on effects that
they have are going to reach a tipping point where people are forced to move.
We have already got a situation of people moving from outer-lying islands
towards the capitals in both of those countries, so there is already some form
of internal movement. But there is not much scope for people to move to higher
ground. In fact, there is no scope for people to relocate to higher areas. So
ultimately—and whether that is in 50 years or 200 years, we do not quite
know—it will become necessary for people to relocate altogether.[41]
Beyond this, it is not so much a matter of when land becomes submerged
but when land becomes unproductive, when people are no longer able to grow
crops or when communities are at risk of increased cases of malaria.
There is currently no international legal structure that has been
devised to protect Pacific islanders displaced by climate change. Associate
Professor McAdam suggested that there remained a question of how this would be
dealt with in terms of law and policy. Currently, these people do not meet the
definition of a refugee under the 1951 refugee convention.[42]
Claiming that the only viable future for the people of low-lying atoll
states like Kiribati and Tuvalu lies in migration, the Lowy Institute for
International Policy recommended that Australia develop 'a staged migration
strategy for small island states threatened by climate change or long-term
In the first instance, increased numbers of scholarships
should be made available to citizens of Kiribati and Tuvalu to study in Australia, with a provision that they be permitted to seek employment in Australia on successful completion of their studies. On obtaining full-time employment, they should
be eligible for resident visas and fast tracked family reunion visas.
This approach would have the advantage of providing
incentives for young people to study in Australia, encourage an ordered and
voluntary rather than forced migration process from Kiribati and Tuvalu, and ultimately lessen pressures on aid and on the welfare system in Australia. Both countries should also be encouraged to use their trust funds to support the
capacity of their citizens to integrate into Australian society through
education, training and welfare. Offering access to a staged migration process
now gives Kiribati and Tuvalu opportunities to plan future development more
effectively and seek further migration options in other countries based on the Australian
This would suggest that it is important that countries of the region
develop policy responses and mitigation strategies for persons displaced by
climate change.
Australian responses to climate change
The 2008 Port Moresby Declaration, which announced Australia's
commitment to 'a new era of cooperation with the island nations of the
Pacific', offers the following assessment of the challenge of climate change:
Australia and the Pacific island nations face a common
challenge in climate change. Many of our Pacific neighbours, especially low
lying atolls, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change,
including devastation from more frequent and severe extreme weather events.[44]
The Australian Government recognises that Pacific island states are
particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change. The government also
acknowledges that the institutional capacity of Pacific island states to
mitigate or adapt to the effects of climate change and to respond to natural
disasters is generally poor. The Department of Climate Change is responsible
for developing Australia's Pacific climate change policies and strategies in
consultation with AusAID and DFAT. The DCC advocates a strategy of
cost-effective mitigation of climate change and adaptation to its impacts.[45]
Much of Australia's climate change support for Pacific island states focuses
on adaptation. At the 39th Pacific Leaders' Forum in Niue (2008), the
Australian Government earmarked $150 million over three years to help develop
'adaptive strategies' in the Pacific. Australia is supporting some mitigation
actions through its $1.5 million Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Partnership Project. Previously, at the Pacific Islands Forum in Madang, 2005,
Australia contributed $6 million for monitoring sea levels across the south
Climate Change and the PPDs
Improving the capacity of Pacific island states to mitigate and adapt to
the effects of climate change has been incorporated into the four bilateral
partnership agreements: PNG, Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Samoa. Addressing
the causes and mitigating the impacts of climate change is nominated as a
'future priority outcome' in the PPD with PNG. The PPD with Solomon Islands
identifies addressing climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation
issues as a 'future priority outcome' which may be included in the partnership.
The PPD with Kiribati, one of the nations most vulnerable to the effects
of climate change, includes the commitment from the Government of Kiribati to
the Government of Australia to develop climate change strategies on mitigation,
adaptation and relocation (through upskilling and securing overseas employment
opportunities). Kiribati's efforts to improve its readiness to deal with the
impact of climate change and sea level rise is nominated as a further priority
area which may receive Australian support. The PPD with Kiribati also refers to
Australia's Pacific Climate Changes Strategy for Kiribati but does not
More substantially, the PPD with Samoa identifies climate change as a
'priority outcome', including a joint commitment to:
- Monitor the impacts of climate change on health, agriculture and
food security;
- Develop adaptation measures for vulnerable communities, including
coastal infrastructure and development of early warning systems;
- Develop viable options for clean and renewable energy.
A number of the priority outcomes which may be included in the
partnerships in the future could involve: addressing the capacity to mitigate
and adapt to the effects of climate change; and strengthening the capacity of
states to respond to natural disasters and climate change.
Committee view
Throughout the second part of this chapter, the committee noted the
potential for the effects of climate change to destabilise Pacific communities
and identified the security implications of resource scarcity and access to
clean water. These are serious concerns and Australia will need to continue to
work with Pacific island states to assist them adapt to environmental change.
Recommendation 9
The committee reiterates the recommendation made in Volume I
(recommendation 3), that the Australian Government ensure that environmental
matters including climate change be integrated more effectively throughout its
aid program to the Pacific.
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