

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 90 – 26 March 2015, p. 2463.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 92 – 12 May 2015, p. 2555.

CHAPTER 2 - Discussion and committee view

[1]        Votes and Proceedings, No. 111 – 26 March 2015, p. 1243; and Journals of the Senate, No. 90 – 26 March 2015, p. 2462. Section 5 of The Parliament Act 1974 requires 'no building or other work is to be erected on land within the Parliamentary zone unless the Minister has caused a proposal for the erection of the building or work to be laid before each House of the Parliament and the proposal has been approved by resolution of each House of Parliament'.

[2]        Parliament House Security Upgrade Works – Perimeter Security Enhancements, pp 2-3 (Perimeter Security Enhancements Proposal). Presented to the House of Representatives on 23 March 2015 and to the Senate on 24 March 2015, available at:,%20together%20with%20supporting%20documentation,%20for%20Parliament%20House%20security%20upgrade%20works%20-%20Perimeter%20security%20enhancements.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf (accessed 4 May 2015).

[3]        Submission 6, p. 6.

[4]        Submission 6, p. 8.

[5]        Submission 6, p. 6.

[6]        Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS), Submission 6, p. 1; Perimeter Security Enhancements Proposal, p. 1.

[7]        DPS, Submission 6, p. 1; Perimeter Security Enhancements Proposal, p. 1.

[8]        DPS, Submission 6, p. 1.

[9]        Submission 6, p. 1.

[10]      Perimeter Security Enhancements Proposal, p. 2.

[11]      Perimeter Security Enhancements Proposal, pp 1-2. See also Mr Neil Skill, First Assistant Secretary, Building and Asset Management Division, DPS, Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015.

[12]      Submission 6, p. 3.

[13]      Submission 6, p. 4.

[14]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 1.

[15]      Submission 6, p. 5.

[16]      Submission 6, p. 5.

[17]      Submission 6, p. 7.

[18]      Submission 6, p. 8.

[19]      Submission 6, p. 8.

[20]      Submission 6, p. 6.

[21]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, pp 2 and 5.

[22]      Submission 6, p. 7.

[23]      Answer to question on notice, received 5 June 2014, p. 6.

[24]      Submission 6, p. 8.

[25]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 2.

[26]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, pp 8-9.

[27]      Submission 6, p. 6. The Security Management Board is established under section 65A of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and its function is to provide advice as required to the Presiding Officers on security policy, and the management or operation of security measures, for Parliament House. The SMB consists of the Secretary of DPS (as the chair), the Usher of the Black Rod, the Serjeant-at-Arms and the Commissioner or a Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.

[28]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2015, p. 19.

[29]      See Mr Neil Skill, First Assistant Secretary, Building and Asset Management Division, DPS, Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, pp 4-5.

[30]      See Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2015, pp 77-78.

[31]      Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2015, p. 78.

[32]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 5.

[33]      Submission 6, p. 9.

[34]      Submission 6, p. 9.

[35]      Submission 6, p. 10.

[36]      Submission 6, p. 11.

[37]      Submission 6, p. 11.

[38]      Submission 6, p. 11. The secretariat believes that 'JPW' refers to 'Johnson Pilton Walker' an architectural firm. Previous material provided by DPS to the committee stated that one of the firm's principals, Richard Johnson AO, has been engaged to develop the Design Principles for Parliament House.

[39]      An initial proposal for the fence included it extending across the grass ramps at the base of Parliament House. This option was assessed through an HIA as having a 'significant' impact, Submission 6, p. 12.

[40]      Submission 6, p. 13. The DPS submission does not mention the impact of the replacement of the glazing on the ground floor of the Ministerial wing entrance.

[41]      Submission 6, p. 14.

[42]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 2.

[43]      Answer to question on notice, received 5 June 2015, p. 3. The committee understands that the letter to Mr Giurgola, dated 15 December 2014, did not include specifics of the Group One works. However the letter did state that GMB had developed a series of schematic and 3D images that were being considered and that these could be made available and that Mr Guida had offered to discuss any concerns with Mr Giurgola.

[44]      Answer to question on notice, received 5 June 2015, p. 3. Emphasis in original.

[45]      Answer to question on notice, received 5 June 2015, pp 3-4.

[46]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 2. The heritage impact assessments which resulted from Ms Berg's response are discussed above at paragraphs 2.36 to 2.39.

[47]      Submission 6, p. 14. See also, Mr Neil Skill, First Assistant Secretary, Building and Asset Management Division, DPS, Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 3.

[48]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 3.

[49]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 4.

[50]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 11.

[51]      Submission 6, p. 14.

[52]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 11.

[53]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 11.

[54]      Submission 6, p. 14.

[55]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 3.

[56]      Submission 6, p. 15.

[57]      Submission 6, p. 15.

[58]      Submission 4, p. 2.

[59]      Submission 4, p. 2.

[60]      Submission 4, p. 3.

[61]      Submission 4, pp 2-3. The NCA indicated that it had met with architects and reviewed the plans in detail.

[62]      Submission 4, p. 3.

[63]      Submission 4, p. 4. Mr Guida and Ms Berg were members of the original design team for Parliament House. The NCA indicated that its understanding is that generally moral rights are not reassigned and the legal standing of the arrangement between Mr Giurgola, Mr Guida and Ms Berg is 'unknown' to the NCA.

[64]      Submission 4, p. 4.

[65]      Submission 4, p. 4.

[66]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 12.

[67]      Submission 1, pp 1-2.

[68]      Submission 1, p. 1.

[69]      Submission 5, p. 1.

[70]      Committee Hansard, 14 May 2015, p. 3. See also Mr Garry Gordon, Assistant Secretary, Strategic Asset Planning and Performance Branch, DPS, Estimates Hansard, 25 May 2015, pp 90-91.

[71]      Submission 2, pp 1-2.

[72]      Submission 2, pp 2-3.

[73]      Submission 2, p. 3.

[74]      Submission 2, p. 3. Section 5 of the Parliament Act 1974 requires parliamentary approval for any measures within the precincts that involve external works such as the erection of a building or work. Where such work is proposed, pursuant to House of Representatives Standing Order 222A, the House Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration must consider such proposals and report to the House as appropriate. The Speaker of the House of Representatives is the chair of the House Standing Committee on Appropriations and Administration, see Clerk of the House, Submission 2, p. 2.

[75]      The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives, House of Representatives Hansard, 26 March 2015, p. 3552.

[76]      Submission 3, p. 1.