Recommendation 1
6.13 The
committee recommends that the Office for Women in the Department of the Prime
Minister and Cabinet lead the development and implementation of a national
policy framework to achieve gender pay equity in Australia. The framework
should set a pay equity target date, provide an advisory structure to guide
implementation, provide a roadmap for achieving pay equity in Australia,
address segregation in Australian workplaces, and draw on measures in
Australia’s public and private sectors and in comparable overseas
6.14 The
national policy framework to achieve pay equity should coordinate efforts
across agencies of government to address the factors that adversely affect
women’s workforce participation and gender segregation, including:
reforms to flexible work provisions that will increase access
for men and women, and make provision for employees to appeal decisions;
an extension to the period of PPL and new provisions for the
payment of superannuation guarantee during PPL;
improved access to affordable high quality early childhood
education and care; and
recognition of career paths and qualifications for feminised
industries, particularly the care industry.
Recommendation 2
6.23 The
committee recommends that the Fair Work Act 2009 be amended to improve
its capacity to address equal remuneration, including:
introducing gender pay equity as an overall object of the Act;
the provision of guidance for both the Commission and
applicant parties on making and applying for orders of equal remuneration. Such
guidance could draw on Principles previously adopted in NSW and Queensland
jurisdictions, including:
requiring that consideration of orders make reference to
historical and contemporary gender-based undervaluation;
suggesting the steps required by applicants to demonstrate
that undervaluation was gendered or had a gender-associated cause; and
clarifying that applications may be made without the need for
a direct male comparator to establish undervaluation;
clarifying that applications may be made for equal
remuneration orders and work value claims simultaneously; and
clarifying the definition of remuneration to include
recompense or reward for services rendered, including non-cash benefits.
Recommendation 3
6.24 The
committee further recommends government conduct a comprehensive consultation
process with expert stakeholders to achieve these reforms and define any others
needed to the Act to achieve pay equity for Australian women.
Recommendation 4
6.28 The
Pay Equity Unit (PEU) was established as part of the Fair Work Commission to
undertake pay equity related research and provide information to inform matters
relating to pay equity. The committee recommends that the government:
restore and protect the budget of the PEU;
investigate the provision of enhanced advisory functions for
the PEU via an expert Pay Equity Panel, to undertake research into pay equity
matters and provide recommendations for consideration by a Full Bench of the
Fair Work Commission; and
conduct a review of alternative means of making equal
remuneration orders, such as conciliation via the Pay Equity Panel, with a view
to achieving more timely resolution of equal remuneration applications.
Recommendation 5
6.32 The
committee recommends that the Department of Education and Training update the
National Career Development Strategy and the Australian Blueprint for Career
Development to address the need for gender sensitive career guidance and
counselling in all Australian schools and training institutions. The strategy
recognise that women and men may respond differently to
information about occupations, industries and further education;
provide mixed gender career role models, mentors and
experiences, with particular sensitivity to addressing gender segregation; and
offer guidelines for qualifications and continuing
professional development (CPD) for career guidance professionals.
Recommendation 6
6.33 The
committee recommends that the Department of Education and Training undertake a national
evaluation of all programs and initiatives associated with increasing numbers
of girls in STEM education, to provide benchmark data and best practice
Recommendation 7
6.38 The committee recommends that the
government conduct a review of the recent initiative in the United Kingdom on
Gender Pay Gap Reporting within two years of the program’s implementation.
Recommendation 8
6.39 The
committee recommends that the government conduct a review of labour force data
with particular attention to job classifications used by the Australian Bureau
of Statistics and the integration of other available datasets. This review
should engage businesses, WGEA, unions and academics.
Recommendation 9
6.40 The
committee recommends that the ABS Time Use study recommence on a regular basis.
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