List of recommendations from the March 2015 interim report

Recommendation 1

1.70             The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government restore funding cuts from legal services, housing and homelessness services and the Department of Social Services grants program, and guarantee funding under the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness for at least four years.

Recommendation 2

1.71             The committee supports the Productivity Commission recommendation that Australian, State and Territory governments should provide an immediate funding boost to legal assistance services of $200 million to address pressing gaps in services.

Recommendation 3

1.72             The committee recommends all Australian governments work together with stakeholders, including front line services and peak advocacy groups, to develop a program to increase the capacity of services in the areas of prevention, early intervention and crisis support in accordance with the objectives of the National Plan and the Action Plans.

Recommendation 4

1.73             The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government supports increased coordination and communication between legal systems across jurisdictions.

Recommendation 5

1.74             The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government support and expedite the harmonisation of intervention orders across jurisdictions. The Commonwealth Government should also identify opportunities to share information between agencies in order to address increasingly violent behaviour by perpetrators and assist at risk individuals.

Recommendation 6

1.75             The committee supports the inclusion of respectful relationships education in the national curriculum.

Recommendation 7

1.76             The committee recommends increasing the availability of behavioural change programs for perpetrators and ensuring programs are evidence based.

Recommendation 8

1.77             The committee recommends the Commonwealth Government provide funding certainty to Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety and National Services beyond 2016 to support the completion of longer term research programs.

Recommendation 9

1.78             The committee recommends a review of policies and services dedicated to the treatment of alcohol and other drug abuse in the Northern Territory and their impact on domestic violence, including urgent consideration to reinstate the Banned Drinkers Register.

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