Terms of Reference

(1) That the following matter be referred to the Finance and Public Administration References Committee for inquiry and report by 4 May 2016:

The outcomes of the 42nd meeting of the Council of Australian Governments held on 1 April 2016, with particular reference to:

  1. schools funding;
  2. hospitals funding; and
  3. taxation; and

(2) That the Senate directs the responsible ministers to ensure that relevant officials of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Treasury appear before the committee to answer questions.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3846

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the outcomes of the 42nd meeting of the Council of Australian Governments held on 1 April 2016.

Past Public Hearings

27 Apr 2016: Canberra


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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