Appendix 1 - List of portfolio agencies

Appendix 1List of portfolio agencies

Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water portfolio

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner;

Australian Energy Regulator;

Australian Institute of Marine Science;

Australian Renewable Energy Agency;

Bureau of Meteorology;

Clean Energy Finance Corporation;

Clean Energy Regulator;

Climate Change Authority;

Commonwealth Environmental Water Office and Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder;

Director of National Parks;

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority;

Inspector-General of Water Compliance;

Murray-Darling Basin Authority;

Office of the Supervising Scientist;

Offshore Infrastructure Registrar;

Offshore Infrastructure Regulator;

Sydney Harbour Federation Trust;

Snowy Hydro Limited; and

Threatened Species Scientific Committee.

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts portfolio

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Australian Broadcasting Corporation;

Australian Communications and Media Authority;

Australian Film, Television and Radio School;

Australian National Maritime Museum;

Australian Postal Corporation;

Bundanon Trust;

Classification Board;

Classification Review Board;

Creative Australia;

National Archives of Australia;

National Film and Sound Archive of Australia;

National Gallery of Australia;

National Library of Australia;

National Museum of Australia;

National Portrait Gallery of Australia;

NBN Co Limited;

Museum of Australian Democracy;

Office of the eSafety Commissioner;

Screen Australia; and

Special Broadcasting Service Corporation.