Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill 2014 - Submissions Received

  1. Prof Jacqueline K 
  2. Mr Chris Jervis 
  3. Professor John G 
  4. Mr Brian Long 
  5. Dr Rosemary S. O'Donnell 
  6. Dr Anthony Fricker 
  7. Mr Victor Ziegler 
  8. Dr Matthew Fitzpatrick 
  9. Name Withheld 
  10. Ms Catherine Chambers 
  11. Ms Catherine Ogier 
  12. Dr Martin Young 
  13. Ms Lisa Ford 
  14. Isolated Children's Parents' Association of Australia 
  15. Australian Technology Network of Universities
  16. Rev W.J. Uren 
  17. Australian Association of Social Workers 
  18. Ms Janice Wegner 
  19. Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia (EPHEA) 
  20. Mr John Quiggin 
  21. Mr John McLaren 
  22. The University of Notre Dame Australia 
  23. University of South Australia Student Association 
  24. Mr Damian Buck 
  25. Australian Catholic University (ACU) 
  26. Name Withheld 
  27. Name Withheld 
  28. Ms Rosamund Winter  
  29. Holmesglen Institute 
  30. Queensland Government - Department of Education, Training and Employment 
  31. Mr Robert Simpson 
  32. Name Withheld 
  33. Ms Juna Langford 
  34. Avondale College of Higher Education 
  35. Mr Grahame Bowland 
  36. Mr Ben Bravery 
  37. Dr Geoff Sharrock 
  38. Name Withheld 
  39. Name Withheld 
  40. Mr Matthew Currell 
  41. Name Withheld 
  42. Australian Liberal Students' Federation 
  43. Mr Stephen Lake 
  44. Mr Trent Bell 
  45. The University of Western Australia 
  46. Group of Eight Australia 
  47. The University of Queensland 
  48. Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE) 
  49. PPE Society, La Trobe 
  50. Dr Nathan Absalom 
  51. Mrs Robyn Wotherspoon 
  52. Open Universities Australia 
  53. CQUniversity Rockhampton 
  54. Navitas Ltd 
  55. Mr Peter Gangemi 
  56. Regional Universities Network 
  57. Professor Helene Marsh 
  58. Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH) 
  59. Southern Cross University 
  60. Universities Australia 
  61. Charles Sturt University 
  62. Dr Bridget Brooklyn 
  63. Tasmania University Union Postgraduate Council 
  64. University of Melbourne Graduate Student Association 
  65. Name Withheld 
  66. Murdoch University 
  67. University of New South Wales (UNSW) 
  68. Australian Education Union 
  69. Australian Council of Trade Unions 
  70. Mr Patrick Brownlee 
  71. Deakin University 
  72. Bond University  
  73. Federation University Australia 
  74. Mr Stephen Davis 
  75. University of Melbourne 
  76. Mr Gerard Borg 
  77. Mr Michael Stubley 
  78. Mr Guy Tranter 
  79. Professor Stephen Parker 
  80. Mr Nicholas Kimberley 
  81. Mr Andrew Norton 
  82. University of the Sunshine Coast  
  83. Timothy Higgins and Bruce Chapman 
  84. University of Sydney 
    Supplementary to submission 84 
  85. Charles Darwin University 
  86. Murdoch University Guild of Students 
  87. Alphacrucis College 
  88. Innovative Research Universities 
  89. James Cook University 
  90. CPA Australia and Charted Accountants Australia and New Zealand 
  91. Dr Sam Panigas 
  92. Parliamentary Nationals Party (PNP) WA  
  93. Australian Medical Association 
  94. Dr William Bret 
  95. Students' Representative Council of The University of Sydney 
  96. University of Technology Sydney 
  97. Australian Research Council 
  98. Australian Department of Education 
  99. Business Council of Australia 
  100. TAFE Directors Australia  
  101. Monash University 
  102. Professor Geoffrey Taylor 
  103. The Australian National University  
  104. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Foundation 
  105. Country Education Foundation of Australia (CEFA) 
  106. Newcastle University Postgraduate Students Association (NUPSA) 
  107. Tasmania University Union 
  108. National Indigenous Postgraduate Association Aboriginal Corporation  
  109. Swinburne University of Technology  
  110. University of Western Sydney 
  111. National Tertiary Education Union 
  112. Newcastle University Students Association  
  113. Mr Sean Leaver 
  114. Macquarie University  
  115. University of Divinity 
  116. Flinders University  
  117. RMIT University  
  118. Council of Deans and Directors of Graduate Research  
  119. University of Newcastle 
  120. Mr Konstantin Ogar  
  121. The Australian National University Students' Association  
  122. Australian Federation of Graduate Women Inc.  
  123. La Trobe Student Union 
  124. Griffith University  
  125. Australian Veterinary Association  
  126. Curtin Student Guild 
  127. Ms Claire Field 
  128. Deputy Premier - Tasmanian Government  
  129. Dr Margaret McKenzie 
  130. National Union of Students 
  131. Fair Go For Canberra 
  132. Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations 
  133. Mr William Mudford 
  134. Australian College of Nursing (ACN) 
  135. The Australia Institute 
  136. Mr John Harris 
  137. South Australian Government 
  138. National Rural Health Alliance 
  139. University of Wollongong 
  140. Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
  141. Evocca  
  142. Victoria University 
  143. Mr Joshua Itzkowic 
  144. GetUp! 
  145. Ms Donna Dimmick 
  146. Ms Janet Foote 
  147. Ms Jane Ellwood 
  148. Ms Carolyn Burgess 
  149. Ms Helen Smith
  150. Ms Paula Kutzner 
  151. Mr Peter Dalton 
  152. Ms Olivia Kinnear  
  153. Dr Sharon Medlow 
  154. Ms Jan Shield  
  155. Mr Birdie Gurley  
  156. Mr Adam Hanson   
  157. Mr Charles Lowe 
  158. Ms Jan Lavis  
  159. Mr Matthew Toby 
  160. Ms Jane Darcey 
  161. Ms Isobel Monie 
  162. Mr Ross Gorham 
  163. Ms Marilyn Cole  
  164. Ms Marianne Cherrie 

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