List of recommendations

List of recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Committee RECOMMENDS that:

(pp 21-22)

Recommendation 2

The Committee RECOMMENDS that:

(p 90)

Recommendation 3

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the new national professional teaching standards and registration body establish clear levels of advanced professional certification reflecting teachers' experience, professional development and additional roles such as mentoring. Such certification might be helpful in determining levels of remuneration for teachers.

(p 118)

Recommendation 4

The Committee RECOMMENDS a reversal of the trend to casualisation of the teaching force.

(p 126)

Recommendation 5

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government institute research on the level of casualisation necessary to provide employers with reasonable flexibility while safeguarding the interests of teachers.

 (p 126)

Recommendation 6

The Committee RECOMMENDS proposed new funding for vocational education in schools be retained within the TAFE system, with school efforts focussed on improving links between vocational education and training providers and schools.

(p 137)

Recommendation 7

The Committee RECOMMENDS that:

(p 151)

Recommendation 8

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government reinstate the Disadvantaged Schools Program as a separately identified and funded program.

(p 161)

Recommendation 9

The Committee RECOMMENDS a national recruitment campaign designed to attract high quality applicants to the teaching profession, with costs shared between the Commonwealth and all States and Territories.

(p 178)

Recommendation 10

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government introduce scholarships for university graduates to undertake post graduate professional qualifications in teaching.

(p 178)

Recommendation 11

The Committee RECOMMENDS abolition of differential HECS fees. This will remove the particular disincentives now faced by science graduates planning a career in teaching.

(p 178)

Recommendation 12

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government re-instate funding for the National Schools Network.

(p 199)

Recommendation 13

The Committee RECOMMENDS the establishment of a National Teacher Education Network comprising a consortium of innovative teacher education faculties and schools to build upon the work of the National Schools Network and the Innovative Links Project in modelling best practice in the development and delivery of initial and continuing teacher education.

(pp 202-203)

Recommendation 14

The Committee RECOMMENDS the establishment of a national development fund for research in education.

(p 203)

Recommendation 15

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the proposed national professional teaching standards and registration body include among its responsibilities the development of a suggested structure for induction programs nationally and guidelines to assist schools and government and non-government systems in implementing them.

(p 216)

Recommendation 16

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government  reinstate the National Professional Development Program.

(p 227)

 Recommendation 17

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the proposed national professional teaching standards and registration body include among its responsibilities the accreditation of professional development providers and courses.

(p 228)

Recommendation 18

The Committee RECOMMENDS that, in line with its acknowledgment that teaching is a profession, teachers' participation in professional development be a prerequisite for their continued registration, or for re-registration.

(p 228)

Recommendation 19

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government require State and Territory governments, as part of their contribution to the National Report on Schooling, to include information on teacher supply and demand in government and non-government schools, with detailed figures to be included in the Statistical Appendix to that document.

(p 247)

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