Terms of reference

Terms of reference

On the 20 June 1996 the following matter was referred to the Employment, Education and Training References Committee for inquiry and report on or before the last sitting day of the Autumn session 1998:

The status of teachers and the development of the profession during the next five years. In particular the Committee will:

  1. Describe community attitudes towards teachers and the ways in which schools operate. This should include examination of:
  2. Examine the expectations of teachers regarding their careers and identify those issues which bear most significantly upon job satisfaction, stress and their ability to carry out their work efficiently and effectively.
  3. Develop a national profile of Australia's teachers according to age, gender, qualifications, experience, salary levels and career history.
  4. Assess the levels of supply and demand which should guide the workforce planning for teachers in the context of demographic and other changes affecting schools into the next century.
  5. Examine the tertiary entrance levels of teacher trainees and the research literature on the quality of Australian teacher education programs, and identify those features which bear significantly upon the quality of classroom practice.
  6. Describe best practice in the induction of newly-trained teachers into schools, and identify any significant shortcomings in induction or on-going professional development which require urgent attention.

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