The organisation of ace provision in the states and territories

BEYOND CINDERELLA: Towards a learning society

Chapter 4 continued

The organisation of ace provision in the states and territories


The ACT Vocational Education and Training Act 1995 invests responsibility for adult and community education in the ACT Vocational Education and Training Authority. According to an officer from the Department, the decision to incorporate ACE within the VET legislation reflects a recognition that vocational education and training has both a `training orientation and a community orientation'. [1]

The establishment of an ACE Advisory Council in December 1996 represents the most significant step towards the construction of a framework to support the ACE sector in the ACT to date. The Council advises the Minister for Education and Training through VETA (Vocational Education and Training Authority) on the following matters:

The Council is currently focussing its efforts on developing policy in consultation with the ACE community. The Council is supported by VETA staff.

There are approximately 100 ACE providers known to operate in the ACT. According to the 1996 ACT Training Profile, just 13 of them `train about 10,000 students and are offering some 330,000 hours of course activity. The total activity by all ACE providers is likely to be substantially greater than this'. [2]

The Committee is advised that there is at present no line item for ACE in the ACT budget. No ACE providers are as yet accessing VET funds through the Training Profile process. In the past two years, the government has taken deliberate steps to diversify the training market in the ACT and anticipates that more ACE providers will gain access to VET funds. [3]

In 1996 AVETMISS was extended to include ACE providers associated with publicly funded institutions.



[1] Transcript of evidence, Canberra, 24 February 1997, p 639 (Mr Gordon)

[2] Developing Adult and Community Education in the ACT, A Discussion Paper, June 1996, p 13

[3] Transcript of evidence, Canberra, 24 February 1997, p 643 (Mr Gordon)