Submissions received by the Committee as at 26 Aug 2009

Inquiry into the Fair Work Bill 2008

Submissions received by the Committee as at 26 Aug 2009

Sub No.

1Mr Paul Meyers (PDF 18KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 12KB) 
2Sex Workers Union (PDF 35KB) 
3Payroll Matters Pty Ltd (PDF 24KB) 
4United Services Union (PDF 400KB) 
5Victorian Trades Hall Council (PDF 156KB) Attachment 1(PDF 470KB) 
6Mr Martin Willoughby-Thomas (PDF 667KB) 
7Alex Falconer (PDF 10KB) 
8Workplace and Corporate Law Research Group, Monash University (PDF 71KB) 
9Motor Trades Association of Australia (PDF 75KB) 
10National Farmers' Federation (PDF 477KB) 
11Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (PDF 4357KB) 
12Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (National Office) (PDF 433KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 22KB) 
13Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF 609KB) 
14Unions Tasmania (PDF 191KB) 
15The Western Australian Farmers Federation Industrial Association (PDF 30KB) 
16Government of Western Australia (PDF 90KB) 
17Adjunct Senior Lectu Richard B Sappey (PDF 49KB) 
18Institute for Private Enterprise (PDF 73KB) 
19Lucio Matarazzo(PDF 43KB) 
20Chamber of Commerce NT (PDF 20KB) 
21Yum! Restaurants Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 164KB) 
22Business SA (PDF 294KB) 
23Queensland Nurses' Union (PDF 1813KB) 
24Employment Law Centre of Western Australia (PDF 80KB) 
25Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association (PDF 906KB) 
26Australian Retailers Association (PDF 81KB) 
27UnionsACT (PDF 343KB) 
28BHP Billiton Ltd (PDF 472KB) 
29The Hon. Neil Brown QC (PDF 112KB) 
30Enterprise Initiatives (PDF 254KB) Attachment 1(PDF 190KB) Attachment 2(Confidential) 
31Queensland Working Women's Service Inc (PDF 294KB) 
32Dr Michael Lyons and Dr Meg Smith (PDF 58KB) 
33Housing Industry Association (HIA) (PDF 58KB) 
34Ms Alexandra Heron (PDF 90KB) 
35Federation of Ethnic Communities' Council of Australia (PDF 76KB) 
36Law Society of NSW (PDF 186KB) 
37Australian Higher Education Industrial Association (AHEIA) (PDF 138KB) 
38Australian Services Union (QLD) (PDF 182KB) 
39Local Government Association of Queensland (PDF 48KB) 
40Stella Maris Seafarers Centre Melbourne (PDF 27KB) 
41Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations (PDF 80KB) 
42Australian Meat Industry Council (PDF 65KB) 
43Queensland Council of Unions (PDF 5669KB) 
44Carers Australia (PDF 260KB) 
45Communication Workers' Union (PDF 158KB) 
46Unions NSW (PDF 271KB) Attachment 1(PDF 157KB) Attachment 2(PDF 118KB) Attachment 3(PDF 246KB) 
47Fairwear SA (PDF 26KB) 
49Fairwear QLD (PDF 51KB) 50Jobs Australia (PDF 963KB) 51Colonial First State (PDF 348KB) 52Electrical and Communications Association (PDF 140KB) 53Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (PDF 106KB) Attachment 1(PDF 119KB) 54Rio Tinto (PDF 96KB) 55Investment and Financial Services Association (PDF 281KB) Attachment 1(PDF 60KB) Attachment 2(PDF 120KB) Attachment 3(PDF 485KB) 56Australian Services Union (National) (PDF 236KB) Attachment 1(PDF 66KB) Attachment 2(PDF 241KB) Attachment 3(PDF 25KB) Attachment 4(PDF 29KB) 57National Electrical and Communications Association (PDF 309KB) 58Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 716KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 1638KB) 59Law Council of Australia (PDF 375KB) 60Australian Business Industrial (PDF 943KB) 61Australian Nursing Federation (PDF 391KB) 62Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 179KB) 63Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 239KB) 64Master Builders Australia Inc (PDF 358KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 1342KB) 65Students' Representative Council, University of Sydney (PDF 342KB) 66Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia (PDF 804KB) 67Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (PDF 155KB) 68Independent Contractors of Australia (PDF 127KB) 69Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (VIC) (PDF 17KB) 70Unions WA (PDF 187KB) 71Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (National Office) (PDF 87KB) 72Restaurant and Catering Australia (PDF 803KB) 73Maritime Union of Australia (PDF 65KB) 74Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (QLD) (PDF 1342KB) 75Confidential76Financial Planning Association (PDF 728KB) Attachment 1(PDF 120KB) Attachment 2(PDF 97KB) 77CPSU- State Public Services Federation Group (PDF 361KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1275KB) 78South Australian Wine Industry Association Inc (PDF 73KB) 79Australian Services Union (VIC Private Sector Branch) (PDF 134KB) 80Mr Dan Dwyer (PDF 67KB) 81Australian Workers' Union (PDF 145KB) 82Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QLD) (PDF 686KB) 83Kristin van Barneveld (PDF 145KB) 84The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia (PDF 278KB) 85Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (PDF 68KB) 86National Pay Equity Coalition and Women’s Electoral Lobby Australia (PDF 277KB) 87Job Watch (PDF 373KB) Attachment 1(PDF 29KB) Attachment 2(PDF 32KB) Attachment 3(PDF 81KB) Attachment 4(PDF 35KB) Attachment 5(PDF 27KB) Attachment 6(PDF 211KB) 88Transport Workers’ Union (PDF 111KB) Attachment 1(PDF 96KB) Attachment 2(PDF 5794KB) Attachment 3(PDF 420KB) 89The Independent Education Union of Australia (the IEUA) (PDF 30KB) 90Fair Wear VIC (PDF 120KB) 91Queensland Workplace Rights Ombudsman (PDF 210KB) 92Justice and International Mission Unit (PDF 110KB) 93ING Australia (PDF 228KB) 94Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (PDF 247KB) 95Australian Education Union (PDF 146KB) 96Australian Mines and Metals Association (PDF 509KB) Attachment 1(PDF 424KB) 97Telstra (PDF 93KB) Attachment 1(Confidential) 98Professor Andrew Stewart (PDF 76KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 46KB) 99Michael Rawling (PDF 120KB) 100Australian Hotels Association (AHA) (PDF 131KB) Attachment 1(PDF 73KB) Attachment 2(PDF 44KB) 101Heidi Brown (PDF 257KB) 102NSW Office of Industrial Relations (PDF 743KB) 103Australian Services Union of NSW (PDF 170KB) 104The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia  (PDF 146KB) 105National Tertiary Education Union (PDF 152KB) 106National Association of Community Legal Centres Employment Network (PDF 46KB) 107Police Federation of Australia (PDF 691KB) Attachment 1(PDF 223KB) 108MLC and NAB (PDF 22KB) 109Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union (PDF 550KB) 110Asian Women at Work (PDF 153KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2045KB) Attachment 2(PDF 11KB) Attachment 3(PDF 13KB) Attachment 4(PDF 13KB) Attachment 5(PDF 13KB) 111National Union of Workers Combined NSW, WA, QLD, SA Branch (PDF 477KB) 112CSL Australia (PDF 743KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1144KB) Attachment 2(PDF 488KB) 113Cochlear (PDF 124KB) 114Rail, Tram and Bus Union (PDF 167KB) 115Combined Small Business Alliance of WA Inc (PDF 1046KB) 116Business Council of Australia (PDF 184KB) 117Electrical Trades Union (ETU) (Vic Branch) (PDF 467KB) Attachment 1(PDF 475KB) 118Australian Industry Group (PDF 655KB) 119Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 366KB) 120National Aquaculture Council (PDF 153KB) 121SA Unions (PDF 290KB) 122Mr Chris White (PDF 407KB) 123Seaborne Clothing Manufacturers Pty Ltd (PDF 22KB) 124Post Office Agents Association Limited (POAAL) (PDF 132KB) 125News Limited (PDF 52KB) 126Mercer Pty Ltd (PDF 98KB) 127Civil Contractors Federation (PDF 792KB) 128Australian Constructors Association (PDF 39KB) 129Professor Emeritas Harry Glasbeek (PDF 83KB) 130Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) (PDF 44KB) 131Associate Professor Beth Gaze (PDF 48KB) 132Professor David Peetz (PDF 163KB) 133Vietnamese Community in Australia (PDF 241KB) 134Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 126KB) 135Ms Anna Chapman (PDF 28KB) 136Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Melbourne University (PDF 119KB) 137Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 139KB) 138Australian Government Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF 143KB) 139National Bulk Commodities Group (PDF 61KB) 140Shipping Australia (PDF 16KB) Attachment 1(PDF 38KB) 141Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland (PDF 79KB) 142Inco Ships (PDF 607KB) 143The Industrial Relations Research Centre, University of New South Wales (PDF 29KB) 144Australian Ship Owners Association (PDF 253KB) 145AMP Financial Services (PDF 52KB) Additional Information 1(PDF 77KB) 146United Fire Fighters Union of Australia (PDF 144KB) Attachment 1(PDF 7221KB) 147Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (PDF 41KB) 148Australian Institute of Employment Rights (PDF 103KB) 149Mr Peter Whitelaw (PDF 8KB) 150Dr John Buchanan (PDF 56KB) Attachment 1(PDF 15KB) Attachment 2(PDF 6977KB) 151Emma Goodwin (PDF 983KB) 152Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 12KB) 153Stooke Consulting Group (PDF 591KB) 154TasBuild Limited (PDF 53KB) 

Additional Information Received

Government response to committee report(PDF 199KB) 
Letter from Minister re amendment(PDF 233KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3521
Fax:+61 2 6277 5706